The planet-sized pupils looked at Chu Feng.

He who created such a terrifying power just by opening his eyes did not move rashly.

It seemed that Chu Feng's gesture of drawing his sword made him feel deeply uneasy.

This knife, he is not sure to take it!!!

Chu Feng did not act rashly either.

The monster in front of him gave him the greatest sense of crisis in his life.

Double confrontation!

long time~

A dull sound came from the space crack where the granules were flying all over the sky.

It seemed that echoes were constantly echoing in the empty room, from far to near, deeply reflected in the minds of Chu Feng and the three of them.

"I, remember you..."

The sound of "187" echoed far and wide, full of deterrence.

Thor and Connor were covered for a while, and their faces turned pale.


Thor felt that this unknown existence was much more terrifying than his father.

Subconsciously glanced at Chu Feng.

But he found that his man's face was normal.

Don't take the other party's threat seriously.


It seems that if you don't leave a harsh word, you won't trouble me.

Chu Feng curled his lips, retracting the saber and falling in one go.

After all, it's tiring to be in the posture of drawing a knife all the time.

tell the truth~

Face an unfathomable opponent for the first time.

Chu Feng still had no idea.

But if it's officially matched...

He wasn't afraid at all.

The big deal is to do it!

Born as an orphan, he became ruthless, and he was really not afraid of trouble.

With those huge eyes Tamako disappeared.

The granulation in the sky began to spread towards the middle at a speed visible to the naked eye.

not long~

The granulation on both sides of the space crack began to gather, quickly weaving into a scarlet city wall.

With the rain of blood falling, the sky began to clear up, turning back to the original pale gray.

And the original gray-brown land, at least within ten thousand miles, has been burned to blood red.

Looking around, the smell of blood was extremely strong, Chu Feng shook his head, and stretched out his hand towards Thor and Kang Na.

"Let's go, this floor is useless."

The lord Utaros fell, and the high-level demons and extreme-level demons in the territory were killed and injured countless times. This abyss may start a long chaotic killing since then, and it is meaningless to continue to stay here.

Thor nodded: "Shall we go to other layers?"

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "No need, just return to the spirit ghost."

Kang Na tilted her head and asked, "But we haven't found the Corrupted Blood yet."

It seems that she has not forgotten the purpose of this trip.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "You don't need to look for it anymore, I already remember the breath of that thing.

Thor: (000)...

Connor: (⊙_⊙)?

When did you remember the breath of fallen blood?

If we remember correctly, this thing never appeared at all, did it?

Although Thor and Connor had already guessed that Utaros suddenly became stronger, it must have something to do with absorbing the blood of the fallen.

But from the beginning to the end, no one has seen the real thing, what is Chu Feng's basis for judging the aura?

Thor and Kang Na looked stunned, and felt that they couldn't keep up with Chu Feng's thinking.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Chu Feng explained with a smile: "At first I wasn't sure if that aura was the Corrupted Blood, but after that pair of big-eyed Tamako appeared, I was very sure that the Corrupted Blood was created by Him. Moreover, after being baptized by himself, he finally formed this kind of evil thing.

Thor said thoughtfully: "That is to say, the fallen blood scattered everywhere is the blood produced after he absorbs the fallen, so it has such a strong corrosive effect.

She felt very strange before. It's not that Corrupted Blood has never appeared before, but the speed of diffusion and mutation is obviously not so fast. I dare to believe that what they encountered is an enhanced version..

But this is also convenient for Chu Feng to lock him and the fallen blood.

Thor is very aware of the power of the "God Walk" in tracking.

In fact, she also knew this skill with Gabriel.

Through comparison, it is obvious that Chu Feng's magic step is much stronger.

Especially in terms of accuracy, it can be called all-round positioning without dead ends.

As long as you remember your breath, within the exploreable range, you can move every movement accurately.

The god walking of the angels does not have such a strong precision.

In fact~

Even the strongest Jiaalu White of the younger generation, it is impossible to transfer to the designated position every time, and there is a certain deviation.

As for Gabriel, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it, it's just too stretched.

Now that it has been determined that Corrupted Blood can be locked.

Thor and Kang 0.2 Na do not want to stay in the abyss.

The atmosphere here is depressing.

The ubiquitous malice made even the Dragon Clan feel uncomfortable.

Qi Qi stretched out her little hand, and the two dragon maidens held Chu Feng's hand tightly, and disappeared in place in an instant.

They must eradicate the corrupt blood in the spirit world as soon as possible, and find out the reality of each camp.

Is the Shenhe faction really affected by Corrupted Blood?

Are the Chaos faction and the Dragon Slayer faction really the party of justice as they say?

Now as long as Chu Feng takes a look, he can basically tell the truth from the fake.

Thor and Kang Na don't believe anyone now, they only believe in Chu Feng's judgment. .

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