A strange world

Chapter 606 Section 3 Saves Time

Chapter 606 Section 3. Save time

The theater in Steel Doll Collar is quite healthy.

In other words, they are stable enough to support themselves.

The Gangduo family is the only one in Gangduo Territory. There are not many nobles and rich people here, and it is located in a remote place. Otherwise, Deville would not regard the skeleton farmer as a treasure.

Tuos Port is more suitable for opening a theater than here... But if you really do this, pirated magic theaters will already be blooming everywhere before you come to Annan.

In any case, the steel-collared theater is only the first step. The next day, after a night's rest in the castle, Annan called the people together early in the morning, selected the most capable ones, gave them three thousand gold coins, and asked them to go to Gangduo collar to acquire the second theater.

Deville's eyes widened when he saw the three boxes of gold coins. He knew that Liberty City was rich and powerful, and that magic images made money, but it was still beyond his imagination to just throw away two years of taxes collected by Gang Duo just for a theater.

"Actually, two thousand gold coins is enough..." Deville swallowed his saliva.

"The extra money can be used for decoration and publicity. We must show respect to customers, and customers will respond to us with money."

Deville seemed to understand.

In fact, Annan just said it casually. No matter how much money the theater spends, it will always get back dozens of times in the end.

The castle still needs some time to sort out the goods, and Annan continues to wander around the Steel Duo collar.

The wheat here can ripen twice, so Annan saw that the church of the Goddess of Fertility was the most impressive, followed by the Goddess of Wealth. The believers knew that Annan was a distinguished guest of the lord and did not drag him to preach.

As morning approached, De Vere came to say it was ready.

Annan came to the motorcade parked in front of the only entrance to the basin. In addition to Deville, his sister Romine will also be traveling with them.

"Let a girl come with us?"

It was at least half a month's journey from Huadu, and Romini seemed to have never traveled far.

Deville said nothing and stared at Annan's face.

Annan understood why the old lord brought in a daughter.

“What are these trucks carrying?”

Deville said it was a specialty here, maple syrup.

The most popular drink in Huadu is maple leaf wine. They have been hoarding it for a long time just to make a fortune during the celebration.

"Then why not make maple leaf wine and sell it?"

Annan asked as he ordered a glass, took a sip and then poured lemon.

Even better than Maple Leaf Island’s Maple Leaf Wine…

"Alcohol requires a special license, and we don't have it... It must be difficult to sell so much maple syrup." Deville sighed, so Gangduo Ling could only sell his original syrup to those wine merchants at a low price and watch them Make lots of money.

"...Is there anything you can do?"

Annan was thoughtful.

Deville thought of something and suddenly became excited: "I can make the decision and give you a share!"

Annan does not lack this interest, but he needs allies to connect with this interest.

"Give me a piece of paper and a pen."

The servant brought paper and pen, and Annan asked Deville: "What is the recipe for making maple leaf wine?"

Deville said it without thinking, it wasn't much of a secret.

Annan followed De Vere's description and wrote on the barrel: Please do not put maple syrup into warm water at a ratio of 1:3 and then leave it in the barrel for 20 days, otherwise it will turn into maple wine!

“Tag this on every barrel and you can sell it on the street.”

"that's all?"

"that's all."

The essence of the so-called special license is that wine merchants prevent outsiders from sharing the cake. So as soon as this batch of syrup enters the market... they will be more anxious than anyone else to buy it back.

De Vere took his time and complied, and the convoy set off at noon.

An elite mage leads the team, five elite knights, fifty knights, plus Annan, Klein and Lemon, there should be no blind guy who dares to rob them...

As a result, the team encountered two groups of robbers, three groups of thieves, and a group of orcs on the first day.

Although the battle ended without Annan taking action, it was still delayed for several hours. There was no way to travel at night, so we had to set up camp and light a fire to drive away the annoying bats.

On the second day, just two hours after setting off, they found that the road ahead had been dug up.

"Is it so chaotic here?"

"This has never happened before. They must know our purpose..."

As for whether it was just a pure robbery, or there was a mole in Gang Duo's territory...

Annan changed his mind: "You go back, I will go to Huadu myself and help you sell the goods."

He has a magic ring that can almost hold the goods.

Deville and Romini wanted to continue following, but they couldn't hide the convoy at all. If this continued, the celebration would be over before they reached Huadu.

After Annan collected all the goods, Deville said goodbye to him and led the team back to the Steel Duo Territory.

Watching the convoy disappear into the woods, Annan activated the talisman and called Dean Blehim.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm going to Huadu, but it's too far away..." Annan said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, I haven't been to the south for a long time."

The dean asked Annan the direction of Huadu and released the falcon.

On the third day after setting off from Gangduo Territory, Annan and the others arrived at the capital of flowers, Istrat.

Looking from the outskirts, the whole city looks like a garden city. The rock-solid city walls are covered with moss-like plants, and the grasses everywhere are blooming with flowers.

Annan thought this must be a hell for people with pollen allergies.

"Do you want to come with us?" Annan invited the dean.

The dean declined him politely. The college was recruiting students again, and he had to go back and make some preparations.

Annan, Klein and Lemon entered the city gate, rented a carriage and asked the driver to go to the tavern in the city.

Annan is not qualified to enter the embassy. The name of the Lord of Liberty City is useless here. No one knows him. What else can he find out if he lives in a tavern.

The coachman was introducing to Annan and Klein that this was the burial place of the flower goddesses of the past, because the goddesses believed that withering was just a new beginning.

"This year's withering is only for next year's blooming?"

The carriage traveling next to her opened its curtain, and a voice as quiet as Itilia's came: "If I may excuse you, I heard something I like very much."

Annan looked at her. This was a brown-haired girl, sitting dignifiedly like a vivid artwork statue, but also like an oil painting constrained in the frame.


Annan's eyes fell on the girl's side, where another girl in a yellow dress sat. She said meanly: "My fiancé is prettier than you!"

"Then how long are you going to stare at me?" Annan didn't know where her hostility came from.

The girl in the yellow dress blushed instantly: "Who is looking at you!"

As soon as the words fell, the two carriages separated at the intersection ahead, ending their brief encounter.

"Looks like he's just a country bumpkin from a small place!" The girl in the yellow dress sat down hard, expressing her bad mood.

"Why do you say that?"

"Otherwise, why haven't we heard of it if it's so beautiful?"

"Maybe he's not from here."

"Huh?" The girl in the yellow dress thought thoughtfully, "Is it Wilhelm?"

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