A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 237】Are You Kidding Me? Special Chefs Will Come To Our Canteen To Set Up A Stall?

dog licking behavior,

Chu Feng has always disdained it.


He's the one who gets licked.

He glanced lightly at Igarashi Qinghua.

Boss Chu quickly looked away.

Then look at the nearby students who obviously started to move.

He suddenly felt a little depressed.

Glancing at Momokuchi Ruri who was stuffing the shrimp into her mouth.

Chu Feng is very clear~

It was this woman painted 'Blue Enchantress' that affected her business.


Momokichi Ruri cannot be blamed for this.

People just come to eat a crayfish.

There was no violation of any regulations.

Boss Chu has always been very reasonable.

Never expel guests for no reason.

[Ding! Spicy chili salt crayfish won praise from customers, triggering a hundred times critical strike, reward: 2 million yen!]

【Ding! Simultaneously trigger a hundred times critical strike, reward: 100 points!】

【...Trigger ten times critical strike, reward: 200,000 yen!】

【...Trigger ten times crit, reward: 20 points 1

Connect several prompts to sound.

Chu Feng was too lazy to think about the lack of customers.

It is estimated that after Momokichi Luoli leaves, there will naturally be more guests.

【Gambling Skill: +1】

【Gambling Skill: +2】

The golden characters flashed above the heads of Snake Mengzi and Taoku Lilixiang.

It is very suitable for the current venue, and all the skill points are added to the gambling skills.

Chu Feng estimates~

Perhaps the students of the private Hundred Flower King will only improve this one skill.

Li Lixiang was not as lucky as Qi Luoli, someone specially peeled the shrimp shells.

The slender hands peeled off the shell of the shrimp.

Take out the white shrimp inside and set aside.

After repeated several times, she wiped off the grease on her hands.

Uncover a corner of the mask, slowly pick up a piece and put it in your mouth.

That timid look doesn't look like a high school student.

It was an elementary school student who started stealing bento before lunch time but was worried about being discovered by the teacher.

The way she carefully lifted the mask made even Chu Feng feel anxious for her.

"Aren't you tired wearing this to eat?"

Rolling his eyes, Chu Feng couldn't help complaining.


The movement of chewing the shrimp came to a sudden stop.

Then I looked around.

Taoku Lilixiang realized that Chu Feng was talking to her.

This silly and cute behavior really makes people laugh.

"No, it can't be removed, not at school!"

Li Lixiang made a swallowing movement in her throat, and then faltered.


Although I can't see the expression under the mask of the other party.

But Chu Feng can be sure.

Now Li Lixiang must be flushed all over her face.

Shaking his head and laughing.

He really couldn't understand how a person could be so afraid of being born.

Although Boss Chu is a bit socially fearful.

But at least I can still communicate with people normally.

Now I just want the other party to take off the mask and eat normally.

Li Lixiang actually started to get nervous.

Momokichi Luoli chewed on the shrimp and glanced at her sister, but she was surprisingly silent.

The two sisters knew each other very well, and she knew that it was absolutely impossible for Li Lixiang to take off her mask in school.

In fact~

When Qi Luoli has something to go out.

The two sisters often switch identities.

Li Lixiang plays the role of the president.

This trick works everywhere.

As long as Li Lixiang doesn't speak.

Put on a cold look.

No one can beat it.

After all~

Who dares to doubt the aloof chairman.

Even Igarashi Qinghua.

Now I don't know that the honorable president has a twin sister.

of course~

Things like changing identities.

Kirari has no fun at all.

But for Li Lixiang who wanted to help herself.

This is the only thing she can do as an introvert.

There was a wry smile in her heart, and Qi Luoli was also very helpless about this.

if it is possible...….…

She hoped that Li Lixiang would show her beautiful side generously.

Shaking her head and laughing, Qi Luoli picked up a piece of shrimp again.

The red lips are lightly parted, slightly bitten off, the teeth are magnetized between the teeth...  

The elasticity of the shrimp waltzes cheerfully on the tongue.

The expression of joy flashed past, and Qi Luoli narrowed her eyes subconsciously.


This is the taste~

The taste of spicy and salt and pepper is constantly circulating.

Two unique flavors mixed together.

Completely conquer the taste buds of this high-cold president.

Although the crayfish is not as good as the concubine's smile.

But under Chu Feng's cooking, it still presents the ultimate deliciousness.


"Oh my god~ the chairman actually laughed?"

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a super chef's cuisine, and it can make the cold president smile."

"The president is so beautiful when he smiles, he is simply the most perfect goddess."

"Today, I have to eat a special chef's food, I will go to the student union to borrow money now!"

"That's right~ Laozi has never tasted special food in his life~~"

"It's either rich or powerful, or it's all luck, otherwise, who can taste the craftsmanship of a special chef?"

"Boss Chu can come to our school to set up a stall, that is our luck!"

See Qi Luoli and others eat so deliciously.

The nearby students stared at the clear soup and the colorless fried meat on their plates, and now they have no appetite at all.

Stir fried vegetables!

The taste is inherently heavy.

At this time, half of the cafeteria was filled with the strong aroma of fresh shrimp and pepper.

How can these people still eat the meals in the cafeteria.

And those who hadn't had time to cook, silently put down their plates.

They all stopped at a corner of the cafeteria, waiting for Qi Luoli to leave.

Probably just waiting for the dreaded student council president to leave.

They'll swarm toward the food truck.

Chu Feng glanced at the 'diners' who were waiting in line.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

As for the canteen business?

none of his business!

Chu Feng is not a virgin so much as to sympathize with strangers he doesn't know.

at this time.

A chunky middle-aged man came out.

I saw the sparse and sporadic teams in front of the window.

He couldn't help frowning.


He noticed the conspicuous fast food truck in the cafeteria.


The chunky man's brows furrowed even tighter.

Walking to the nearest window, he dissatisfied: "``When did the school add fast food business?"

"Didn't the manager, student union and council notify you?"

The cafeteria aunt was a little surprised.

"Uh...the academy doesn't seem to have any instructions on this recently.

The short and fat man was a little suspicious, always feeling that something was wrong.

A strange fast food truck appeared in the cafeteria very abruptly.

normal person's first reaction,

It should be questioning the origin of the fast food truck.

But the first thing the cafeteria manager thought of,

But just to confirm whether the school has added this business?

Fantastic food trucks wherever they appear.

It will invisibly affect the cognition of those around you.

The manager of the cafeteria shook his head. He really couldn't think of anything wrong, so he could only helplessly say: "Forget it, I'll go and tell him to set up a stall outside the cafeteria. It won't affect our business."

The aunt in the cafeteria gave the short and fat man a strange look, and kindly reminded: "I advise you not to go, first see who is sitting over there."

The cafeteria manager looked suspicious, hesitated for a moment, and took out his glasses from his suit pocket to put them on.

"Student council president?"

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

Myopia, after he saw clearly.

I almost dropped my glasses (Qian Wang's) in fright.

"She, why did she come to the cafeteria to eat?"

this moment.

The expression on the chunky man's face was like seeing a ghost.

In fact, since Momokichi Luoli entered school.

She never set foot in the cafeteria at all.

After working as a canteen manager for so long,

Humpty Man was sure of that.

But before he was shocked,

The canteen aunt dropped a bombshell again.

"Because... the food truck owner is a master chef!"

The conversation of the group of students just now.

The aunt in the canteen heard it clearly.

Although it feels incredible.

But now that I think about it, it makes sense.

Only special chef dishes.

Only then can the members of the student union come to the cafeteria.


Hear this answer.

The canteen manager was stunned.

I almost doubted my ears.

"Huh? A super chef is coming to set up a stall in our cafeteria?"

"Are you kidding me? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

At the moment he has only two thoughts.

Either I was too tired to work and had auditory hallucinations.

Or the guy in charge of cooking in front of me is crazy...

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