A dream in Huang Liang is like a lifetime.

Its real function is not to preach.

It is to deeply develop the potential of the biological subconscious, and to think spontaneously and focus on knowledge.

At the same time, it also allows the affected people to have more and more abundant time to develop.

of course~

Chu Feng did not have the great idea of ​​contributing to the development of all mankind.

The greatest use of this skill to him is nothing more than teaching cooking skills.

After all, Boss Chu has always only cared about his own people.

Employees like Tadokoro Megumi and Kobayashi Gendan, who are already named Maple Leaf Pavilion, are already half of their own.

Moonlight sprinkled on the bed in the master bedroom on the third floor.

Chu Feng used 'Huang Liang Yi Meng' for the first time

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan sat cross-legged, with his eyes closed, apparently asleep.

But in the dream, she was constantly practicing the Taixuan Sutra.

The moonlight shone profusely on Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's body.

It seems to turn into cheerful particles.

Through the tulle on Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's body, it poured into her body.

The essence of the moon is also a kind of energy.

The dominance of the Taixuan Jing is that it can devour and transform energy of any nature.

In the dream, Tian Yu Zhan continued to practice, and 043's body in reality began to instinctively absorb the most conspicuous essence of the moon at night.

Chu Feng leaned against the bed and watched this scene, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion for Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's talent in martial arts.

This girl seems to be born for martial arts.

The Taixuan Jing is composed of dozens of pictures, and its cultivation can only be achieved by enlightenment. Tianyu Zhanzhan fully mastered it without spending too much time in his dream.

The dots of Moon Essence seemed to encounter a huge magnet, rushing into Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's body.

At this moment, there was an indescribable sacred dignity about her.

Qi Haicheng, congenital!

Until the next morning, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

A ray of light flashed away, like a fleeting image.

"Innate Realm!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan's heart shook, his face was full of ecstasy.

After a night of training, she never expected that she would break through from Qi Sea Realm to Xiantian Realm all the way.

Originally, she only practiced external skills, but her strength was comparable to that of Qi Sea Realm Dacheng. Now that she has learned the Taixuan Sutra, she has advanced to Xiantian in one go, and her strength has increased by more than ten times.


Tianyu Zhanzhan, who was dressed in a piece of clothing, directly jumped up from the bed, hugged Chu Feng with both hands and kissed him on the face, which shows how happy the high-cold armed queen is at this time.


Chu Feng stared at the passionate Tian Yu Zhan Zhan with a half-smile.

"Yeah, thank you for finding such a good exercise for me."

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan nodded heavily and said excitedly.

"If you want to thank you, a kiss is not enough."

"Then what do you want?"

"Of course, the plan for a day lies in the morning."


Alvis and Sophia have returned to the Beast Kingdom.

But after traveling all night until returning home, the two of them didn't meet Fubio.

At the same time, news of the reality of the storm and monster disaster spread throughout the countries.

Beastmaster Karion, Alvis and others naturally received the news.

But it's different from other countries.

At the same time, Calion received a secret report and learned the true identity of the Great Storm Vortex.

Black Panther Tooth - Fubio!

That's right!

For some unknown reason, his confidant turned into a frightening whirlwind of a storm.

Carlyon couldn't figure it out, why did things turn out like this?

The most unacceptable thing is that Fubio died.

The people of the Demon Kingdom Federation don't give them any face.

Fubio was killed with a single blow.

Although I was very upset.

But Calion still didn't take the liberty to turn against the Federation of Demon Kingdom.

Not to mention that the two countries have just established states.

Just the boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion, who killed the stormy demon with a single blow, made him extremely afraid.

At least Calyon asked himself, "I don't have the strength to instantly kill Big Sister Baofeng. (cjai) face sinks like water.

He decided to discuss it with Alveys.

After all, the opponent is the brains of the Beast Kingdom.

"Al Weisi, is that Chu Feng really that strong?"

After a long time, Karion expressed the biggest question in his heart.

After all, he has been famous for many years, and he has never heard of such a character.

Alvis is so clever, she can see Carion's hesitation at a glance.

She is well aware of the character of the other party's protection, and it is because of this that Karion was able to gather a group of like-minded partners back then, and finally established the beast kingdom Yulasania.

Obviously, the other party was worried about Chu Feng's strength, and also worried that the rumors would be exaggerated.

After pondering for a while, Alvis said: "Lord Kallion, my subordinates do not suggest fighting against the Demon Kingdom Federation, and Boss Chu is not from the Demon Kingdom Federation." Song just opened a shop with them.

Looking at his most powerful subordinate strangely, Kalyon asked doubtfully, "You seem to be afraid of this person?"

Calion is not the kind of muscular guy who only knows how to fight, otherwise he would not be able to stand at the current height.

After a little observation, he could see that there was something wrong with Alweis.

"Because...he's from the Otherworld!"

After pondering for a moment, Alweis decided to tell the truth, she didn't want Calyon to provoke an invincible enemy.

Although she didn't make a simple Chu Feng move with her own eyes, she had seen the smiling manatee and the colorful hairtail fish from Otherworld, and she already roughly knew the origin of each other.

Beings that can travel between different worlds are definitely not something the Beast Kingdom can provoke.


Carlyon's eyes widened.

Staring at Alweis in disbelief.

It's not that they don't trust each other.

It just felt so incredible.

"Are you sure? It's not a different space, but another world?"

Carlyon raised his tone.

"Yeah!" Al Weisi nodded.


Calion gasped, without doubting the other party's judgment.

It was impossible for Alvis to joke about such a thing.

But how is it possible?

How could people from another world come to them?

As the Demon Lord, Carlyon knows a lot of secrets.

In the past, many countries have tried to summon people from another world, because the people there have a rare affinity for magic essence.

But the ones who are usually summoned are children, without any magic power, so they can only be handled by the people on their side.

Any magic that controls the soul can control the life of these people.

Kalyon had never heard that people from Otherworld possessed such heaven-defying strength as soon as they came.

And according to Alweisi, the other party was not summoned by Limuru, but came here by himself.

Is this a bit intriguing?

What is the origin of the other party?

After calming down, Calion endured the unhappiness of losing his beloved general, and decided to wait and see what happened. .

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