Scales of different colors flickered in the sunlight.

Schools of various fish swim in the crystal clear waters of the lake.

Swimming fish vary in size, from a few meters long to palm-sized, and in different shapes, so it is impossible to figure out the ecological laws here.

After a little observation, Chu Feng found that the creatures in the lake ranged from a dozen levels to hundreds of levels, but he didn't see the kind described by Sta~Jin.

However, the visibility of the lake is only about ten meters, and it is estimated that the kind of fish-lives in it.

After grabbing some edible fish, Chu Feng stepped on the surface of the water and got lost in the center of the lake.

With his cooking skills at his current level, he can tell at a glance whether the ingredients are edible or not.


A red carp about eight meters long caught Chu Feng's eyes.

【Name】: Phoenix Koi

【Capture level】:232

[body length]: 8 meters

【Weight】: 220kg

[The phoenix koi growing in the Misty Lake seems to be deeply favored by the heavens. It is a kind of food that can bring luck. Whether it is cultivated or eaten, it can increase luck points. 】

'Ingredients that increase luck?'

Seeing these few lines, Chu Feng was a little surprised.

To be honest, it was the first time he saw ingredients that could enhance luck.

"Good stuff!"

Chu Feng laughed immediately.

Drill directly into the water.

such a good baby,

Of course it is to be captured alive.

Chu Feng was not going to attack directly into the water.

In case the phoenix koi is accidentally killed.

That loss is not one or two points.

Although it can be purchased in the points mall.

But points have to be spent no.

Speaking of this, Boss Chu wanted to complain.

There is everything in the points mall.

But it is because there are too many things.

It made it impossible for him to read every page.

It is convenient to search directly only if you know the name of the ingredients first.

So much so that Chu Feng has formed a habit now.

Look for those rare ingredients first.

Make a search bar after investigating the situation clearly.

Because I don't want to hurt the Phoenix Koi.

Chu Feng can't use many moves.

The holy sword Excalibur, if you don't kill, you don't draw the sword, the red lotus flame blade...

Basically, a shot is a killer move.

Although the capture level of Phoenix Koi exceeds two hundred levels.

But Chu Feng was not sure whether the opponent could resist these moves.

He used a hand knife casually.

Let's test the tolerance of Phoenix Koi first.


Chu Feng never expected it.

The seemingly bulky phoenix koi unexpectedly dodged his own attack very strangely.

He is sure.

Although the other party sensed the danger, they didn't have extra time to react.

The creature resembles a magnified fat carp.

Even if it is bloated, it can respond in a timely manner.

It is also impossible to react in time in the face of danger.


The seemingly inevitable hand knife.

The phoenix koi avoided it in a funny way.

Chu Feng unbelievingly threw out two punches one after another.

This time he used the Cosmic Phantom of King of Fighters Ralph.

Not surprisingly.

The phoenix koi escaped smoothly.

As if every time you swim.

It can always find a dead end to attack.

'Damn it!'

It is really a creature blessed by God!'

Chu Feng could see it.

Phoenix koi's attack power is not strong, and its defense should be relatively poor.

But it has its own lucky attribute, which can perfectly avoid the hunter's attack.

Facing this kind of unsolvable luck, ordinary moves will not work at all.

No wonder this guy obviously has no strength, but he can evolve to more than 200 levels in the perilous Cloud Continent.


It is estimated that as long as it is hungry, God will feed food into its mouth.

Really God enjoy the meal!

Tried a few more times.

After discovering that ordinary moves have no effect on Phoenix Koi.

Chu Feng was too lazy to play anymore.

Stop right away!

‘Laozi stopped the time of the entire space, I don’t believe you can escape. "

Sure enough~

The luck attribute of Phoenix Koi still cannot exceed the limitation of time and space.

Originally, the fish's eyes were still shining with humanized sarcasm. When it found that its body could not swim, its two eyes widened, as if it had discovered something incredible.


From birth to now, the Phoenix koi has never been passive. No matter what danger it encounters, it can easily avoid it. When it is hungry, there is food. Occasionally, rare and exotic fruits fall into the lake, just in front of it.

With such a comfortable life, it has no sense of crisis by nature, and it is never afraid of those terrible predators in the lost garden.

But now, the phoenix koi suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling, which was a sense of crisis of losing freedom and possibly being reduced to food.

For a moment, the pair of huge eyeballs finally revealed a look of panic, and it was full of fear for the terrifying man in front of it.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you."

Seeing the pleading look in the Phoenix Koi's eyes, Chu Feng smiled and patted its fish head, and said via voice transmission.

He has already decided to keep this guy in Maple Leaf Map.

He is reluctant to eat dreamy creatures with lucky attributes.

Although it is only raised, the luck is definitely not as good as eating it directly.

But this stuff requires a long flow of water.

With so many diners visiting Maple Leaf Pavilion every day, there is always a time when luck is overwhelming.

Boss Chu has already decided that the phoenix koi will be the mascot of Maple Leaf in the future.

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