A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 263】The Only One Who Can Make A Nine-Star Chef Highly Admired Is...

"Boss Chu, there is no such thing as you, you only think about Ai Wan, and you don't understand my feelings at all.

Dojima Gin reacted quickly and complained half-jokingly.

He is not a patient, how could he like light cooking.

"You can also order a new one."

Chu Feng ignored the other party's 'demand' and said it as a matter of course.

Dojima Gin was not angry either, and joked with a smile: "Sure enough, you are the best at doing business.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but think of the not-so-successful residential study.

At that time, because of the appearance of fast food trucks, the first day of study ended without a problem.


Dojima Gin happily ordered another shredded pork with green peppers.

It's only five thousand yuan, which doesn't hurt him much.

"Hawthorns and plums?"

Ai Wan was drinking soup, and her eyes suddenly brightened.

The light tofu soup has a little sweet and sour taste, which is really a good appetizer and digestion.

Dojima Gin took a sip, then smiled and said, "Isn't this specially prepared for him again?"

Who knows, Chu Feng shook his head and said: "No, there are these two kinds of ingredients in the first place, but it's not easy for ordinary people to find out.

"Hawthorn is sweet and sour, helps digestion and invigorates the stomach; plums invigorate the stomach and warm the spleen, promote fluid and quench thirst; plus tofu, which is always easy to digest, this combination is simply wonderful."

Dojima Gin couldn't help shouting praises. 687

Aimaru nodded involuntarily.

I seem to like this Wenxin tofu very much.

That table not far away~

The Biqigu brothers and sisters vaguely heard the conversation of several people, and couldn't help but froze in place.

"Hawthorn and plum? Are these two flavors in the soup?"

Hikigu Hachiman almost drank the soup in the steel bowl, and he didn't notice it at all.

Sure enough, I am a taste idiot!

Hikigu Hachiman curled his lips subconsciously.

Hikigaya Komachi was slightly stunned, and then realized: "No wonder! I just said something is wrong? After eating so much, my stomach doesn't feel bloated at all. It turns out that Wenxin Tofu has the miraculous effect of digesting food and strengthening the stomach!"

The brothers and sisters were amazed, and had a little taste of the magic of fast food truck cooking.

But what a few people just said about 'food knights', '(agfg) fantasy ingredients' and the like.

Hikigu Hachiman can understand every word.

Connected but don't understand what it means.

Always feel tall.


Now he has an evaluation of the fast food truck owner in his heart.

It has been upgraded by more than one notch.

Hiki Valley Hachiman was born and raised in Chiba Prefecture.

Of course I know Dojima Gin's name.

Chief Chef of Tōtsuki Resort Hotel,

Once the first seat of Tōtsuki Academy,

It is also the holder of the highest score for graduates.

This is definitely a benchmark for Chiba County.

Small citizens like them can only look up.


Such lofty figures,

Facing the owner of the fast food truck, he was very polite,

He even lowered his posture a little bit in his speech.

This feeling,

It was exactly the same as when he faced Shizuka Hiratsuka.

look like friends,

But he maintained the most basic respect for the 'teacher'.


Dojima Gin has immense respect for the young people in the food truck.

Could it be~

His cooking level is higher than Dojima Gin?

Think carefully!

Before Hikigu Hachiman could react.

The nearby diners have already whispered.

"Chef Dojima, to think so highly of the cuisine here?"

"It's just like when I asked the old professor for a topic."

"Could it be that... the owner of the food truck is better than Chef Dojima?"

"A nine-star chef can be respected so much, isn't he a special chef?"

"Don't make trouble, what kind of character is a super chef, how could he come out to set up a stall..."

A group of diners whispered to each other, but they couldn't hear the voice of a middle-aged man.

Who said special chefs can't set up stalls, Boss Chu has this hobby!

The middle-aged man looked enviously at Dojima Gin who had a pleasant conversation with Chu Feng.

Sure enough, the status is different, and the treatment is also very different.

When I asked for contact information just now, the other party didn't even bother to talk to him.

The middle-aged man who was full of food and drink got up, slowly disappeared into the crowd with a trace of reluctance and nostalgia.

The next time I want to eat food from the fast food truck, I don’t know when I will have to wait. It all depends on luck.

Not long after~

The Biqigu brothers and sisters also left.

In fact, Komachi wanted to ask Chu Feng for his contact information.

After all, the food here is really delicious like never before.

Although she can't come to eat often because of her conditions.

But it’s okay to try once in a while.

her pocket money~

Much more than my elder brother.

But Hikigu Hachiman didn't give her this chance.

After eating, he pulled Komachi and left without looking back.

Five thousand dishes?

Who can afford to eat every day!

If the other party is really a super chef...

I'm afraid it's already the cheapest thing a food truck has.

Hiki Valley Hachiman is simply unimaginable.

Once you fall in love with the food here, what should you do next?

Ordinary people like them can't afford such expensive 'food'.

From simplicity to luxury is easy, from luxury to simplicity is difficult!

Hikigu Hachiman knows this truth well.

Through talking, Chu Feng finally knew why Dojima Gin was able to find here.

It turned out that Alice told Senzaemon in the morning that he was going to set up a stall in Chiba County, and the old man notified Dojima Gin.

The head chef at Tōtsuki Hotel has been obsessed with Chu Feng's culinary philosophy ever since he ate vegetable jelly and ramen.

Now that there is an opportunity, naturally rush to come.

As for Aimu~~

Just happened to hit it.

I am extremely lucky to choose to visit Dojima Gin today.

Aimaru is the captain of the Gourmet Knights.

Both strength and cooking skills are excellent.

Only limited by a weak physique, the explosive power and stamina are a bit stretched.

At the same time, because he couldn't awaken the gourmet demon, his cooking level remained at nine stars.

But even so, he is also a well-known figure in the culinary world.

After all, Aimaru has saved countless people.

Just as the three of them were talking.

A reminder flashed above the heads of Aimaru and Dojima Gin at the same time.

【Life +1】

[Energy +1]

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, and couldn't help feeling the good luck of the two of them.

At the same time, a system notification sounded in my mind. .

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