A Stall Is Set Up at the Gate of Tōtsuki, And A Food Praise Ten Thousand Times Return

【Chapter 661】Chu Feng Puts His Hands In His Pockets, Claiming To Be Mediocre!

Her whole body was covered by majestic mist, and the bluish-white mist was like snow, forming a blue dress.

A series of powerful winds roared, forming circles of terrible tornadoes in the blink of an eye, floating around the young girl.

Facing the sudden human beings, the young girl was only briefly surprised, and then revealed an emotion called 'hate'.

"Sorrow of the Heavens—Buying Snow!"

Almost without any hesitation, Qingnv activated the spell immediately.

I don't know what has happened, she seems to be full of resentment towards human beings, and she uses a wide range of moves when she makes a move.

The snow is falling even more!

Pieces of snowflakes, which usually look ordinary, are now like extremely fast spinning darts, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye, densely packed, covering the sky and the sun.

29 The cumulus clouds formed by the snowflakes fell towards Chu Feng with the force of Mount Tai pressing down on the top, covering such a wide area that it directly enveloped the entire scenic spot.

It was completely dark, and there was no longer any sunlight.

The crowd stopped their fleeing movements one after another. The extreme cold made their bodies stiffen, and it seemed that there was an invisible force holding them firmly in place.

Burial snow!

The wind and snow buried everything in the world!

It is impossible for ordinary people to escape.


Boss Chu is no ordinary person.

Compared to the God of Disobedience.

Now he is more like a real god.

Dragon Slayer Profound Truth Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!

A light punch.

A huge flame dragon took shape.

Far bigger, stronger, and more ferocious than ever before.

Now Chu Feng's total energy intensity is equal to that of Milim, one of the three oldest demon kings.

Not to mention the incomplete god of disobedience, even if the real god descends, he would not dare to underestimate this trick.

The pretty and beautiful face of the young girl finally revealed a look of shock.

Shock far stronger than surprise.

How could such a terrifying energy erupt from a small human being?

The super-large fire dragon is like a demon that can crawl out of hell magma.

There was an extremely hot temperature on her body that made the young girl feel seriously uncomfortable.

The dry and hot breath made the young girl feel depressed for a while, and a strong sense of crisis surged in her heart.

The temperature on the flame monster's body was even comparable to that of the Vulcan Zhu Rong she knew well.

"Humans, how can they have such power!?"

The young girl was shocked and angry.

She never expected it.

For the first time, he came out of the myth.

Just met such a weird human being.

He stared at the villain in front of him in surprise.

The young girl couldn't help muttering to herself...

'Is this guy a god in human skin?'

Under the blazing and violent flames.

Cumulus clouds formed by wind and snow melted rapidly.

But it hasn't waited for it to form a downpour.

The scorching air waves vaporize it.

The fog on the snow-capped mountains got thicker.

As the mist slowly dissipates,

The young girl didn't continue to fight.

but suddenly shrinks in stature,

become about the size of a normal person.

"Who exactly are you?"

A cold voice came from the white mist.

Even if you don't know much about the world.

At any rate, Qingnv had also heard some rumors about the Godslayer.

It's just that the gods of the Dragon Kingdom rarely come out of mythology.

She used to pay little attention to worldly affairs.

But no matter what.

It is impossible for human beings to possess such terrifying strength.

Not even a godslayer.

She is not one of those false gods of the West.

The jade girl of Qingxiao, to fall frost and snow!

In terms of divinity alone, she beat the so-called God of War in the West, Hercules.

However, now she felt the ultimate threat from the man in front of her.

The other party can kill her.

"I'm just an ordinary human being innocently involved in the affairs of the gods.

Putting his hands in his pockets, Chu Feng subconsciously joked.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

The young woman looked sullen, feeling insulted.


Thank you for being able to speak.

If such a strong existence like yours is mediocre, then what are all the gods and Buddhas in the sky?

"Get out of the way, the hatred between me and humans is none of your business."

Perhaps because the person in front of her just restrained herself, the young woman resisted the urge to destroy everything, and did not continue to do it for the time being.

‘Do you have such a great hatred for human beings?’

Chu Feng muttered to himself, but at the same time he was very puzzled.

Because of Luo Hao's relationship, he knew that the God of Disobedience rarely appeared in the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, the 'gods' in our ancient culture are relatively normal, not as chaotic as in the West, where they fight and kill all day long, and a family can write millions of words of grievances and hatreds.

This also resulted in the scarcity of godslayers in the East, Luo Hao was the only one in so many years.

After thinking up to this point, Chu Feng couldn't help asking curiously: "What did human beings do to you?"

Thinking with normal logic, if the gods of the Dragon Kingdom, who have always been friendly to humans, were not greatly stimulated, there is a high probability that they would not come out of the mythology.

So the question is, what happened to the young girl?

who knows~

Chu Feng's voice just fell.

The young girl's face was immediately covered with frost.

A bone-chilling chill filled the entire space once again. .

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