Dark Emperor Guy Kulimthorne.

Destroy the tyrant Milim Nawa.

Labyrinth Fairy Ramiris.

Earth Fury Dagulyulu.

Luminas Valentine, Queen of the Nightmare.

Sleeping Ruler Dino.

Baijin Sword King Lyon Cromwell.

This was the information Souei knew about the Eight-Star Demon King.

In addition, there are Kasalim, the king of magic, Kleiman, the puppet master, and Karion, the lion king. These are the top ten demon kings widely spread on the mainland.

Destroying the tyrant Milim Nava, the strength can definitely be ranked in the top three.

Limuru swallowed subconsciously.

The amount of magic energy coming from a distance is no less than that of Viru Della.

If this Demon King really wants to be an enemy of the Demon Federation, then he...shouldn't be able to stop it?

It's not that Rimuru belittled herself.

Although both magic power and spiritual power have increased significantly by 24 in the recent period.

But after all, he didn't break through the membrane of the Demon King.

He knew very well that he was still some distance away from the so-called Demon King.

What's more, it is rumored that Milim is an absolute strong even among the devil kings.

Limulu even suspects that even if he successfully advances to the Demon King now, he may not necessarily be Cai Limu's opponent.

Everyone put down the food in their hands and walked out of the Maple Leaf Pavilion one after another. At this moment, a petite figure in the sky fell from far to near, directly from the sky.

With a bang, the ground stirred up dust and gravel, and the newly built square had obviously been reduced to ruins in the impact.

A violent whirlwind swept across the audience. Fortunately, everyone present still had some strength, so they were not afraid of a little smoke and dust.

There was a faint fighting spirit in Thor's golden eyes, the defensive magic was activated instantly, and an invisible hood covered the entire square.

With Maple Leaf Pavilion behind her, she couldn't expose the newly built restaurant to the risk of collapse.

"Amazing magic!"

Thor couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

The guy named 'Devil King' who suddenly appeared in front of her seemed to have the same amount of magic power as her.

If you really want to distinguish between high and low, you will only know after a fight.

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the figure in the huge pit gradually revealed its true face.

It's just the other party's image that made Rimuru and the others click their tongues secretly.

"This is... the Demon King?"

Rimuru looked at Souei beside him with some uncertainty.

No matter how you look at it, this pink-haired girl with two ponytails and a flat plate cannot be connected with the words "destruction tyrant" and "devil king".

Although the other party's dress is cool enough, but no matter how you look at it, she is a proper little girl.

Mikami Satoru, who had already obtained the magic mage qualification certificate, naturally regarded the other party as a child, completely forgetting that his current body was not much bigger.

Chu Feng, who is familiar with the plot, was not surprised at all, and he did not believe that Milim was really instigated to find trouble with Limuru.

With long eyes that can see through everything, Milim is really not easy to be deceived, she can be called a wily young girl.

And she pretended to be deceived and came to trouble Limuru, probably just for fun.

A girl who grew up alone, even if she lived endless years, still hopes to find a playmate like a child.

"Huh? Who are you two? When did the Demon Kingdom have two more masters whose strength even I can't see through? That idiot Kleiman deliberately played me, didn't he?"

After Milim jumped out of the huge pit.

His eyes naturally fell on the two people with the strongest magic essence.

There was even a kinship smell from one of the blond women.


Milim stared at Thor strangely.

It felt that the humanoid female dragon in front of her was a little different from the dragons she knew.

But exactly what is different, but I can't tell.

But there is no doubt that she cannot see through the strength of the man and woman in front of her.

As a dragon demon, Milim dare not underestimate any dragon, especially the total amount of magic essence of the other party is not much different from hers.

Gradually, a smile appeared on that delicate face, revealing two small canine teeth, as if something interesting had happened.

"You are very interesting, you are so powerful, I have never heard of you before."

Milim patted the dust sticking to her legs, she was so cute when she opened her mouth, it was impossible to connect her with the rumored vicious Demon King.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, Limulu said, "Your Excellency Milim, I don't know why you suddenly visited the Demon Kingdom Federation."

Milim waved her hand: "It's nothing, I just heard that there is a very strong monster here, so I just came to have a look. It's you, that mutant slime?"

Limulu was slightly taken aback, and didn't know who 473 had mentioned himself to the other party, but he still politely said: "It's just me, but the person who comes is a guest [we are..."

To be honest, Limuru didn't want to provoke a demon king. After all, the current Demon Kingdom Federation couldn't stop him, so his attitude was more friendly, and he even wanted to invite him to a banquet.

But just halfway through the conversation, I realized that today Chu Feng entertained them for free to celebrate the opening of the new store.

So, Limulu turned to look at Chu Feng, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face.

"It's okay." Chu Feng laughed and turned to look at Milim: "The new store is opening today, if you don't mind, you can come and taste our food, there are desserts."

Chu Feng has no ill feeling toward Milim, and besides, the destroyed square is not his, Limuru doesn't mind, and he doesn't feel bad.

And Milim, who has a pure personality, is much easier to get along with than other demon kings, and she can also let her advertise for herself in the future.

"Dessert? Is there honey?"

Milim's eyes lit up.

Sweets are her favorite.

Especially sweet things with honey!.

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