A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 223】Fried Noodles Will Glow, And There Is Soup In The Noodles?

I don't know if it is my illusion.

Just now, the owner of the coffee shop vaguely saw the fried noodles in the pot glowing.

Can fried noodles still shine?

It must be my own dazzled.

Anyway, he had never seen such a bizarre thing.


Mustache originally planned to sit next to Gabriel.

Who knew he hadn't had time to act yet.

The two girls have already skillfully pulled out the plastic stool from under the dark board.

That movement seemed to have been honed over time.

It looks like an old diner.

Mustache shook his head.

Then walk to the table closest to the food truck.

"Yangnao, Yuanzi, it's so early?"

When regular customers came to the door, Chu Feng greeted them with a smile.

"New dishes, of course we have to come early, what if we are too late to eat?"

Suzuki Sonoko said with a smile, not forgetting to look Chu Feng up and down.

No matter how many times she looks at it, the man in front of her is the handsome guy in her ideal.

Yukinoshita Yangno also laughed, pointed at Yuanzi and said, "Girl, I've been talking about your dishes all the way, let's not talk about the 127, we want two bowls of fried noodles."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and continued to fry the noodles.

Lively girls are always easy to get into a ball.

Since Suzuki Sonoko joined the gourmet group.

Soon he became good friends with the equally cheerful Yukinoshita Yono.

of course~

It is not ruled out that the two have known each other before.

After all, Yukinoshita and the Suzuki consortium are both business families.

It is normal for the two to communicate with each other.


The financial resources of the former are certainly far inferior to those of the latter.

The Suzuki consortium is the top richest family even looking at the whole world.

it won't take a moment~

Three plates of fried noodles come out of the pan.

One of them is a mustache.

Looking at the oily and yellowed fried noodles, Yang Nai couldn't help licking his red lips.

As a lover of fried snacks, it is difficult for her to resist the temptation.

Suzuki Sonoko was a little embarrassed, and seemed worried that eating greasy things would cause acne.

But smelling the tangy fragrance, she subconsciously swallowed her saliva again.

It's not that the second lady of the Suzuki family has never eaten (agca) good things.

It's just that the food here at Chu Feng is really delicious.


They are better than her chef.

Yang Nai was not polite and started eating directly.

The red lips parted slightly, when the first noodle was bitten off.

Yukinoshita Haruno immediately sensed something was wrong.

A feeling of bursting pulp exploded in the mouth instantly.

This noodle......

Yang Nai suddenly raised his head, stared at Chu Feng in a daze, and asked in surprise, "Is there soup in this noodle?"

Suzuki Sonoko turned his head and looked at his friend who was a few years older than him strangely, with confusion in his eyes.

Soup in the noodles?

What's the meaning?

Can soup be poured into noodles?

Anyway, she had never heard of such a strange cuisine.

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became interested.

Take a breath with a 'hissing' sound.

"Really, there is really soup in the noodles!"

"Is this... the smell of beef and fish?"

"No, there are other flavors, but unfortunately I can't taste them.

Only took one bite.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes widened.

She has never eaten such unique noodles.

And Chu Feng still cooks fried noodles.

Why didn't the soup inside leak out?

Miss Suzuki's attention is always a bit strange.

"There are also onions and shiitake mushrooms, but I can't taste the taste of other ingredients in this soup."

Under the snow, Yang Nai raised his brows lightly, and after thinking for a moment, no ministers let go of the army.

Anyway, she is not a chef, so she doesn't need to know this, as long as the food is delicious.

After washing the pot and washing his hands, Chu Feng heard the conversation between the two, and said, "Correct me, that's not soup, it's sauce!"


It is actually a thick soup, a kind of mushy thick juice.

The sauce used in Tongli Liuguo Fried Noodles is quite special.

It is carefully cooked with six kinds of ingredients.

If it weren't for the artifact of turning the dragon pot.

Don't even think about making it in half a day.


Suzuki Sonoko nodded half-understood, and then continued to eat noodles.

Gabriel never said a word, enjoying the feeling of bursting.

She has no interest in the cooking process at all.

Enjoying delicious food quietly is the happiest moment.

Gabriel wished that no one would disturb her to swim in the sea of ​​deliciousness.

The fatness of beef, the delicateness of salmon, the freshness of shiitake mushrooms, the slightly drunkenness of onions...  

All kinds of tastes are intertwined, like being in a delicious swamp, slippery all over, but indescribably comfortable.

Gabriel now just wants to experience this feeling more.

Even the owner of the coffee shop doesn't care about the chatter of the girls these days.

Satisfied to suck two mouthfuls of noodles.

Then he gave Chu Feng a thumbs up.

"The little boss is good at craftsmanship, the star rating should not be low."

Although he runs a coffee shop, in fact, Mustache doesn't pay much attention to food.

But he had never seen such a delicious dish in his life.

The six flavors are intertwined but not separated from each other, completely integrated, as if the taste should be like this.

Beef, salmon, onions, mushrooms, cabbage, and one ingredient he couldn't taste.

But no doubt about it.

Definitely the most delicious meal he has ever tasted in his life.

‘No wonder you dare to buy a copy of 10,000 yen, it turns out that you have real skills!’

The owner of the coffee shop was so emotional that he ate a whole plate of fried noodles without knowing it.

In fact, he really wanted to order another one, but he had no choice but to visit the store, so he could only check out and leave.

Gabriel put down her chopsticks, took out a tissue to wipe her mouth, and then rubbed her stomach with a satisfied face.

In fact, she wasn't full at all, she just pretended to be satisfied.

Not for anyone to see, but to 'deceive' yourself.

After all~

Gabriel's salary these days is only enough to eat such a plate of fried noodles.

Yang Nao and Yuan Zi enjoyed the delicious food to their heart's content, they didn't notice Gabriel's strangeness at all.

The waste material angel left quickly, mainly because he couldn't stand the delicious food that was constantly spreading from the side.

for a while~

There was only a sound of sucking and two girls with flushed faces left in front of the window. .

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