A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 651】The Truth About The Destruction Of The Last Food Era

"The three of you came to me this time, probably because of Sanhu's affairs?"

Chu Feng turned his back to Dadi Longberry, with a faint smile on his face.

As early as when he learned that Yilong was waiting for someone to come to the door, he had already guessed the other party's intention.


"Aren't your IGOs ​​on the same level as food?"

This sentence was obviously asking Yilong.

The latter looked at Chu Feng for a few seconds, shook his head and said: "It's just a conflict of interests. The personal grievances between Sanhu and I have long since vanished. The past is like smoke. When the food world was destroyed, the three of us brothers and sisters were already gone. Let go of grudges."

Chu Feng was a little surprised.


Your IGO and gourmet associations almost knocked out the brains of dogs.

Now tell me that the two of you have settled down?

The 29 people who were sacrificed on both sides of the co-authorship died in vain, right?

It is estimated that their spirits in the sky will all come alive with anger.

As if seeing Chu Feng's confusion, Yilong smiled wryly and said, "Actually, we have awakened our past life memories a long time ago. When the gourmet world first appeared, we old guys were actually very surprised, and even thought that reincarnation was just A dream."

Setono continued: "However, the food world shrouded in white mist makes us understand that all this is not a dream, but a real happening. As the two worlds continue to merge, we are very clear that sooner or later there will be One day, the last round of disasters will reappear, so it is necessary to recruit talents from all walks of life to improve everyone's strength.

Jiro nodded: "So, for the future of Blue Star, sacrifice is necessary."

In a few words, Yilong and others raised the battle between the two major gourmet organizations to a noble level for the sake of all mankind.

In fact, he didn't know why the other party was so sure that the catastrophe would come sooner or later?

But he is sure that these old guys must know the world better than himself.

Faintly looking at the three old men who lived two lifetimes, Chu Feng shrugged and said, "Don't worry, since I promised Stakin that I won't embarrass the three tigers, I won't break my promise, provided that "he doesn't come to provoke me again."

Hearing Chu Feng's answer, Yilong smiled and said: "Of course, in fact, he just wants to recover his strength as soon as possible. The Thunder King Snake is indeed very useful to him. Please forgive me, Boss Chu. I can protect the three tigers." , In the future, the food association will never conflict with you again."

In fact, after Sanhu was seriously injured and escaped, he didn't know that Starkin had pleaded for him, but instead contacted his senior brother Yilong.

After a short fight with Chu Feng, Sanhu knew very well that he was not Chu Feng's opponent.

Although it was a little troublesome for the other party to kill him, it was not impossible.

He has not avenged his revenge, and he cannot die now, so he can only invite his former opponent to come forward as a peacemaker.

Without continuing to pester Sanhu, Chu Feng suddenly said, "I'm curious, what happened in the gourmet world?"

Compared with the small things that have passed, and the disasters that may happen in the future, Chu Feng is more curious about the truth about the destruction of the last great food era.

Yilong was not surprised, his eyes began to become deep, as if he had fallen into a long memory.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "Actually, the end of everything comes from our master, Acacia!"

"Gourmet God?"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. In his impression, Acacia shouldn't be considered a villain, let alone a world-destroying madman, right?

"You actually know the master's name?"

Jiro stared at Chu Feng in disbelief.

Food God!

After all, it is a gourmet myth of the last era.

In this world, no one should know his name.

Yilong took a deep look at Chu Feng.

He remembered the speculation Sanhu had told him.

Chu Feng must be someone who survived by luck in the last era.

As for who exactly?

He couldn't see it either.

The two ignored Jiro's surprise.

Chu Feng asked curiously: "Why does Acacia want to destroy the gourmet world?"

"He is possessed."

Yilong continued: "The specific reason is unknown, we only know that because he was still unable to break through his own realm, Acacia fell into a deep sleep after teaching us three. At that time, the total amount of food cells in his body had reached the limit, and he could no longer Devouring any fantasy ingredients, it is impossible to take the last step.

"After Acacia fell asleep, Jiro began to travel around the food industry, constantly improving himself. Three tigers and I created 1597GO and the food club respectively, and fought endlessly because of our different ideas. However, one day..."

"Acacia woke up, and the state of the whole person was very wrong. He began to hunt and kill the creatures he saw, whether it was acquaintances or low-level fantasy creatures, none of them escaped his clutches. When we old people By the time the guy realizes that something is wrong, the ecological environment of the food industry has been irreversibly damaged."

"Acacia is really too strong. Even if we old guys join forces and try our best, we can only draw with him. As you can imagine, after a long battle

Neither the present world nor the food world can stand the toss"


At this time, Ji Nai also sighed, and continued: "We had a chance to defeat Acacia. After all, in the end, not only our physical strength was close to exhaustion, but he himself was not feeling well, and his injuries were only worse than ours. But he In the end, I don’t know what tricks were used, which directly plunged the food industry into a state of primitive chaos, and when we woke up again, we were already worried about things.”

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