A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 251】 Erina One Three Five, Alice Two Four Six!

Take another bite of fish.

Crispy and tender, moderately sweet and sour.

There was also a faint ketchup smell.

The fish melts in your mouth.

A sweet and sour taste constantly stimulates Chu Feng's taste buds.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although Alice's cooking is not perfect, she still can't make the best use of the ingredients.

But being able to achieve this level in student days is already commendable.

"Very good food, the decoration of fish scales and tomato sauce is also a very good idea.

After savoring the dish in front of him carefully, Chu Feng made an objective evaluation.

With his current level, it is easy to find out the many shortcomings of Alice.

But Chu Feng, whose mentality had changed, didn't speak out in person.

After all, the levels are completely different.

If you use his level to measure the other party's cooking.

Obviously unfair to Alice.


A big smile appeared on Alice's face.

Like a kindergarten kid who got a little red flower.

Those burgundy eyes were full of surprise.

Actually at first.

I really didn't expect my cooking to be praised by Chu Feng.

As long as the other party doesn't say it's unpalatable.

She is already content.

this moment~

Alice was extremely excited at 06.

Erina stared intently at the dish of sweet and sour carp with a gold border.

It seems a bit unexpected that Alice's cooking can be recognized.

But what's even more surprising is....

Chu Feng's tone now does not seem to be as 'mean' as before.

Erina never forgot the first time the two met, and the other party left her speechless.

With constant contact.

Not only did she gradually accept civilian cooking.

Chu Feng's way of dealing with people is also changing.

Quickly retract these irrelevant thoughts.

Because Chu Feng has already started tasting her dishes.

Erina ignored the excited Alice and stared at Chu Feng with her beautiful eyes full of expectation.

After all, apart from Senzaemon, it is difficult to find a second special chef to taste her dishes.

Special chefs are usually very busy, and they don't talk to students like them without special reasons, even if she is the tongue of God.

The sweet and sour carp made by Erina is golden in color as a whole, like a sailboat made of gold.

If we say that Alice's cooking incorporates the combination of molecular gastronomy.

The dish in front of me has a distinct sense of layering combining Chinese and Western.

Italian style full of classical melody,

And a calm and heavy Chinese style.

The two complement each other without being disharmonious.

Chu Feng nodded secretly.

Gently flip the tip of the chopsticks until the skin turns golden brown.

Also moving chopsticks is Senzaemon.

At this moment, the old face was full of relief.

He had tasted the sweet and sour fish cooked by Alice just now, and it was indeed a lot better than before.

Now that Erina's cooking looks even better, Zaemon is naturally full of expectations.

The carp of the Yellow River leaps over the dragon's gate.

The Yellow River carp is plump and fleshy.

Erina used water chestnuts and bamboo shoot tips to make the gravy.

It makes the whole dish seem to be coated with a golden coat.

"The sweet and sour taste is moderate, the outside is crispy and the inside is tender, the sweet and sour sauce is thickened just right, overall it is well done.

After a sip, Chu Feng gave the same evaluation.


Erina was dumbfounded.

Is that the only kind of evaluation you have?

Miss Tsundere couldn't help but start complaining.

If she and Alice cook similarly.

So who wins?

There was a sudden shock.

Erina was suddenly not as confident as before.

Chu Feng's ambiguous evaluation immediately made the two sisters nervous.

Thor and Kang Na lay on the back of the sofa, staring at Chu Feng's back curiously.

They don't care about the taste of the dishes, but are more curious about the final outcome.

Erina and Alice, who can get Chu Feng's favor?

Alice, who has a frank personality, was the first to lose her composure, and asked in a low voice: "Then Erina or I, whose cooking is better?"

After asking this sentence, Alice stared nervously at Chu Feng, as if afraid of getting a negative answer.

The same is true for Erina, her original cold expression can no longer be stretched, her beautiful eyes are full of tension.

Senzaemon turned his head and looked at Chu Feng hesitantly.

After tasting the dishes of his two granddaughters, he actually already had the answer in his heart.

No matter how Chu Feng chooses, it will hurt the self-esteem of one of them.

But since he only needs one assistant [there will always be ten people out.

'This time, it seems to be a bit over the top.

Looking at the two expectant and nervous girls in front of him.

Chu Feng suddenly realized that his proposal was a bit hasty.

No matter what choice you make.

It is bound to hit another person's self-confidence.


Chu Feng froze in place immediately.

I was really a little lacking in consideration before.


Tamako glanced around a few times.

He quickly thought of a way for everyone to 'don't get hurt'.

"Since you are all doing the same thing, why don't you guys just stagger your internship time."

That's right~

This is what Chu Feng thought of.

If you can't choose, you want them all!

Anyway, you can bring one with you, and it doesn't matter if you have one more.


Erina was slightly taken aback, almost unable to react.

Alice's eyes lit up, she immediately smiled and clapped her hands, and said pleasantly, "Yes, as long as we change people to the stall every day, we can practice at Boss Chu's place. Ah~~ Why didn't I think of it before?"

Erina reacted quickly.

Then he looked at Chu Feng with a bit of resentment.

Since there is such a way to have the best of both worlds.

Why didn't you speak up sooner?

The two sisters must come to a competition.

When watching a play!

At this moment, Erina seriously suspected that Chu Feng was just trying to play tricks on them.

Senzaemon was thoughtful, and then gave Chu Feng a grateful look.

He knew very well that the other party really only planned to give one place.

It was only in order to take care of the self-esteem of his granddaughter that he reluctantly came up with a compromise.

Senzaemon didn't say much, and he didn't need to say words of gratitude, but he remembered the favor in his heart.

Suddenly, Alice asked 180: "Boss Chu, when will we both come to work?"

Erina also returned to her original aloofness, but she obviously wanted to know how Chu Feng would arrange it.

"Let's count by week, Erina is one, three, five, Alice is two, four, six, when you start the internship, just let me know when the time comes.

Without any hesitation, Chu Feng quickly made arrangements.

Alice was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and said with a frowning face, "According to this calculation, wouldn't I be several days less than Erina?"

The fieldwork at Tōtsuki Gakuen lasted for one month, exactly 30 days.

If the list is arranged by week, Erina has at least four days more than her.

Alice is a girl who doesn't know how to hide her emotions. She always likes to show her emotions on her face.

When she thought that she had less time to study with Chu Feng than Erina, she felt a little depressed.


Senzaemon's brow furrowed and his tone became stern.

Alice was taken aback for a moment, but then she found that her father's eyes were on Erina's dish.

What do you mean?

Could it be...

Alice seemed to understand something.

Picking up a clean pair of chopsticks, I took a bite of Erina's sweet and sour fish.

She instantly understood why Chu Feng made such an arrangement.

turn out to be.....

The loser is her.

If she followed the initial proposal, she wouldn't even be able to earn a single day.

In this way, the one who suffers should be Erina.

think here~

Alice glanced at Chu Feng gratefully, and felt guilty when she looked at Erina again. .

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