A strange world

Chapter 11 Section 11. The fourth time

Aunt Susan patted her chest and was thankful that Annan was back. Annan was worried about whether Tasia was okay.

When he returned home, he saw old Zoron, who had survived, sitting in the yard, telling the story of being saved by a big guy.

Annan asked if the person who saved him was Tasia. Old Zoron stumbled and recalled: "I didn't pay attention, but the person who saved me... seemed... to have horns..."

Tasia is okay.

Then Aunt Susan began to drive old Zollen out. Little Annan, who almost killed her, still wants to eat here?

Today's dinner is brought back roasted meat and some washed wild vegetables, cooked together, and served with black bread.

Annan was still breaking the black bread and putting it into the broth, while Aunt Susan finished the bread in a hurry.

"Are you eating so fast?"

"The housework hasn't been done yet." Aunt Susan cleared up the housework accumulated during the day.

"Susan ate faster when she was younger."

Uncle Holly followed Aunt Susan out of the kitchen with his eyes, remembering the scene many years ago when Susan was so hungry that she swallowed a whole piece of black bread.

At that moment, Holling realized that he had to marry Susan.

"Aunt Susan was like this when she was young..."

Annan hasn't learned the words fat or plump yet, but the charm of language is just the right amount of blank space.

"Of course not, she was very thin before." Hollin recalled the girl he dug out from the pile of corpses. "At that time, we tried our best to survive..."

Now...let's put it this way, as a woodcutter who lives in town and owns a house and family, Hollin's physique is almost the same as that of an ordinary professional, but standing next to Aunt Susan, he is like a monkey at the feet of a brown bear. .

Annan ate very slowly. Black bread was bran bread. In addition, seeing a doctor in this environment was troublesome. He could only chew carefully, chewing slowly and carefully, which Aunt Susan called "aristocratic".

After dinner, and after washing the dishes with Martin who was waiting to do the dishes, Annan fell asleep in a simple town without nightlife.

Early the next morning, Annan asked Aunt Susan to help him find a job with a daily salary. But the one who helped was Uncle Huolin. He found a good job for Annan - a friend of his who cleaned the stables for a certain knight was sick. Annan could work for him for two days and only needed to clean the stables. and feed the horses.

Uncle Huolin went to contact him early in the morning and agreed that Annan would take over for two days and the reward would be 30 copper coins.

Annan could go out alone, but Aunt Susan was still worried and asked Martin to send him there.

Passing through the bustling streets of Pinglin Town, a mansion with a completely different temperament from the town is located in the garden. The guards patrolling the surrounding area are obviously much more frequent than at Aunt Susan's house.

"Sooner or later I want Uncle Hollin and Aunt Susan to live in such a big house." Martin muttered with longing.

After walking around the main entrance of the mansion, Annan saw the groom waiting for him. He asked Martin to go back and follow the groom into the stable in the backyard.

There is no peculiar smell in the stables, and Annan does not need to do the most troublesome tasks of feeding and cleaning the horses. He only needs to clean up the feces occasionally.

In his spare time, Annan admired the green plants and flowers in the garden, and occasionally looked at the whitewashed walls of the mansion, imagining how much gold it would cost to buy this garden mansion.

Of course, his favorite thing is chatting with the groom.

But the groom didn't like it, so Annan turned to staring at the garden and the mansion in a daze.

In the afternoon, Annan's unfocused eyes suddenly fell towards the silhouette that appeared on the terrace.

The purple lace dress outlines her plump figure, and her long wavy hair is casually draped over her shoulders. The red lips under the straight bridge of the nose are stunning.

Annan thought she looked familiar, and so did the woman on the terrace.

Annan was still smeared with ashes by Aunt Susan before going out, but her black hair was very recognizable.

Is this the fourth or fifth time I’ve met the Wine Lady?

It was just the frown that ruined the fateful encounter: "Are you following me?"

However, it was a bit far away, and Annan couldn't quite understand him. When the wind came to his ears, the questioning became "you...me?".

At the critical moment, Annan felt blessed in his heart and remembered Mr. Fast's teachings.


The wine lady's eyebrows gradually stretched, and the corners of her lips curved. She remembered that the boy "professed" not to know Lingua Franca.

"Why are you here?"

This time Annan understood. He picked up the pitchfork for picking up horse manure from under the shed and held it up to show it.

"Mr. Fast is gone, I'm working!"

"I hope the next time I meet you won't be in my bedroom."

Annan understood half of it and guessed the other half, thinking that I want to be a mage but not a thief.

When she still wanted to say something more to the "big boss" in Mr. Fast's words, she had already turned around and left the terrace. The wine lady left, and Annan had to find the groom to continue practicing his speaking skills.


Lady Wine opened the door that was knocked, and Sir Sean said worriedly: "The servant said there was shouting from your room, and I'm worried something might happen."

"Seeing a familiar little guy, I sighed that there was no scenery outside the window."

"It's definitely not as good as the Breeze City at the foot of the snow-capped mountains..." Sir Sean stepped forward and followed the wine lady before opening the door, "You look familiar, little guy?"

"A boy working around. I want something to eat."

Sir Sean waved his hand and asked the servant to lead the wine lady to the restaurant for dinner first. He came to the terrace where the smell of perfume lingered.

Looking around the empty garden and the only stable in sight.

Leaving the terrace and the room, the man called to the housekeeper: "What happened in the garden and stables recently?"

"Uh... a groom took leave yesterday, and a young man was hired to replace him... What's the matter, sir?"


The man of the house said it was nothing, but the housekeeper didn't think so. He hurried to the stable and shouted at the young man who raised his head: "You..."

Those clear eyes made the butler inexplicably swallow back his usual acrimony, and temporarily changed his words: "Unlucky guy, Sir has discovered you, get out of here quickly before he causes you trouble."

The butler didn't know why Sir Sean asked, he just didn't want to cause trouble.

Annan had to leave the stables where he had only worked for a few hours, and he did not even get today's salary.

The unreasonable disaster he suffered was obviously related to the wine lady.

Without a job, Annan started thinking about where to make money. There are spirits in pubs, coffee and tea in restaurants, and even poor people's houses have a few pieces of glass full of impurities. These all block Annan's idea of ​​using simple and easy means to get money.

Gunpowder and paper? Annan doesn't know if this world exists, and even if it doesn't exist, it can't be recreated... But it is said that there is a magic that can recall forgotten memories.

But this creates a paradox: Annan needs to become a mage to remember the forgotten knowledge, and only by remembering the forgotten knowledge can he have the money to become a mage.

On the way back, Annan still looked at the library with a longing for knowledge, and the old man sitting in the sunshine behind the window.

For the next two days, Annan was forced to accompany Martin on wild dog chases and adventures in the woods. On the third day, Mr. Fast finally came back from the city.

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