A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 256】First There Is A Sage And Then There Is Heaven, I Am As Beautiful As A Fairy In A Paint

[Ding! Wenxin Tofu has been well received by customers, triggering a hundred times crit, reward: 500,000 yen, 100 points!】

The system's notification tone made Chu Feng feel relieved.

The cooking experienced by others can also be a hundred times crit.

Although there is no brush out skills.

But Chu Feng didn't care at all.

Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't have any good skills to learn.

Probably not as good as Yang Nao...

People can at least ride horses.

In terms of eating.

Xue Nai seems to be more particular than Yang Nai.

Know that when eating on an empty stomach, drink half a bowl of soup to moisten the stomach.


The girl with black short sleeves and a long white suspender skirt beside her, completely relaxed her frowning brows, and an involuntary smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Chu Feng took a surprised look at Yukinoshita Yukino, who never thought that the girl who had been cold the third time she met would laugh and look pretty.

Do not misunderstand!

Just pure appreciation.

He has little interest in the 'Guanzhong Plain'.

Drink up half a bowl of tofu soup,

Xue 06 couldn't help but shine in front of her eyes,

There was a warm current in my heart instantly.

It was as if the whole body was soaked in the hot spring, which was indescribably warm.

Light shredded tofu and rich chicken and ham.

Obviously two completely opposite tastes,

Eat it in your mouth but there is nothing unusual,

As if the dish itself should be like this.

With rich fresh soup,

After the fusion of various flavors, the brain impacts the taste buds,

Instantly destroyed her cold disguise.

Yukinoshita Haruno has already eaten a bowl of rice,

He took a bowl of soup and took a sip,

Suddenly, there was a sound that was enough to lock into the small black room.

"Hmm~~ Tofu soup can be this fresh?"

Yukinoshita Yoshino looked at his sister who was not so happy with him.

I understand why Xue Nao, who is usually aloof and aloof, shows a knowing smile.

This 'Wenxin Tofu',

Unrivaled deliciousness indeed,

It seems to have the effect of purifying the soul.

just took a sip,

Yang Nai showed an expression of "as expected",

Boss Chu's craftsmanship is still as stable as ever.

"Of course, the essence of the ingredients are all melted into this bowl of soup.

Alice in the food truck answered with a smile.

She and Yang Nai are considered 'old acquaintances'.

Although we haven't met each other in private, we can chat better in the food group.

"Yeah~ Only Chu Feng can make a bowl of tofu soup so perfect~~"

Yang Nai nodded in agreement, and did not forget to give the man in the fast food truck a compliment.

Alice, wearing a white floral apron, smiled and said, "I can help too."

"How does it feel to be an intern here?"

"It's great, I can learn a lot from Boss Chu.

"Oh, come on then!"

Yang Nai is not interested in cooking,

I just want to be a carefree foodie.

Received an elite education from an early age,

Bearing the future of the Yukinoshita family.

She has always felt depressed,

In the past, only fried food could bring her some solace.

Until I met the cuisine of the fast food truck...

Yang Naicai completely opened her heart, and gradually took on the look that a foodie should have.

As Chu Feng often said, you have to be happy when you eat.

Yukinoshita Yangno filled another bowl of rice, and continued to enjoy the warm home-cooked dishes.

"Have you ever talked about internships in the group?"

Inside the fast food truck, Chu Feng spoke suddenly.


Alice was taken aback for a moment, then understood Chu Feng's worry, and explained: "Don't worry, Boss Chu, I only had a private chat with Sister Yang Nai and asked about some matters that need attention in the workplace. The market is not well understood.


Chu Feng nodded slightly, Alice's explanation was reasonable.

Yang Nai, who is currently studying at the National University, has already begun to contact the family business.

Taking a strange look at Alice, Chu Feng felt that the other party was a little worried.

He is just a stall, and there are no such routines in the workplace here.

Is it possible that he can still sneak up on these two sisters?

Chu Feng suddenly felt that his character was being questioned.

Shaking his head and laughing.

He still doesn't understand a woman's mind.


A burst of dog barking brought Boss Chu back from his mind.

An ordinary red car was parked on the opposite side of the road.

In the back row, there was a little Shiba Inu lying on the window sill, barking at the food truck.

Chu Feng was speechless for a while, and at the same time recognized the puppy.

Isn't this the little Shiba Inu I met at the stall opposite the fitness center?

Sure enough, it is worthy of a dog's nose, and you can smell the fragrance of vegetables from such a distance.

There is no surprise why the other party appears here.

Obviously it is a dog with an owner, and it is normal to be brought out.

But what surprised Chu Feng was the dog owner.

A very cute girl with short hair.

And he still 'knows'.

To be precise.

Chu Feng knew each other before time travel.

Megumi Kato!


It is the sage Hui who is "there is a saint first and then there is heaven, and I am as beautiful as a fairy in the painting."

At the same time, it is also the girl that many two-dimensional otaku think is the most suitable to be a wife.

Chu Feng really didn't expect that the owner of the little Shiba Inu turned out to be Kato Megumi.

Inside the red car, a girl with short hair is comforting her pet dog.

Sitting in the front cab was a long-haired woman with a more mature and charming appearance who was roughly similar in appearance to him, probably Kato Megumi's mother.

"What happened to Bupleurum?"

The long-haired woman turned her head, with a hint of doubt on her face.

"Mom, I don't know what's going on with 680, Chai Hu is usually very obedient..."

Kato Megumi frowned slightly, and kept stroking the little Shiba Inu's back, trying to calm it down.

"Wow woof~~"

Bupleurum was unmoved, opened its mouth and barked wildly forward with its tongue sticking out, its tail wagging rapidly, and its eyes seemed to be filled with an inexplicable light.


Kato Megumi quickly noticed the fast food truck ahead.

The dark blue appearance is majestic and particularly eye-catching.

"This scent?"

Because there is still a distance from the fast food truck, Megumi Kato can only smell a faint fragrance of vegetables.

"Is it because of the taste of the food that Bupleurum is so excited?"

Kato Megumi immediately thought of this possibility.

Ritsuko Kato and her daughter had the same thoughts, and said with a smile: "Bupleurum must be hungry, but the little guy's nose is really sharp, and he can smell the fragrance from such a distance.


While comforting the noisy puppy, Kato Megumi hesitated to speak, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

With a kind heart, she really wants to satisfy the dog's "craving".

Seeing the appearance of her precious daughter, Ritsuko Kato smiled and said, "Let's go, we just haven't had lunch yet.


An imperceptible smile suddenly appeared on Kato Megumi's small face, and he followed his mother with Bupleurum by the hand, walking slowly towards the fast food truck.

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