A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 625】Talking Nonsense With Your Eyes Open, Please Close Your Eyes!

Smoked sheep's head, steamed hairtail, braised manatee.

These three dishes are the dishes that Chu Feng prepared for the three beast warriors.

The head of the Ogunu black goat with two thick long antelope horns was quietly placed on a huge dinner plate.

Due to the direction in which the plate was placed, a pair of eyes stared straight at Phoebe.

The slightly purple bright red sauce was poured on the sheep's head, as if to outline the tragic appearance of the Ogunu black mountain antelope before its death.

It's not the first time Fubio has eaten this kind of food. Although the shape of the smoked sheep's head makes even orcs palpitate, he just likes the taste.

However, I thought I was used to this kind of cooking, but at this moment Leo still felt a little nervous.

I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel that the other party is not dead yet, and is still staring at him, the culprit who ordered the meal, with malicious intent. "four seven three"

Damn, why does the dish made by this chef look so realistic?

Fubio suddenly regretted ordering this dish.

I always feel that the boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion is deliberately targeting me.

But the smell of the slightly drunk mutton has been drifting towards me with the air flowing towards the door.

The incomparably wonderful smell seemed unstoppable, and it kept drilling into his nostrils.

Fubio subconsciously took a deep breath with lingering fear.

It was absolutely the best bacon he had ever smelled.

At the same time~

Al Weisi was also attracted by the steamed hairtail in front of her.

The brightly colored octopus lies whole on an oval dinner plate.

As if in a deep sleep, there was thick heat and a faint fragrance all over his body.

Al Weisi's nose twitched twice, feeling that the fragrance smelled very good.

Even the strong smell of bacon cannot mask the light aroma.

In contrast, the cuisine in front of Su Fia looks a bit common.

In a pot of soup, a part of the meat sticking out can be vaguely seen. Although it has a bit of fragrance, it can also be seen that the meat is white and red, but the visual experience and taste experience are not as obvious as the other two.

Su Fia glanced at Chu Feng with a slanted head, and muttered, "Isn't the boss trying to perfuse me? What kind of food is this?"

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Braised pork."

"What kind of meat did you cook?"

"Smiling Manatee!"


Su Fia looked dazed, sure it was an ingredient she had never heard of.

Chu Feng didn't explain, but just replied lightly: "You will know after eating."

Su Fia nodded slowly, no longer delving into the origin of the ingredients.

Anyway, for her, as long as there is meat.

The three began to taste their own dishes.

Although I don't like restaurants in the Federation of Demon Kingdom.

But Phoebe had to admit it.

This smoked lamb head is definitely the most delicious one I have ever eaten.

The strong smell of smoke completely seeped into the sheep's head.

The unnamed spices enhance the umami taste of the lamb head meat to the extreme.

If it wasn't for the different positions, he would definitely not be able to help but applaud.

But who told him to oppose the alliance between the Beast Kingdom and the Demon Kingdom Federation?

So much so that I am somewhat hostile to the restaurants here.

In fact, Fubio didn't have any opinion on Carlyon.

On the contrary~

He is the most loyal to Karion among the three beast warriors, and he loves Yulasania, the kingdom of beasts deeply.

It's just that Lord Kallion actually thinks that the Demon Kingdom Federation can be on an equal footing with the Beast Kingdom. This is what Fubio can't bear the most.

It took countless years of hardships for Ulasania to develop into what it is today, which is one of the best big countries on the continent.

How can He De be compared with Yulasania in the newly established Demon Kingdom Federation?

What's more, Omei Alvis, who always thought she was on her side, actually supported Lord Karion's decision?

The two closest people actually stood on the other side of their positions, Wei Biao expressed that he could not accept it.

So even though he already knew the delicacy of the smoked sheep's head in front of him, and knew that the owner of the shop had great cooking skills, he still kept a straight face, suppressing the pleasure in his heart after tasting the delicacy.

The corners of his mouth twitched a little, showing that he was holding back very hard.

Even if Chu Feng didn't put a little heart into this dish, didn't use any kitchen utensils in Legendary, and even the cooking method was very casual.....

But with his cooking skills reaching the dragon level, even if he casually moves his hands, what he makes can shock this group of otherworld natives......

Fubio resisted the encroachment of delicious food, looked at Chu Feng pretending to be calm, and said in a low voice: "It's thanks to the people of the Demon Kingdom Federation that your culinary skills have been praised to the sky, and now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

Hongwan: (⊙o⊙)...

Al Weisi: O00)...

Su Fia: (⊙_⊙)??

The other three saw Fubio's gloomy face.

Can't help but a little speechless.

When you are talking nonsense with your eyes open, can you please close your eyes?

Is it really appropriate for you to say such words against your will with eyes full of intoxication?


No matter how stubborn Fubio was, no matter how against his will, the instinct of his body still made his eyes change.

Especially when staring at the smoked sheep's head and looking at Chu Feng, the body's feedback to the delicious food is reflected in those eyes.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul and cannot be fooled.

Alvis rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, I felt that bringing Fubio this time was the biggest mistake.

This guy's performance has completely disgraced the Beast Kingdom.

The backwardness and poverty of the Demon Kingdom Federation have been criticized before, which has already dissatisfied the senior management of the Demon Kingdom.

Now even the food here has to be judged, which is a bit outrageous.

If Maple Leaf Pavilion's food is really that bad, it's fine for Al Weisi to turn a blind eye to 2.8 because of the years of acquaintance.

But their food is really super delicious, it can be called the most delicious one she has ever eaten.

It's a bit too much for you to keep your eyes open and talk nonsense after all this...

And it can be seen from the attitude of Benimu and others towards Chu Feng.

The opponent's status in the Demon Federation is extremely high, even no less than Lord Rimuru.

Although the other party didn't exude too strong aura, Al Weisi instinctively felt a kind of fear.

That's... the heart palpitations only when facing a demon king.

Alweis has no intention of making enemies with the Federation of the Demon Kingdom, nor does she want to offend unknown powerhouses.

So even though he was reluctant to part with the delicious food in front of him, he put down his knife and fork and prepared to drink with Bi Li's cerebral palsy.

However, before she could speak, Su Fia on the side gradually began to look strange. .

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