A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

[Chapter 633] Tokisaki Kuangsan: How To Convince Uncle Chu?

Night quietly enveloped the earth.

There are colorful neon lights flashing in almost every corner of the Tokyo metropolis.

Cars speeding by and social animals rushing home after get off work.

It depicts a modern and tense city.

The lights of Maple Leaf Pavilion are still as hot as usual.

There is no colorful splendor, no twilight blur like that of Chunguo Pavilion, but only incandescent lamps, and the whole restaurant is extremely bright.

It's just a pity that there are only a few customers in the huge restaurant, and they all have different looks and different clothing styles.

Sitting at the table near the window were three pretty girls, Yatogami Tohka, Tokisaki Kurumi and Shikino.

"Ah, I can eat Boss Chu's food again today, so happy~~"

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was waiting for the dishes to be served, was obviously a little bored, but it didn't affect her mouth upturned at all, nor would it affect her good mood.

Ever since Chu Feng was busy opening a branch, they hadn't tasted Chu Feng's craftsmanship the last time they came here, so they could only make do with Alice's cooking. 833

Fortunately, Alice didn't know what the three of them were thinking at the time, otherwise she would have been depressed for a while.

Yatogami Tohka nodded in deep agreement: "Yeah, I don't know what Boss Chu has been up to lately. Didn't it mean that the time flow here is one to five compared to ours? Seriously, I'm more than half the time." Yue didn't eat what he made!"

"Hmm~~" The puppet in Sixienao's hand said: "Sixiinai also misses delicious food..."

"Come on, you can't eat it again."

Tokisaki Kurumi gave Shikina a look.

"No, no, my senses are shared with the four systems, and if she eats it, it means I eat it too.


The answer was Tokisaki Kurumi's sneer.

A doll rabbit, does he really consider himself a human?

At the other table are Shen Yong and the Goddess of Healing.

Longgongyuan Shengzai and Listadai have already regarded Maple Leaf Pavilion as a holy place to visit once every few days.

Regardless of whether it is windy or rainy or practicing cultivation, no matter whether the body (cjbe) is in the unified God Realm or the Exfoliate World, anyway, as long as the golden card glows and heats up, the two will always come over as soon as possible.

Another group is Tanjiro, Nezuko, my wife Zenitsu, and Zuihei Inosuke.

The young Ghost Slayer from Ghost Slayer World also likes the food of Maple Leaf Pavilion very much.

The waiting time is always difficult.

Fortunately, Chu Feng didn't make Tokisaki Kuang wait for too long.

When Akemi Miyano came over with the dishes, she happened to hear Tohka complaining in a low voice, and then said with a smile: "The boss recently went to another world for something, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can complain to the boss, of course he Whether it is accepted or not is another matter."

"No~ I don't have any dissatisfaction~~"

Yatogami Tohka waved her hands quickly, hesitated for a long time before saying embarrassingly, she didn't expect that she would be overheard by the restaurant waiter just by muttering something casually.

And in Maple Leaf Pavilion, even a waiter is not a simple role. Tokisaki Kurumi once told her quietly that the big sister in front of her is an angel.

Miyano Akemi put it on the dishes with a smile, but she didn't mean to scare the little girl, it was just a little joke.

At the same time, he was instructed by Chu Feng to find a reason to 'leak' his going to other worlds.

Although the guests from Otherworld had long guessed that Chu Feng could go to Otherworld at will.

But after all, it has been so long, except for Pirate World and Limulu, people in other worlds have never seen Chu Feng travel through, so they subconsciously think that Chu Feng is not interested in their world

Now, the three groups of people present heard that the other party has already been to other worlds?

"Ah? Who did Boss Chu go to?"

Tokisaki Kurumi stood up with a 'bang', and then his eyes wandered between the other two groups of people, but he saw that everyone was also dazed and shocked.

Not them! Who then?

She has been to Maple Leaf Pavilion a few times, and she is also familiar with Ryuguin Seiya and Tanjiro.

So she quickly determined that Chu Feng didn't go to their world, so who else is left?

Uncle Whitebeard? That slime? Or someone else I haven't seen before?

Tokisaki Kurumi was not sure.

She wondered if she knew all the people from other worlds.


Really, Boss Chu, why don't you go to my side first?

Could it be that this lady's natural beauty can't make him interested?

Tokisaki Kurumi had always hoped that Chu Feng could go to her side.

The main thing is to know the identity of the original elf.

Last time I heard Chu Feng mention Wuhe Shidao.

Tokisaki Kurumi also secretly investigated this person.

It's just that in the end, it was concluded that Wuhe Shidao is an ordinary high school student who has lost his relatives, has a sensitive personality, and has poor psychological endurance.

Itsuka Shidou, who had never been in contact with Yatogami Tohka, did not notice any abnormalities in himself. Now he is still a homecoming club, focusing on housework and food at home, and Tokisaki Kurumi did not see anything special about him.

However, she unexpectedly discovered that Wuhe Shidou's younger sister, Wuhe Kotori, was actually the commander of the Fraxinus.

This is Ratatox's branch in Tiangong City, an airship that specializes in monitoring elves and spacequakes.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi really wanted to find out what was so special about Kotori Wuhe, he could make an exception for the Ratatox headquarters to appoint her, a fourteen-year-old girl, as the commander?

It's just that a new elf seems to have appeared in a place recently. Under Tohka's suggestion, Kurumi temporarily gave up his plan to contact Wuhe Kotori.

Now, knowing that Chu Feng had already been to other worlds, Tokisaki Kuumou couldn't sit still anymore.

If the other party can go there for her, then there is still a need to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the original elves.

It would be easier for Chu Feng to give a little help or mention something than they are like headless chickens.

But, how to convince this Uncle Chu who doesn't eat oil and salt?

Tokisaki Kurumi sat down again, lost in thought alone. .

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