A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 605】This Guest, Overlord Meal Is A Very Bad Behavior!

"Tsk~ It's really delicious like never before~~"

Lei Li only had a mouthful of roasted hummingbird meat, and before he even had time to taste Baixian Noodles, he gave Chu Feng a thumbs up.

He already understood why Polusalino and even Bonnie, who was about to go to the New World, were willing to stay near this island.

Being able to eat such delicious food at any time is simply the happiest thing in the world.

Fortunately, the Chambord Islands are not far from here, so he can pass by anytime... come?

Rayleigh's thoughts suddenly paused, as if he suddenly thought of something.

He told someone to go out and never had the habit of bringing money, so this meal??

Raleigh suddenly realized that the meal in front of him might be his last lunch here.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to leave. The young man who could be spotted by the white beard "Eight Zero Three" must have some talents.

But he, Pluto Rayleigh, still has confidence in his own strength.

If you want to go, it's easy.

It's a pity that I won't be able to eat such good food again in the future.


I cheated and ate and drank all my life, but I didn't expect to miss the most beautiful thing.

A misstep will cause eternal hatred, I would have known that I would not have gambled last night.

Rayleigh was addicted to gambling. Over the years, most of the money he earned from coating was thrown on the poker table, so that he was penniless at any time, and only had his sword to accompany him.

He tore off a piece of meat from the roasted hummingbird and took a sip of the so-called Baixian Nong. The mist-rising Baixian Nong was like a clear spring flowing down from a snow-capped mountain.

"Hiss~ good wine!"

Rayleigh let out a long breath, and after a few seconds of slowing down, he felt that the stamina was picking up, which was really fierce.

As a wine lover, Lei Li had never had such a fine wine, and he was immediately amazed.

But when he thought of his pocket, his old face suddenly pulled down his hips.

Still the same sentence, if you refuse to pay the bill, you will never be able to eat such good food or drink such good wine in the future.

I don't know, can I get credit here?

Rayleigh wandered around with his cloudy old eyes, revealing a hint of spirituality in a hazy way.

The first time I come to eat, I will pay on credit, and it is estimated that no one will agree.

So, Rayleigh's eyes fell on Karp who was not far away.

"What are you looking at?"

Cap gave Rayleigh an odd look, then drank a glass of wine.

When he learned that he could add a jug of wine in addition to ordering food, he also happily ordered one.

"That, Brother Garp..." Rayleigh smiled obsequiously.

"Stop, stop, stop...what on earth do you want to do?" Karp waved his hand quickly.

Hearing Rayleigh address himself, Capeton felt bad.

Even the elder brother came out, so it must be heavy.

Also, you, a former pirate, call me brother, isn't that tarnishing my reputation?

Although Garp also knew that his reputation was not as good as he imagined, he didn't want to take advantage of Rayleigh.

The cheapness of this product is not so easy to take advantage of.

"Come on, brother Garp, we have been friends for many years, don't be so estranged.

Raleigh gnawed on the meat again, looking like "what are you guys with who?" Garp stared straight at him.

"Tell me, what is it?"

"Can I borrow some money?"

"Don't talk!"

"Just a little, just buy and pay for the meal."


Cap flatly refused.

What a joke.

One dish costs half a million Baileys.

It cost him one million to treat the adjutant to a meal.

I ordered two more jugs of wine, but I haven't asked the price yet, at least one million is gone. Lei Li still borrowed money from him?

Do you really think his salary as a vice admiral is high?

Karp glared at Rayleigh again, and simply ignored him, and started drinking on his own.

While pouring wine for Karp, the adjutant poured another glass for himself, and accompanied the lieutenant general to drink without saying a word.

It's just that he really didn't expect that Rayleigh, the Pluto in Legendary, would be like this. He didn't bring any money when he went out to eat, and only borrowed it from the person at the next table when he was almost finished eating.

In other words, if he didn't meet someone he knew, wouldn't this guy be ready to renege on his debt from the very beginning?

The adjutant remained silent, and he was already prepared to watch a play. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him. Maybe he can take this opportunity to find out the depth of the restaurant owner...

Before going out, the Warring States Marshal told him in private to carefully investigate everything on this island.

He also knows that his family will be unreliable, and he has to be careful about everything.

However, it's really good. Lieutenant General Garp invited himself to dinner. Why don't you pay for the drink yourself?

Thinking of his pitiful salary, the adjutant felt a little pain in his heart.

Although the conversation between Garp and Rayleigh was very quiet, it reached Chu Feng's ears word for word, and then he gave Xiaohui a wink.

It is of course the responsibility of the waiters in Maple Leaf Pavilion to recover the bills. By the way, you can also look at Xiaohui's other abilities.

Tadokoro Megumi understood Chu Feng's meaning in seconds, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, obviously a little nervous when doing this kind of thing for the first time.

But when thinking about the kindness that Boss Chu has shown her, and how much she gave her all yesterday, Xiaohui felt that it was a bit unreasonable for her not to do anything for the other party.

So after clenching her fists to cheer herself up, she still walked slowly towards Rayleigh.

After reading the original book, she knew the identity of the old man in front of her, and also knew how strong the other party was.

so what?

This is Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng's store, with the boss here, what else is she afraid of.

Thinking of Chu Feng's reliability, little 0.9hui was filled with courage.

"This customer, eating Bawang Meal is a very bad behavior, and will be blacklisted by our store, and he will not be able to enter again for life.

Tadokoro Megumi carefully worded the words, that is, he did not say that the customer was penniless, but also pointed out the consequences of refusal.

Riley was dumbfounded.

Being blacklisted is a consequence he absolutely cannot accept.

He has already tasted the food and wine here, and he can't forget the delicious taste, how can it be enough to eat it just once?

In contrast, he can accept severe beatings.


Karp couldn't help laughing when he saw Rayleigh's embarrassment.

It would be great if the image of the famous scene of Hades Rayleigh reneging on his debt can be preserved.

Anyway, Karp looks very happy now. .

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