A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 244】Since It's Hard To Choose, Let's Go To The Metropolitan Police Department!

A student of the private Hundred Kao Academy.

It is considered the richest group among high school students.

And Chu Feng still set up a stall inside the school.

Counting the cashback of critical strikes, this has earned more than 300 million yuan.


The fraction of Maple Leaf Gold Coins earned more than he did today.

It's really unbalanced!

Chu Feng couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

Thinking about whether to get this batch of gold coins in advance.

Anyway, it is also a thing without an owner, so don't want it for nothing.

After so many years, Chu Feng has-forgot many details.

I vaguely remember where the gold coins are hidden only when I come to Tokyo Tower at night.

He couldn't see anything based on a picture that looked like a child's graffiti.

Just as he was about to babble and leave, he suddenly felt like someone was staring at him.

Slowly raising his head, he happened to meet the eyes of three men in black suits.

One of them has an East Asian face, while the other two are foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes.

Could it be that these angry-eyed guys are members of the bandit group of the Illy Kingdom?

Chu Feng hadn't forgotten the news that he had just read this morning.

What are these guys doing with Conan?

Tamako looked around twice.

Chu Feng quickly thought of the reason.

It seems that Tino Cabana is also an old fox.

Did not tell the accomplices where the gold coins were hidden at all.

vaguely remember~

In the original book, Conan seems to have passed these three guys head-on.

"Okay, I'll go back first, you guys follow the treasure."

Glancing briefly at the members of the bandit group, Chu Feng waved at Yuan Tai and the others.

"Yeah, we will continue to work hard, we must find the big treasure, goodbye chef big brother."

Yuan Taihan smiled and waved, as if he was holding the winning ticket.


Conan continued to laugh dryly.

It seems that I don't believe that the graffiti I picked up in the art gallery is a treasure map.

If it weren't for Yuantai and Guangyan to pull him out, the ghost would be willing to wander around in the street.

With this time, it is better to look for clues about the black organization with Dr. A Li.

Bearing the body of a child all day long, Conan is in despair all the time.


Mix in a bunch of kid heads all day long.

Isn't this embarrassing me Kudo Shinichi?

Watching the dark blue fast food truck leave.

Conan seemed to notice something, and looked back suddenly.

Yuan Tai asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Mitsuhiko and Sota Hori also looked over.

Conan frowned and said, "It's nothing, I felt someone was staring at us just now.

Yuan Tai: "No way? Is someone trying to steal our treasure map?"

Mitsuhiko: "It is very possible that we have been targeted by bad guys."

Sota Hori: "Then what should we do? How about we call the police!"

"We can't call the police, we still have to find the treasure."

Yuan Tai quickly waved her hands, with reluctance written all over her round face.

Putting his chin on one hand, Mitsuhiko nodded and said: "Well, we can't give up this opportunity, as long as we find the treasure, we can definitely make our name as a young detective team!"


Genta and Hori Sota nodded again and again.


Conan still rolled his dead fish eyes and smiled dryly.

It is estimated that if this continues, his expression will become numb.

'This group of little devils really treat the paintings they picked up at random as treasure maps, they are so naive and ridiculous!'

Conan complained secretly, and at the same time felt that he was too sensitive recently, and would be nervous at every turn of the day.

He looked back just now and found no suspicious person at all.

Probably just a curious passer-by.

'It's all because Yuanta and the others are too noisy, this is on the street...

Looking at the three guys bouncing in front of him, Conan couldn't help complaining again.

After the fast food truck passed the corner, it stopped again.

Thor seemed to see Chu Feng's plan, and said with a smile: "What? Worried about those three people hurting the little ones?"

"Anyway, they are also Kang Na's classmates, so we can't watch them in danger."

Chu Feng shrugged unknowingly, then walked towards the back alley.

Thor smiled slightly, and cast "Cognitive Impairment"

The two of them seemed invisible, and soon came to the end of the back alley.

Here are three of Tino Cabana's accomplices.

"If you want me to say, just kill those four brats and grab the blueprint."

One of the tall Italians pouted dissatisfiedly.

0...seeking flowers...

"No! Now we can't scare the snake, and we have to choose a place with few people."

The dwarf with an East Asian face should sound like a neon man with a mustache.

"But, even if we get the blueprint, how can we determine where the gold coins are hidden?"

Another Italian said helplessly.

"Get it first and then talk, damn Cabana, we were put together by him.

"Hmph, what he did was nothing more than considering the current development, and he wanted us to rescue him."

"Save him? Go to the Metropolitan Police Department to rob someone? That's fucking death!"

"Take one step at a time. If there is no other way, it is the last choice."

The neon man raised his hand and shaved his mustache with his thumb, and his expression became extremely gloomy as the other two looked at each other.


Then, a calm voice sounded in their ears.

"Since it's hard to choose, then go to the Metropolitan Police Department to accompany your leader."

The faces of the three changed drastically, and they immediately took out their pistols.



"Come out now!"

The three of them looked gloomy, staring at the empty alley.

next second!

A man and a woman appeared out of nowhere in a back alley.

Very abrupt and scary.

Two people appeared out of nowhere in the alley in broad daylight.

When normal people see this scene, most of them will be frightened.

The three robbers shuddered subconsciously.

Fortunately, it's usually a brain-dead business.

The group of guys quickly forced themselves to calm down.

"Are you humans or ghosts?"

Mustache asked in neon language, his voice trembling a little.

Don't dare the other party to be a human or a ghost, appearing in such a way, it shows that the other party is not easy to mess with.

Bazihu ​​now just wants to find the maple leaf gold coins as soon as possible and fly away, without getting into any trouble again.


It was a finger that answered him.

To be precise~

Chu Feng just raised one hand and didn't even touch the group of people.

next second~

The three robbers fainted instantly.

The powerful mental power is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

Glancing faintly at the fainted robber, Chu Feng took out his cell phone casually.

———Call the police!.

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