Huarong Road finds mistakes,

Asura's heart paves the way,

Gourmet regeneration improves freshness,

The Phantom Heart handles ingredients and cooks dishes.

When Cai Bo Chaoyang went all out to make this 'Fried Fish Ball', he actually used these four kinds of cooking spirits.

Others may not have noticed.

But Chu Feng's spiritual power filled the audience.

No detail could escape his eyes.

Saiba Chaoyang cooks dishes from the beginning.

There was a very faint luster in those eyes.

no doubt~

He who has just successfully seized the 'Huarong Road' is already able to use it flexibly.

Not only that~

His usage is more flexible than that of the original owner, Yue Huadeng.

think here~

Chu Feng couldn't help but cast a glance at the distraught Yue Huadeng.

This guy deserved to lose the food halberd, and Hua Rong said so well, but he found another way to imitate it, completely going the wrong way.

Follow Caibo Chaoyang to pinch the fish balls and put them in the oil pan.

The sound of "Zi Zi Zi" was immediately heard in everyone's ears.


A seductive fragrance filled the audience.

Dionysus shark is indeed a dream food.

Just this strong fragrance......

It is far from being comparable to ordinary ingredients.

"It's so fragrant! It's even more fragrant than the fish-flavored shredded pork!"

"Of course, this guy didn't have all the experience just now.

"Hiss~ This taste is absolutely amazing, instantly covering the dishes that Chu Feng is making~~"06"I really want to eat it, it makes my mouth water.

"Look, it's just Bo Chaoyang setting up the pot..."

"F*ck, should it be so fast, Laozi hasn't even seen the fish balls clearly yet!"

"He took the plate and walked towards the judges' seat, really wanting to see the real face of the finished product soon."

"Even the lid can't block the aroma of this fish ball, I really want to taste its taste."

"Come on, thinking that the judges can eat such delicious food is worse than imagining that I will starve to death.

Just as the spectators said, Caibo Chaoyang stood in front of the judges' table holding the dinner plate in one hand.

He put it on the plate unhurriedly, and he didn't whet everyone's appetite, and directly lifted the lid of the meal.


A dazzling golden light emerged from the plate, shining on the audience, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Jie Nai and others are naturally not affected.

With their current strength.

Even if you close your eyes, you can clearly understand the appearance of this dish.

Ten fish balls fried until golden.

At this time, it was shining with golden light.

Like ten small suns, hanging between the sky and the earth.

That's right!

Fish balls made by Caibo Chaoyang.

It defies the laws of physics and floats above the dinner plate.

And still shaking up and down rhythmically.

"this is???"

Nakiri Mana was surprised for a while.

On top of the fish balls.

She didn't see any possibility of human manipulation.

That is to say~

The dishes made by Caibo Chaoyang float in mid-air entirely by virtue of their own characteristics.

"It's air pressure!"

Grandma Jie Nai took a look at Caibo Chaoyang and said, "Although I don't know the internal structure of this fish ball, there is no doubt that only when the heat generated by the fierce frying is completely concentrated in the fish ball, can this incredible phenomenon occur. Centrifugal force."

"It's a miraculous dish, I hope it tastes as good as your creativity.

Senzaemon nodded slowly, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

He has never denied Cai Bo Chaoyang's talent, he must have some skills to be promoted to a special chef at a young age.

It's a pity that such a genius embarked on the road of plundering, and finally joined the food club.

"Don't worry, Mr. Nakiri will never be disappointed."

Caibo Chaoyang was full of confidence, and when he said the word 'old', his tone was a little heavier.

Obviously, it's a mockery that Senzaemon is old.

Starkin and Karyu didn't comment much.

This little trick can't amaze them yet.

The two were the first to do it, sharing their share of fish balls, two for each person.

When the light gradually dissipated, the fish balls were burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, with rich shapes and colors.

Nakiri Mana and others no longer hesitated and picked up chopsticks one after another.

It's just a little strange, the surface of the fish balls is not hot at all even though they have been deep-fried at high temperature.

Kaliu took a look at the fish ball with his hands in his mouth, and he noticed this before he even put it in his mouth.

Suspicion appeared in his eyes, but he didn't think much about it. Tasting is the key now.

Take a hard bite.

There was a 'snap' sound when the teeth touched the fish balls.

What followed was an astonishing resiliency.

The burnt coating on the surface of the fish balls is very thin.

It almost shatters when touched.

The teeth instantly feel the delicateness of the fish.


this moment.

The sound of fish bubbles popping seemed to sound in Kaliu's mind.

next second.

There was an explosion-like impact of fish balls in the mouth.

A powerful hot current exploded throughout, instantly filling the entire mouth, constantly washing away his tongue, teeth, and taste buds.

The heat is not hot, on the contrary it is very mild.

The air pressure produced may seem strong, but it is just right and cannot cause any pain.

Karyu even felt a little comfortable, squinting her eyes comfortably.


The five tastes of sweet, sour, spicy, fresh, and salty burst out in the mouth in an instant, except that there is no alcohol taste.

Meatballs mixed with caviar and egg whites.

It has amazing elasticity and delicate taste at the same time.

The five flavors blend together regardless of each other.


Really delicious!

Kaliu suddenly opened her slightly squinted eyes, looking at Caibo Chaoyang standing proudly in front of her with flickering eyes.

At this moment he had to admit it.

Both are super chefs, and the other party is much better than him.

at least~

Kaliu asked herself that she couldn't make such delicious fish balls.

"Si Guoyi, it really doesn't smell like wine at all!"

Nakiri Mana stared.

I couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Although I don't want to admit it.

Although belong to the hostile camp.

But Caibo Chaoyang's dish is indeed perfectly cooked.

At least there are only one or two unsatisfactory points in the information fed back by God's Tongue.

you know~

Now Nakiri Mana's God's Tongue has evolved to a very high level.

Even with the special chef's cooking, she can point out many mistakes.

For example, before Yue Huadeng, there were at least five flaws.

but now~

No matter how hard Nakiri Mana looks for thorns, he can only find one or two negligible shortcomings.

Senzaemon was silent, but the clothes that were bursting inch by inch were enough to explain everything.

Although the fish-flavored shredded pork had already caused his skirt to burst once.

It was also Caibo Chaoyang's cooking on 913, but this time it was more violent.

At the moment of biting the fish ball.

Senzaemon's clothes were thrown into countless pieces in an instant as if thrown into a shredder.

Setsuno glanced at the 'shameless' Senzaemon with a bit of disgust.

"You are quite old now, and you still like to be shirtless like you did when you were young, and you don't know how to pay attention to your image."

Senzaemon gave an embarrassed wry smile, and hurriedly called the bodyguard to bring clothes and put them on.

In fact, Setino also knows that this is the blood talent of the Nakiri family, and the other party can't control it at all.

Smiling and making complaints about the other party, she turned to look at the young man in black in front of her, nodded and said:

"Very good cuisine, the combination of several ingredients just offsets the original taste of Dionysus Shark, and the fusion of the five tastes is also very well completed. Among the special dishes "this is already called the best craftsman.

"Master Jie Nai praised it."

Facing one of the top five Lin chefs in the world, Cai Bo Chaoyang was quite polite.

He is not stupid, and his sanity has fully recovered.

It is impossible to be idle and do nothing to provoke this senior.

And Jie Nai's evaluation.

It also made him feel relieved.

Top-notch special cuisine!

It is almost the ceiling of the special kitchen.

Caibo Chaoyang couldn't believe it...

As a super chef, can Chu Feng cook better than himself?

It's impossible to think about it!

at the same time.

Chu Feng, who had found a brand new chef's uniform on his body in Yuejialou, walked towards the judge's seat step by step.

Beside him, the dinner plate shrunk to half a meter square was shining with a strange light, gliding with him in mid-air. .

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