A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 316】For Breakfast At Chu Feng's House, Does He Still Have Doragon?

You saved me that time?

Miyano Shiho's pupils suddenly shrank.

This sentence almost blurted out.

The shadow in memory coincides with the man in front of him.

She had already confirmed her conjecture in her heart.

"That's right."

Chu Feng did not deny it.

Of course he knows what the other party is worth.

"You also have the recipe for bacon leaves?"

Miyano Shiho spoke again.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng shook his head and said: "No, leave it to the Wanji group to study.

Miyano Shiho was slightly taken aback.

Only then did I remember that the organization seemed to have received information in this regard.

shook his head.

Miyano Shiho felt a little drowsy.

Bow slightly towards Chu Feng.

Little Loli nodded and said, "Although I could have escaped without you, I still have to thank you for saving my sister."

Miyano Shiho's voice is very nasal.

Because when she said this, she sucked her nose hard and put on a cold queen style.

This little Loli, looks more Tsundere than Erina.

Even if I thank you, I can only thank Chu Feng for saving Akemi Miyano.

This girl really thinks that even if she doesn't rely on anyone, she can still survive 06.

Chu Feng was a little speechless, the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

Miyano Akemi was also a little speechless, and then smiled awkwardly: "Master Chu Feng, don't care, in fact, my sister is thanking you.

"It's okay, I understand!"

Chu Feng waved his hands, ignoring Tsundere Loli, who was saying something different.

Miyano Shiho has his original shadow in him, and he doesn't know how to get along with people at all.

But also understandable.

Born in the Black Organization since he was a child, he was sent abroad to study when he was a little older, and he has been under surveillance all year round

In such a life, apart from being withdrawn and eccentric, what kind of personality can be cultivated?

The magnanimous Boss Chu didn't care about the attitude of the little Loli.

Turning to look at Miyano Akemi, he casually asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Miyano Akemi was taken aback for a moment, obviously not thinking about this question.

In addition to taking care of the comatose Miyano Shiho last night, she was indulging in the joy of the reunion of the sisters and the rebirth after the catastrophe, so she couldn't take care of so much.

"After all, I am Master Chu Feng's subordinate angel, and I hope you can continue to take us two sisters..."

Miyano Shiho hesitated for a moment before expressing his thoughts.

Thinking about it carefully, the sky and the earth are big, and there really is no place for them.

"Okay, then you can continue to live in 301, and take your sister to buy some clothes later, let's have breakfast first."

Chu Feng did not refuse, who can refuse a beautiful Onee-san and a little Loli.

Besides, he never planned to give up on Miyano Akemi, the future high-end combat power.

After hearing Chu Feng's words, Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho realized that there was already food on the dinner table.

A faint fragrance has quietly permeated the entire living room.

"Smells good!"

Miyano Shiho's ice blue eyes lit up immediately.


The little belly screamed even more unbelievably.

It was only then that she remembered that from yesterday afternoon to now, she hadn't taken a drop of water.

A blush suddenly appeared on his small face, and Miyano Shiho felt a little embarrassed.

Chu Feng and Miyano Akemi smiled at each other, pretending not to hear the cry.

Thor has already knocked on Connor's door.

Kang Na, who was wearing the Didan Elementary School uniform, walked out of the room with her slender tail waving.

Then I saw Miyano Shiho in a weird gothic folk costume.

The two little Lolis looked at each other, and they were both stunned in place.

Connor obviously didn't expect that.

The dirty little girl was so cute after cleaning last night.

We are almost catching up with Kang Na sauce.

And Miyano Shiho~

It was staring at the tail behind Kang Na.


With her experience in studying dreamlike creatures.

You can tell at a glance~

It's definitely not decoration.

But the tail of the real thing.

Humans with long tails?

Or a dreamlike creature that took human form?

Two conjectures suddenly appeared in Miyano Shiho's mind.

It seems that he can see the doubts of his sister.

Akemi Miyano said with a smile: "Miss Toll and Miss Kanna are dragons, so it's normal to have tails.

She already knew the identities of Thor and Kang Na last night, so she was not surprised today.


Miyano Shiho was really shocked.

Out of the instinct of scientific research workers.

She subconsciously looked at Miyano Akemi suspiciously.

But on second thought.

There are even legendary creatures like angels.

It seems normal to have two more dragons.

Scientists doubt everything, but are also more receptive to all bizarre things than ordinary people.

In fact, when Thor and Connor are at home, they will not hide the dragon's horns and tail.

Only when she goes out, will she strictly follow Chu Feng's instructions and not show anything in front of others.

Several people took their seats one after another.

Miyano Shiho was quickly attracted by the 'food' on the dinner table.

Soup dumplings, fried dumplings, strange roast meat, carrot fried meat, and thick fresh soy milk......

stared oddly at the only man present.

You tell me this is breakfast?

Is your family's breakfast so rich?

Miyano Shiho knew it very well.

After she woke up, her sister decided to come to visit on the spur of the moment.

Chu Feng definitely wouldn't specially prepare food for the two of them.


This table is the normal portion for Chu Feng's family of three.


Isn't that too much!?

uh uh uh~~

Miyano Shiho felt something stuck in his throat, wanted to complain but didn't know where to start.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the legendary Doragon. This appetite is simply scary.

this moment~

Miyano Shiho 400 couldn't help being suspicious.

What kind of creature is Chu Feng?

Could it be Doragon too?

but soon~

She can't care about these anymore.

When Kang Na skillfully pierced the bottom of the soup dumpling.

The thick soup slowly flowed into the spoon.

Immediately, a scent hits the nostrils.

"Smells good~"

Miyano Shiho made the same exclamation again.

She swears to God

I have never smelled such a fascinating fragrance.

Now Chu Feng's background has instantly become unimportant.

All Miyano Shiho could think about was the taste of meat buns.

Just the smell is so delicious, if you eat it in your mouth...


I can't even imagine it.

It's just that she, who has never been used to getting along with people, is now stunned in place, not knowing what to do.

As if seeing little Loli's embarrassment, Chu Feng smiled slightly, picked up a soup dumpling and put it into the other's bowl.

"Pierce the bottom first when eating, otherwise you will be careful to swallow the soup."

Boss Chu very caringly taught how to eat soup dumplings.

who knows~

The little Loli on the opposite side frowned.

What do you mean, take a bite of the soup carefully?

Don't say such weird things, okay?

It sounds weird~~

God knows what the withdrawn Miyano Shiho thought of at this moment. .

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