A simple yet extravagant dinner comes to an end quickly.

Simple because there is only one dish.

Luxury is a level 21 fantasy ingredient.

Erina and Alice are rarely stretched a bit.

Usually they don't eat too much for dinner.

Worry about getting fat.

But Chu Feng's food is really delicious,

Without knowing it, I swallowed two steaks.

Take a break.

The two sisters are very sensible to help wash the dishes.

This was another novel experience for Erina.

I usually have Hisako or other people around me, and she will clean up every round.

After finishing all this work, the two sisters did not leave, but sat on the sofa to rest.

It didn't matter that Chu Feng was sitting on the armchair next to him.

Alice rubbed her stomach gently, with indescribable satisfaction on her face.


Seems to think of something.

Alice blinked her eyes twice, and said, "Boss Chu, what shall we sell tomorrow?"

Although Chu Feng notified him every morning, he said that the dishes were decided on the same day.

But Alice didn't believe this set of rhetoric at all, and the other party added a new dish temporarily today.

It's her turn to work tomorrow, and she also wants to know about the work in advance.'

"Tomorrow? Let me think!"

Chu Feng was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, 937 saw the hopeful eyes of the silver-haired girl.

It seems that the other party really wants to know tomorrow's dishes in advance.

Since you can choose your own 'commodity'.

In fact, there is no need to make a decision on the day.

z There is absolutely no need to make a decision on the same day.

It's just that Boss Chu is usually lazy, and because of habit, he seldom decides the dishes in advance.

Now that Alice has brought it up, it doesn't hurt to think ahead.

ponder for a moment~

Under Alice's expectant gaze, Chu Feng spoke slowly.

"It's decided, let's make the Big Magic Panda Tofu!"

Now that they have sold Magic Mapo Tofu and Golden Egg Fried Rice.

Chu Feng doesn't mind presenting another unique dish of Xiaodangjia to the world.

Check out the prices.

This recipe is only 1500 points, not expensive at all.

Chu Feng immediately clicked Exchange.

"Big Magic Panda Tofu? What a strange name!"

A trace of confusion flashed in Alice's eyes.

From the name alone.

Can't see why at all.

"Is it similar to Magic Mapo Tofu?"

Erina was thoughtful.

Subconsciously, I remembered the taste (ageb) of that glowing dish.

The mapo tofu with nine flavors is still unforgettable for her.

Thinking of this, she is also looking forward to tomorrow's cooking.

Now that the dishes for tomorrow have been decided.

Chu Feng was no longer idle.

After all, this dish is more troublesome to prepare.

The Big Magic Panda Tofu invented by Xiaodangjia needs to use black beans and soybeans, and soak them for at least eight hours.

Telling Erina and Alice to get up early tomorrow, Chu Feng got into the kitchen again.

After picking two high-quality beans, he started to make the molds he needed.

The mold for making the Big Magic Panda Tofu is quite special, and it is not available in the system mall.

The manual work that I learned from Kato Megumi before finally has a place to use.

With a simple mold, Chu Feng didn't have to work hard to make it.

Early the next morning.

Chu Feng just posted an announcement in the food group.

Erina and Alice knocked on the door.

[At twelve o'clock at noon, inside the Love Land Symbiosis Academy, Big Magic Panda Tofu, Magic Mapo Tofu, Wenxin Tofu]

When the people in the gourmet group saw the news, they couldn't help but froze in place.

Those group members who haven't woken up are even more speechless looking at the ceiling, as if they are saying...

Are you kidding me?

The f*ck is all tofu!

but soon~

Someone noticed the location of the stall today.

Tian Jian Xiaohui: It’s Saeko’s sister’s school again, woo woo woo~~ We won’t be able to eat Boss Chu’s new dishes again.

Gourmet expert: Why do you want to go to that school? Isn’t Tōtsuki delicious when you come to us? Or is there not enough beauties? As long as Chu Feng is willing, it’s okay to enter the campus to set up a stall... …

Cute little Taozi: Yes, the commander-in-chief will definitely not refuse!

Tianyu Zhanzhan: Haha~ I can finally see Mr. Chu again, I'm a little excited just thinking about it!

Saeko Famous Sword: All are tofu dishes, but I don’t know what’s the difference?

Sleeping Eye Satori: Ah, people like tofu the most, and I am looking forward to it coming to noon soon......

Miss Mary: Yes~ When I think of Boss Chu’s tofu, the Lun family gets excited~~

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan: Does little Bichi want to die? Want to eat Chu Jun's tofu?

Miss Mary: What are the men and women barking at? We really think that the five swords in the world are afraid of you, a guy who knows how to talk all day long but dare not act.

(Mary of Guihecheng in the luxury apartment snorted dissatisfiedly, and did not forget to block the other "four swords". She alone is really not the opponent of Tianyu Zhanzhan.)

Heavenly Feather Cutting: ………

Seems to have been poked in the foot.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was a little depressed.

She has been a little slack lately.

Ever since I found out that Chu Feng had a girlfriend.

She became more and more afraid to act.


Those dark eyes~

He stared straight at the brand new uniform hanging on the hanger beside the bed.

It seems to be considering whether to wear it later?

But Chu Feng can come to Love Land Symbiosis again to set up a stall.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was quite happy.

Although Erina and Alice were surprised by the location of the stall today.

But considering that Chu Feng has set up a stall in front of Tōtsuki more than once, it seems that it is not unusual.

The two sisters are now more concerned about new dishes. As soon as they entered the kitchen, they saw two pots of soaked beans.

The ingredients are of course nothing fancy.

Both are well aware of the process of making tofu.


They quickly noticed several strange moulds.

It was a wooden box that seemed to be piled up layer by layer.

There are also equally spaced grids at the bottom of each layer.

"Chu Feng, are you going to use these grids to cut tofu directly?"

Erina reacted quickly and instantly thought of the usefulness of this mold.

Before Chu Feng could speak, Alice nodded and said: "It's a very clever design, which can save a lot of time.

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face.

Doesn't explain what the grid is really for.

Sliced ​​tofu is just incidental.

That's not what's really wonderful about it.

Greet the two sisters to grind soybean milk.

Now that the employees are here.

You can't ask the boss to do these trivial matters by himself.

Thor is out of the kitchen now.

There are professional cooks to help.

She didn't bother to go to the class door to get an axe.

Not long after~

Two large pots are filled with black and white soybean milk.

Order tofu in brine, one thing down one thing.

The process of preparing ingredients need not be explained.

The time quickly pointed to half past eleven.

Chu Feng, Thor and Alice left on time.

Destination: Love Earth Symbiosis Academy!.

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