A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 596】About The Training Candidates Of Maple Leaf Pavilion

Aunt Charlotte Lingling was also a great beauty when she was young.

Beast Kaido and Moonlight Moriah, one of the Shichibukai under the king, had a fight, and the crew of the latter was wiped out.

Doflamingo provoked wars and sold arms everywhere, and he seemed to have the momentum to become the world's number one arms dealer.

But as they talked, Shanks and Mihawk's chat topic moved to the recent rise of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"I hear your favorite kid beat Klocke Dar in Alabasta?"

Hawkeye also seems to be paying attention to the Straw Hat Pirates, precisely because of Luffy.

Sha Lockedar, one of the Shichibukai under the king, known as the king of the desert, was actually defeated by a rookie in a desert environment like Alabasta, which really surprised Mihawk.

Hearing his friend mentioning Luffy, Shanks had a smile on his face, took another sip of wine, and breathed out: "Luffy is developing well now, and he has found a trustworthy partner, I believe he will be able to go to the new world soon .”

"Is it really worth losing an arm for him?"

Mihawk glanced at Shanks' severed arm, with a regretful tone.

That is Shanks' dominant hand, and all his sword skills are mainly in this hand.

Shanks lost his left hand, and his sword skills have been greatly reduced since then.

Since then, Hawkeye has never played against him again.

Because he knows that no matter whether he wins or loses, it is unfair, and it is not fair to win.

The branch of Maple Leaf Pavilion has just opened, and there are very few customers. Chu Feng also let Shanks and Mihawk chat.

I felt a little bored after listening for a while, but fortunately I found a table and took a nap with my hands propped up, until the two left.

As night fell, stars dotted the night sky, and Wangyou Island was in a state of depression. If it weren't for the occasional calls of some unknown insects, no one would think that there were still living people on this island.

Standing on the attic, Chu Feng looked at the sea level shrouded in darkness in the distance, knowing that there is a high probability that no one will come tonight, so fortunately he returned to the food world.

Maple Leaf Pavilion!

Alice, dressed in pure white chef uniform, is pulling Erina to prevent her from leaving.

The latter looked helpless, seemed a little impatient with Alice, sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to stay here to help, but Tōtsuki still has a lot of things to do, it's impossible for me to come here to cook."

That's right, not long after Chu Feng left, Maple Leaf Pavilion opened for business, and Alice tried to deal with all the guests for the first time.

Originally thought that at most it would increase the workload of 50 dishes, but she was confident that she could do it.

But after really getting started by myself, I realized that it is not so easy.

Standing on the kitchen counter for several hours, Alice was so tired that her back hurt, her head was dizzy, and she felt that this was really not a human job.

It wasn't until she used the characteristics of the ghost fruit to the extreme that she could deal with all the guests.

However, the ability to use the ghost fruit has a very high demand for mental power, and the result of a large consumption is dizziness, and it feels like the whole head is about to split.

No, Erina happened to come over for dinner, and was stopped by Alice just after finishing the meal, and asked her to stay and help.

No, I just sneak out to have a meal in my busy schedule, why do you want me to change jobs?

From the general manager of Tōtsuki to the sous chef of Maple Leaf Pavilion, it's a bit of a downgrade!

Erina was absolutely unwilling, but if it was a chef, maybe she could still think about it.

But Alice doesn't care about these things, who calls Erina the older sister? If the younger sister is in trouble, the older sister must help, right?

Alice is so confident.


When Chu Feng came back, he saw two girls with completely different dresses, hairstyles, and hair colors chasing each other in the restaurant, and there was a scene of sisters "tearing each other".

"So, you two are too busy?"

Chu Feng's mouth twitched twice.

Seeing him, Alice's eyes lit up: "Are you back?"

How long has Chu Feng been to Otherworld?

Just a few hours.

Come back so soon?

But no matter what, she suddenly felt a sense of relief.

"There's no business over there, come back for a while."

The flow of time in the two worlds is different.

It's not good for Chu Feng to stay here for a long time, he just came back to have a look.

After all, if you come back to sleep, maybe three or four days have passed there.

"What are you two doing?"

Chu Feng was a little curious.

Erina glared at Alice angrily: "It's not this guy who insists on me staying to help.


Chu Feng instantly understood that Alice couldn't stand high-intensity cooking work.

After all, she is a student of molecular cooking. Alice is better at fine cooking, but if she wants to be meticulous, she will inevitably slow down.

Over time, she also developed the habit of cooking slowly, which will not be completely corrected in a day and a half.

It was an oversight on his part that hadn't occurred to him before.

Subconsciously glanced at Erina, the latter was startled, "You don't think the same as Alice, do you?"

Erina was really scared, not because she didn't want to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion to help.

Chu Feng is kind to her, and she can also learn a lot in Maple Leaf Pavilion, enriching her knowledge

In terms of emotion and reason, Erina is very happy to stay in Maple Leaf Pavilion, but...

Tōtsuki Academy has just experienced a change of coach, and everything is waiting to be done, she really can't get away.

"Feel sorry…...."

Erina was a little embarrassed, after all Chu Feng gave her too much help before, but now she can't help.

"I understand."

Chu Feng smiled and shook his head.

He just thought about it just now.

However, it is really unrealistic for General Tōtsuki to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion as a cook.

"However, I really want to ask you for a few people.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Feng spoke again.

"Who do you want?"

Erina's eyes brightened, but then dimmed again.

She had already learned about Chu Feng483 going to Otherworld to open a branch.

Although she is full of interest in Otherworld, Erina still can't get away from that sentence.

When she thought that someone in Tōtsuki would accept Chu Feng's training, and then go to Otherworld to make a living, she was a little envious.

"Tadokoro Megumi, Yukihira Sōma, Kuga Teruki."

Among the current Elite Ten, these three have the best relationship with Chu Feng, so they are naturally the first choice.

As for other candidates, Chu Feng decided to contact Xiao Lin Longdan and Akane Kubotao.

Among the graduates of this year, the two of them are regular customers of Chu Feng.

Anyway, we have to train a group of people, so let them be counted.

As for whether the two are willing or not, Chu Feng feels that it is not a big problem.

Erina was speechless for a while.

It feels like Chu Feng is going to take away half of the Elite Ten members.

Including Alice, the current Elite Ten has already gone for nearly half.

But who told Chu Feng to be kind to Tōtsuki?

Erina gritted her silver teeth and readily agreed.

As for Tadokoro Megumi, Yukihira Sōma and Kuga Teruji will agree?

No way?

Wouldn't someone really reject Boss Chu's support?

Anyway, Erina didn't think anyone would turn down such an opportunity.

If so, that person is her!

Thinking of this, Erina couldn't help feeling sad, it would be great if she wasn't the first heir of the Nakiri family.

Without restraint, she will be more free. .

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