The spirit world, a world full of magical elements.

Lvdou Forest is located in the mountains that stretch for thousands of miles.

There are many low-level monsters living here, all of which evolved from wild beasts after thousands of years.

Three figures appeared in the forest very abruptly.

Two big and one small.

It was Chu Feng, Thor and Kang Na.

Because it cannot be located.

Chu Feng couldn't use Divine Walk.

It can only rely on the teleportation array when Thor came.

And this hidden teleportation array is in the Green Dou Forest.

Thor was injured by God of War and fled all the way here.

There are no strong monsters in this forest, and there is no need to worry about the magic circle being destroyed.

"Is this the spirit world? Where shall we go first?"

It was the first time to come to Thor's hometown, and Chu Feng looked around curiously.

Compared with the slime world, the elemental energy here is more abundant.

Although only less than a year away from home.

But Thor still feels like a world away.

Feeling everything around, it seems a little nostalgic for the past time.

After a long time, she said, "Let's go to Celt 803 Kingdom first. It's the closest human country to here. We can go to the Adventurer's Guild to find out the situation first."

Thor was rarely calm.

The appearance of the Blood of the Fallen Angel was very abrupt.

And attracted the attention of the entire Dragon Clan.

It even made the conflicts between the factions more intense.

As the weak side, the human race must also be very concerned about this aspect.

After all, if there is a little carelessness, those small countries can't bear the crazy dragon at all.

The Celtic Kingdom has been established for hundreds of years, and it is still very young among the continental countries. The development of the surrounding area has continued for hundreds of years, and it has not been fully occupied so far.

Take the Green Fighting Forest as an example, the Celtic Kingdom has never explored to the depths, which shows that its strength is really mediocre.

Darla Adventurer's Guild.

Located in the capital of the Celtic kings.

Adventurers with different costumes gather here.

Every day, countless adventurers come to pick up quests or alternate quests.

Most of the people who have just finished their tasks will have a drink here.

Over time, the Adventurer's Guild has become the best place to inquire about news.

It is rare for people who travel around dangerous places all day to relax, and their tongues are generally loose, which is the easiest way to obtain the information they want.

The three of Chu Feng paid some membership fees, obtained three ID cards, and formed a mercenary group by the way. They ordered three glasses of juice and some pastries in the corner of the lobby.

"Have you heard? The Augusta Empire is screening the Chosen again!"

"Didn't you just recruit a group? Why did it start again? It seems that the theocratic war has been fierce recently."

"War of theocracy! A war between believers of different dragon gods. How many people will die this time?"

"Who knows, it's none of our business anyway, and we don't have the qualifications to be God's Chosen."

"However, although the death rate of the God's Chosen is extremely high now, the treatment is nothing to say, gold coins, rights, strength... once you become the God's Chosen, these are at your fingertips.

"Haha, come on, it's just the last good dinner before I die, I still like to be an adventurer (cjff), free and unrestrained."

The contents of the conversation of the adventurers passed into the ears of Chu Feng and the others verbatim.

Chu Feng and Thor looked at each other, both a little confused.

The adventurers did not mention Corrupted Blood or Dragon Clan War.

Is it because the level is too low to get these high-end news?

Or is someone deliberately covering up to prevent the news from spreading at the bottom?

"It seems that we have to go to the Great Augustus Empire."

Thor said a little disappointed.

"Wait a minute." Chu Feng asked: "What is the Chosen One? What about the theocratic war?"

Thor replied: "Since ancient times, humans have feared us dragons. Some places regard us as demons, while others regard us as beliefs. Since a long time ago, some countries have regarded us as totems and believed in them."

"The Augusta Empire is one of the countries that believe in the Dragon Clan, and its overall strength ranks among the top five countries in the mainland, but they believe in the Shenhe faction, and the Chosen Ones are people who serve the dragon. "

"Onlookers have almost no believers. The main function of the Chosen is to serve the dragons they believe in. However, the theocracy war... At least until I leave, the Chosen will generally not participate in the battle of the dragons."

Chu Feng nodded slowly. It seems that in the short half a year since Thor left, the spirit world has undergone great changes.

Thor had told him some things about dragons before.

The battles between dragons are generally straightforward, never engaging in fancy things.

Although sometimes the battle will affect humans, and even destroy some buildings, causing certain casualties.

But sending humans directly to the battlefield like now, or even using them as consumables...

Never before!

Thor was also unheard of.

The situation in the spirit world and the changes in the dragon clan seemed to be more serious than she had imagined. .

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