Cyclops' collection went very smoothly.

But Chimera's heart caused Chu Feng a difficult situation.

This is a creature with deep dragon blood and high intelligence. Most of them can speak dragon language, and some Chimera can even speak elf language and human lingua franca.

They generally have three heads.

A power zone that can release lightning-like spells, derived from the blood of Warcraft.

The other head can spit deadly corrosive acid, which Thor said is because the Chimera has the blood of the black dragon.

The last head does not have any magical talent, but it has a strong bite force, enough to tear apart most prey.

Among the sub-dragon monsters, Chimera is definitely a very powerful type, and they are solitary monsters, with almost no fixed habitat, and their favorite thing to do is to occupy the magpie's nest.

Whenever a prey is caught, the Chimera will temporarily stay in the opponent's lair, or build a nest on the spot, and set off again after digesting the prey, looking for new targets.

This also caused the Chimera to live without a fixed place, and it was very troublesome to find 403.

After leaving the ruins, Chu Feng and his party embarked on a journey to find the Chimera.

Although Pope Doge provided several locations where Chimeras were suspected to be haunted, Chu Feng never saw any traces of Chimeras.

In desperation, they can only rely on Thor and Kang's innate sense of Yalong beast to try their luck.

Chu Feng's luck has always been good. After all, he can even meet the extremely rare phoenix koi.

In a mountain range, they encountered a Chimera that had just caught a new prey and hadn't had time to move.

On a body about 30 meters long, there are three python-like heads, like a large lizard holding three snake heads. Six eyes of different colors stare vigilantly at the three little ones in front of them. With deep fear.

Obviously, it has grown from the two of them to the purest dragon blood.

"Two divine envoys, what is your job to find me?"

The head without any magical attributes in the middle of Chimera spoke out in a very respectful tone. (jeg)

Yalong Beast has no chance of winning against the pure-blooded Dragon Clan, not to mention that there are still two of them in front of it.

"Lend your heart."

Thor said blankly, just a little directly.

The pupils of Chimera's three pairs of eyes froze suddenly, feeling the danger of death.

It is true that it has three heads, but only one heart.

Can it still live without this thing?

Invisible fear welled up in her heart, and Chimera held back her anger, "You two, I am the subordinate of the Black Dragon King, think twice."

Its meaning is very simple.

Although I don't know why the other party is making trouble for me.

But it is definitely impossible to fight, so I can only bring out another dragon, so that the opponent can stop.

Who knows, Thor sneered: "Bier? As far as I know, that guy never accepts subordinates.

Immediately, she sent a voice transmission to Chu Feng: "Bier is a member of the spectator group. He disappeared more than 10,000 years ago. I don't know where he hid."

Without extra nonsense, Thor shot again and beheaded the Chimera.

Although Chimera has tried its best to resist, but the gap between the two is too large, and it cannot change its own ending.

There are soldiers guarding the gate of an ancient and dilapidated temple.

After the arrival of the three of Chu Feng, the two immediately identified themselves and entered the basement floor under the leadership of the soldiers.

In the age of the gods, countless temples were built on this land.

But with the fall of the gods, the dead and the dead fled, the original temple has long been abandoned.

The upper part of this temple has been hollowed out, leaving only an empty shell, and the same is true for the underground, only the stone lamps on the surrounding walls remain.

The basement floor has a huge space and is brightly lit. From time to time, patrolling soldiers can be seen turning into another narrow entrance.

Two people who seemed to be of high rank brought Chu Feng to a wall, pointed to the mural on the wall, and said, "My lord envoy, this is the entrance to the abyss.

This is an incomplete set of strokes, like a huge six-pointed star magic circle, but there are no complicated and difficult symbols in it, but a monster with a hideous and specious face.

Chu Feng couldn't describe what this thing looked like, it felt like a combination of countless strange creatures, only missing an eye and a heart.

After roughly estimating the size of the missing part, he found that it was the same size as the eyes of the evil-eyed giant and the heart of the Chimera.

It's no wonder that the Dragon Clan can develop a way to reversely open the abyss passage. The entrance of the Dare Passion has already given a specific range of answers, as long as you find a suitable sacrifice.

However, where should the blood of the bipedal dragon be poured, it can't be painted over the entire mural, right?

The mural is more than ten meters in diameter, and he doesn't have that much bipedal dragon blood.

The leading soldier seemed to see Chu Feng's doubts, and reminded: "Just pour some pterosaur blood between the monster's eyebrows."

Chu Feng looked at that person suspiciously, and asked curiously: "You seem to know this place very well, have you been through the abyss?"

"No, no, no..." The man waved his hand with a flattering smile and said, "Ordinary knights like us don't dare to go there, and the God Cult and His Majesty will not let us die in vain, but I have already stayed here Over the past few years, the abyss channel has also been reversed several times, so the process is naturally clear.

"For so long, the abyss has not opened a passage?"

"No, at least this 'door' has not been opened again, but when it first appeared, I heard that many monsters and demons came out, and several golden knights and magisters died, so they were cleaned up. "

"Heh~ your luck is really good."

While joking, Chu Feng took out the so-called sacrifice.

The words of these soldiers cannot be trusted, after all, he has not even figured out the positions of the Dragon Slayer faction and the Chaos faction, let alone trust the people of the Dragon Slayer faction.

But if you want to figure this out, you must first open the passage and go to the abyss yourself.

The sacrifice returned to its place, and the six-pointed star array was in full bloom, and then disappeared in the darkness. .

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