A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 039】 Erina's troubles, Chu Feng set up a stall tonight?

Elite Ten office building, top floor.

"The commander-in-chief has decided that this residential training will be held at the Tōtsuki Resort Hotel."

Eishi Tsukasa, with white hair and gray eyes, sat up straight, as solemn as a knight, and presided over the meeting.

"We Elite Ten don't participate in the residential study assessment for first-year students. Why did you call us here?"

Xiaolin Gentian sat listlessly on the seat, with a strong dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Xiao Lin..."

Eishi Tsukasa was about to explain when he heard the other person's 'Huh? ’, and quickly changed his mouth to say:

"Sister Xiao Lin, although we don't have to go to the resort, we need to inform the first-year students, various mobilization work, and contact the bus."

Looking at Kobayashi Rentan with a displeased expression, the first Tōtsuki seat was like a little white rabbit facing a big bad wolf, sweating nervously.

In fact, he has never been very brave.

Except for being able to stay absolutely calm while cooking.

Usually it is easy to get nervous, not to mention now facing the fierce Kobayashi Rentan.

The relationship between the two is very good, like a sister and brother, and he is usually beaten by each other.

"Hmph, then hurry up and discuss, anyway, don't find something for me to do."

Kobayashi Rentan issued a vicious 'warning'.

Others pretend to be deaf,

It was as if he hadn't seen this scene at all.

It's just that someone has discovered,

There seems to be something wrong with Erina's state.

Instead of her usual,

I will never let Kobayashi Rentan's rambunctious style be allowed.

In particular, residential study is an annual event in Tōtsuki.

There is no room for sloppiness.

Erina today,

Looking a little distracted.

Eishi Tsukasa also found this out,

It's just that it's hard to inquire about the private affairs of the eldest Nakiri family.

At this moment~

The eldest lady is really in a bad mood.

Since eating takoyaki from the food truck.

Nothing tastes good for the past two days.

The sudden evolution of the tongue of God...

It used to be a decent meal.

It's hard to swallow now.

Even Hisako's favorite herbal porridge,

She is also able to pick out more flaws than before.

Yesterday was a dinner that Erina cooked herself.

She was even a little scared.

Once your cooking skills can't keep up with the speed of evolution of God's Tongue.

It is estimated that it will not be long before she will fall into the endless food desert like her mother, and become increasingly haggard with depression.

In fact, she knew it herself.

Just find that food truck.

All problems can be solved easily.

You don't have to worry about this again in the future.

The taste of that perfect takoyaki is still unforgettable when I think about it now.

Erina had no doubts that the man could definitely cook better and more advanced dishes.

She is arrogant, but not stupid, and it is not difficult to admit the excellence of others.

Use the most common ingredients and the easiest way to make absolutely perfect meals.

At that level, it is estimated that her grandfather Senzaemon could not do it.

Just, go to a roadside stall to eat civilian food?

Erina couldn't hold that face down.

She had never looked down on those things.

Moreover, even if she is willing to put herself down, she can't find anyone now.

That Chu Feng, there is no fixed place at all, God knows when he will meet?

For a time, Erina was tangled and depressed.


A cell phone rang in the conference room.

I saw Xiaolin Gentian skillfully took out his mobile phone and pulled it up like no one else was around.


Erina, who was worried in her heart, suddenly became angry.

Everyone is in a meeting, don't you know to turn off your phone in advance?

Just when he was about to scold, he saw Kobayashi Rentan excitedly leaning into Akakubo Tao's ear and saying, "At nine o'clock tonight, Sanchomu Night Market!"

Akakubo Momo, who was about to fall asleep listening to Eishi Tsukasa's "Lullaby", was shocked, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

"Huh? Boss Chu's news is coming?"

Xiao Taozi was instantly revived with full blood and no sleepiness.

The two spoke in low voices and a little vague.

Even if others hear it, they probably won't care.

But Erina is different.

When time, place, Boss Chu...

When these three words appear together.

She subconsciously thought of Chu Feng's food truck.

Nine p.m!

The other party is very likely to set up a stall there!

It's just, how did Rindan-senpai know?

Does she have the contact information of the other party?

Erina gave Kobayashi Rentan a deep look.

But he didn't ask much.

Anyway, when the time comes, you'll find out for yourself.

at the same time.

Tadokoro Megumi also saw the news in the food group.

Call on Yukihira Sōma, Yoshino Yuuki, and Ryoko Sakaki.

Several people plan to go to the night market together at night.

"Golden section siumai, I don't know what kind of cooking it will be?"

It's only now noon.

Tadokoro Megumi has begun to look forward to Chu Feng's cooking.

There are still nine full hours until evening.

If I had known, I would not have opened the food group so early.

How could she endure it for such a long time?

Tadokoro Megumi's small face began to tangle.


PS: The data is a bit poor, please collect, flowers, and evaluation tickets! ! ! *

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