Chu Feng did not use divine walking.

First, I don't know the aura of the Marquis of Vauban, and second, I haven't been to the Balkan Peninsula, so I can't locate it.

After all, even with Chu Feng's current mental strength, he couldn't perceive the breath thousands of kilometers away without the opponent making a move.

Anyway, coming to the Godslayer World is just for fun, so I'm not afraid to delay this little time.

When traveling, the most important thing is to enjoy the process.

at the same time!

The Balkan Peninsula in southern Europe.

The Marquis of Vauban welcomes some of his 'old friends'

This is a meeting of kings!

In the luxurious manor stands an ancient castle with a long history.

The reception room.

There are bookcases around, filled with densely packed books, many of which are classics that have been lost.

Although the Marquis of Vauban never-never liked reading.

But it does not hinder his desire to collect ancient books.

By the way, you can also pretend to be a senior intellectual to show your profound knowledge.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged on a mahogany chair. The exquisite carving patterns on the back were like a lifelike magic wolf. Coupled with the long sense of age, it was like a work of art.

Knocked on the arm of the chair, it looked like an emperor sitting on a throne.

Even in the face of several other godslayers, the Marquis of Vauban still has awe-inspiring aura.

Rebellious, arrogant and noble!

"Sarbatley Doni, four years ago you snatched away the God of Disobedience I attracted with the 'God's Call'. I haven't settled the account with you yet, but how did I hear that someone used it again recently? Got 'God Called'?"

The Marquis of Vauban stared at the blond young man sitting on the right side of the round table.

His tone and demeanor were extremely calm.

A ferocious and distorted smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

An eerie power emanated from his tall, thin body.

The sharp emerald green evil eyes shone with a gloomy light like the pupils of a tiger.

The blond young man named Salbatre Doni seemed startled by the sudden move of the Marquis of Vauban,

Hastily waved his hands and said: "Ah, ah, Marquis, you misunderstood, last time it was a coincidence, I happened to appear near Dionysus, how did I know that you recruited it, as the member of the Southern European magic association 'King of Swords' Commander, when encountering a disobedient god who causes disaster to the world, I will definitely kill him, isn't that very reasonable. Besides, I don't know how to 'God's call'!"

The Marquis of Vauban suddenly launched an attack, and Duny looked confused.

God's move is a very complicated technique that sounds very complicated.

How could he?

Does Vauban, an old fellow, think highly of him?


There was a rare look of anger on the face of the Marquis of Vauban, but it was quickly replaced by a grin.

Putting down his feet coiled on the chair, the Marquis Vauban picked up the glass of red wine on the table.

Shaking the wine glass lightly, Si Tiao took a sip slowly.

Ignoring the impatient eyes of the others.

The left side of the round table.

There was a faint smile on the handsome face of a brown-haired young man.

After the Marquis of Vauban put down his glass, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "I also heard about that incident four years ago, and I really can't blame Dony, and 'God's Invitation' is a forbidden technique. Although we are the devil kings, we can't He took the initiative to bring disasters to the world. However, I heard that this time someone set up this kind of forbidden technique in the east, which is the domain of Hierarch Luo Hao, so if you dare to use this kind of forbidden technique within the jurisdiction of that person, hehe... ..”

The brown-haired young man's laughter seemed to indicate something.

The Marquis of Vauban smiled instead of anger, and said in a very calm tone: "Do you think I did it this time?"

"Not at all. The Marquis never hides his head and shows his tail. I believe everyone knows it very well."

The brown-haired youth still had a smile on his face.

The Marquis of Vauban snorted coldly: "Don't forget, I have several privileges. The most important thing is the right to choose the prey I want to hunt. I don't have a hobby of hunting mice. Only the strong are worthy of my Vauban hunting."

"But the problem often lies in the fact that there are very few gods that can meet my goals. I managed to successfully use the 'God's Call' to get one, but this kid snatched it away, which made me lose the opportunity to enjoy short-term fun.


That's right.

In Godslayer,

The Marquis of Vauban is one of the few who can choose his hunt.

There is no other reason, relying on super strength.

In fact, Luo Hao also has the privilege in this regard.

But Master Luo is obsessed with martial arts all day long.

As long as the God of Disobedience does not appear in the East.

She didn't even bother to step out of the house.

The Marquis of Vauban just glanced at the brown-haired youth lightly.

The leader of the Sword King, Salbatre Doni, is just a 24-year-old boy.

And a few years ago, the other party was just a little knight, a heretical genius who knew nothing except swordsmanship.

If it hadn't been for accidentally defeating Celt's god king 'Silver Arm Nuada', he would have been qualified as a king.

He is also known as the strongest swordsman in Europe and is revered as the leader of the local magician organization "King of Swords".

Even the Marquis of Vauban would not pay attention to such a small role.

by contrast.

Alexander Gascoigne, the brown-haired young man known as "Alek the Black Prince", was more worthy of his fear.

This young man and Doni are simply two extremes.

Calm, intellectual, wise.....

Doesn't like to fight head-on and is used to counterattacking enemies.

His nickname is more famous than himself.

Defeating the fallen angel Lemuel who is in charge of vision and thunder, the noble son of black who has taken the power of speed.

His father was a scholar of the occult, and he also knew a little magic, but was better at gambling and juggling.

When Alexander was sixteen years old, after the death of his father who was looking for the Holy Grail, he found the code left behind, and his adventure began.

Then he met the angel Lemuel, and finally won the victory with his extraordinary luck and keen intuition, becoming a god-killing work.

Like Doni, he possesses five powers, but just looking at his strength on paper, he seems to be inferior to the latter.

But the Marquis of Vauban knew very well that if there was a real fight, Doni would be beaten to death by Alexander. .

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