A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 254】Where Can I Buy A Fresh Knife, A Self-Cooking Pot, And Magical Kitchen Utensils?

"Da da da~~~"

The two chopping boards in the kitchen kept making the sound of chopping vegetables.

Erina and Alice skillfully picked up the ingredients on the kitchen counter and quickly cut them into thin strips.

If you observe carefully, you can find that they are exactly the same as the silk that Chu Feng cut before.

But when it comes to speed and movement, it is obviously much slower.

If we say Chu Feng's movements are graceful and calm.

Then the two sisters are more cautious.

That's right!

Erina and Alice, who have been exposed to cooking since childhood, are extremely cautious in front of Chu Feng at this moment, for fear of making the slightest mistake.

After all, if you want to achieve the same standard, you can't do it if you don't take it seriously.

Taking advantage of Chu Feng not paying attention.

Alice secretly tasted a shredded tofu.

Those wine-red eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sure enough, as Aunt Mana said, this knife has the effect of improving freshness, and the quality of this tofu has been improved several times at least."

Alice's movement of cutting tofu shreds came to a sudden stop, and she couldn't help being amazed.

Even if Nakiri Mana's conjecture has been known for a long time.

But I really saw the magic of the Eternal Soul Knife.

The white-haired girl was still extremely shocked.

Erina's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Give me a try!"

"No, I haven't played enough yet!"

A sly smile appeared on Alice's face, and she continued: "If you can call me Sister Alice, maybe I will give it to you as soon as I am happy...

"Don't even think about it! I'm obviously older than you!"

Erina, who stopped chopping vegetables, straightened her body, her perfect curves were ready to emerge.

Alice didn't care, and started cutting tofu shreds again, muttering: "Then you don't want to play with this knife today.

Erina: ………………

Chu Feng leaned against the door frame, watched the two sisters bickering speechlessly, and then said with a blank face:

"Hurry up, the Yongling Knife is not for the two of you to play with... Alice, give Erina a try on the knife, and seriously experience the differences in the ingredients handled by different kitchen utensils."


Big Boss Chu spoke, and Alice dared not make a mistake.

It was only when he really fought against Chu Feng that he realized how strict the other party was.

Shredded in different lengths, dense!

The thickness is different, or not!

The ingredients are slightly damaged, but it is also not good...

Alice feels that Chu Feng's requirements for cooking are stricter than that of Roland Chapelle, who has always been known for his strictness.

But she, who always said whatever came to her mind, couldn't help muttering: "What's the difference? Isn't the freshness increased several times?"

Chu Feng frowned slightly, gave Alice a hard look, and Kang asked, "Then tell me how many times the collective improvement has been made? Have you ever thought about how to cook ingredients with different degrees of freshness? How can we keep the taste of all the ingredients?" consistent?"


Alice was speechless for a moment, her eyes widened.

The taste of the ingredients before and after freshening is different, how can it be possible to maintain a consistent taste?

'Are you sure you're not embarrassing me???

Alice complained secretly, but dared not speak out.

Anyway, with her current level, she can't think of a solution at all, and she just feels dizzy.

"Remember the taste of each ingredient, listen to its sound, feel every detail, and keep this feeling firmly in mind. Only in this way can you know how to select and prepare ingredients when making dishes..."

Although Senzaemon just got rid of Chu Feng and let the two sisters practice with him, he didn't ask for teaching.

But since there is nothing to do now, Chu Feng simply taught them a little common sense.

He's a master chef anyway.

If the other party has set up a stall with him for a month, he hasn't made any progress.

Chu Feng couldn't justify it in face.

"Listen to the sound of the ingredients, like Senior Si?"

Alice was a little confused, muttering to herself.

Eishi Tsukasa is known as the white knight on the table, and it is said that he can perceive the essence of ingredients.

Erina heard that, after taking the Eternal Spirit Knife from Alice, she shook her head and said, "It's not the same! What Chu Feng said is obviously much more advanced than that of Senior Si.

"Not only to distinguish different ingredients, but also to analyze every detail of each ingredient..."

"Huh~~ It's really a great challenge!"

Erina let out a long breath, feeling the pressure immediately.

Although what Chu Feng said is common sense, the use of ingredients is far beyond the understanding of ordinary chefs.

Even if God's Tongue has tasted most of the ingredients in the world, he is worried that he can't do it right now.

A wry smile appeared on Alice's fair face, and she sighed, "It sounds so complicated. Boss Chu's requirements for cooking are too high."

"Alice, only with such a strict attitude can you make the ultimate cooking!"

Erina took it for granted that she, who has always pursued perfection, agreed with Chu Feng's approach.


Alice snorted softly, and muttered: "To put it lightly, I don't have the tongue of God like you.

This is a big truth.

Erina, who has the tongue of God, can easily distinguish various details. What bothers her is how to perfectly blend different flavors.

If Alice wants to meet Chu Feng's requirements, she has to keep trying. At the same time, she has to show the momentum of "three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulation" and desperately remember all her insights.

Thinking of this, Alice turned her head away, not looking at the proud Erina.


She saw Chu Feng start playing with that strange 'pot'.

In fact, Alice discovered this thing when she first entered the kitchen.

0………seeking flowers…………

Although the shape is a bit weird, it's just a soup pot at best, and she didn't pay too much attention to it.

Seeing Chu Feng stuffing chicken and pork bones into it now, I can't help being a little curious.

It's time to start cooking soup, isn't it a bit late?

It's almost eleven o'clock now!

There are at most three hours before the afternoon stall.

Two or three hours!

It is impossible to make a thick soup.

Although I don't know the specific method of Wenxin tofu.

But Alice is estimated to be similar to Wensi Tofu.

And the latter~

It requires a thick old soup when making it.

Only chicken bones and pork bones are squeezed to the extreme.

In order to make the originally light tofu shreds have a strong fragrance.

Just when the Nakiri sisters were puzzled.

The sky blue 'pot' was steaming without warning.

The rising white mist lingered, immediately covering the kitchen with a counter.

Erina: (⊙o⊙)....

Alice: (⊙_⊙)?

The sisters were dumbfounded again.

Almost at the same time, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

No dizziness?

The sky blue 'pot' was placed firmly on the kitchen counter on the other side, and there was no fire under the pot......

So here comes the problem.

Why is it steaming?

And it's frighteningly fast.

Just as Chu Feng poured the water and ingredients in, it became hot within a few seconds.

The sisters could even hear the sound of water boiling inside.


The craters aren't even that fast, are they?


What kind of kitchen utensil is this?

Automatic soup pot?

Let alone knowledge, the sisters have never heard of it before.

Don't look at the Nakiri family who are in charge of the neon cuisine world.

But in terms of insight, it is far inferior to the top management of IGO.

At least Nakiri Mana wasn't that surprised when he saw the Eternal Soul Knife.

Unlike Erina and Alice, their eyes are straight now.


The two saw Chu Feng fish out the bones in the pot, and pour the soup into another stainless steel bucket.

Rich soup poured out from the mouth of the pot, and the thick white soup had a crystal-clear oily sheen and exuded a delicious fragrance.

So fast?

Is the soup still this thick?

The sisters were shocked again.

The speed of boiling thick soup is almost faster than scrambled eggs and fried rice.

Can you believe it?

Anyway, before this, they would not believe in such a fantastic thing.

but now~

The facts are in front of them, and they can't help them to question.

Erina and Alice looked at each other.

I always feel that what I have seen and heard today has surpassed everything in my life.

Fresh knife, self-cooked......

Now Alice has only one question on her mind.

Where did you get these amazing kitchen utensils?

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