A strange world

Chapter 638 Chapter 35 Annan’s Redemption

Chapter 638 Chapter 35. Annan’s Redemption

Late at night, Annan, who was about to take a rest for the night while the Lord of Hell could not get his hands on the Lost City, suddenly sat up.

Because the empty church dungeon suddenly became noisy, the weirdos woke up from their respective cells.

Annan stared blankly at the bizarre sight in front of him... Has his shelter turned into a weird lair?

But it should be said... I picked a weird nest as a shelter.


The door of the cell that had just been closed by Annan opened automatically. Annan had no choice but to lean against the iron bars with the burnt girl and watch the strange outlines of other cells emerge.

They are undoubtedly weird, but they are different from the weirdness outside... these guys are not so dark and weird...


A strange creature with a crocodile head and swollen skin looked at Annan and said in standard common language, "Two?"

"I'm his brother."

Annan pretends to be a new prisoner and stands with the Burnt Girl.

As a result, the crocodile head didn't care at all and walked out of the dungeon muttering something.

"Let's go out too."

Annan said, put the body of the burnt girl close to her body, and then put the leaves of the world tree and the leaves of the other world tree on her body at the same time, and went outside the cell with her - the former can hurt the weird, and the latter can make the weird think it is It’s your own fault.

Dozens of them made this place very lively. Only the living people didn't think so... But Annan didn't see a second human among them, and they didn't express curiosity about Annan. At most, they used the hundreds of eyes or heads on their bodies. Look at it with eyes that have turned into eyes or eyes that look like balls of thread coming out of the body.

It seems that Annan's current appearance is no different from them.

They gathered in the dungeon hall in twos and threes, and even communicated in a common language. Some talked about how powerful they were outside, some boasted about their abilities, and some stood aside and looked like they were not to be trifled with.

If you were blindfolded, you would have thought it was a commotion in a tavern.

The weirdness here is different from anything Annan has encountered... they are too human.

"New here, are you looking for trouble?"

There are even guys who take the initiative to provoke.

Annan pretended to be fierce, and looked up at the strange figure who looked like a werewolf with muscles and no hair, and his head was squeezed into his chest by muscles.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

"You stepped on little Hovlin."

Annan lowered his head and took a step back, and saw a strange piece of slug stuck to the stone brick. The outline also has thick lines, just like a character in a comic.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!"

The slug let out a weird little scream, and plucked itself off like brown candy: "It didn't hurt me! Man, there are not many prisoners as friendly as you."

Just as Annan was about to reply gently, he noticed some strange things around him and looked over.

"You call me friendly!? I've lived in more dungeons than you've ever heard of! Breeze City, Betar City, and Flower City almost caught me!"

"Dude, don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive! I'm just saying!"

The slug strangely held up two tentacles and retreated to the feet of the hairless werewolf, climbed up on the feet, and let the hairless werewolf leave.

The weird stares around him also disappeared.

In order to stop being conspicuous, whatever they do next, Annan will do. For example, it would do the same without the strange step on the stairs leading to the ground and the torture rack near the corner.

This newcomer is too calm, and the weirdos who can't see the fun show human regret.

At some point, a dark silhouette clad in priest's robes descended from the stairs. As soon as it appeared, the noise in the dungeon disappeared.

Annan realized that it should be the controller, or the warden, of this weird dungeon.

The dark silhouette emits a high-pitched scream, a high-frequency scream that is not human-like, but contains a message: now is free time.

The priest-shaped warden left the dungeon, and strange beings who had previously dared not approach the stairs swarmed up.

Annan followed them, thinking to himself that if weirdness is the embodiment of emotions, then how did the weirdness in the dungeon come about?

When he came to the ground, he found that the first monsters that ran out did not leave the church. Their free movement was limited to the withered garden outside the church.

This is indeed a prison... all weird things are controlled and not allowed out.

At this time, a dazzling light suddenly lit up outside Yiwen City.

The strange prisoners looked up and saw a meteor streaking across the sky, falling towards the Lost City, but it disappeared in an instant as it approached.

That direction was the camp of the southern kingdoms... They failed.

Or they used the wrong method.

Magic doesn't work here, and as for the warriors...

A monster with a drawing board that grew out of hands and feet began to draw on the drawing board. Its two hands turned into afterimages, and then the drawing board began to move between repeated drawing and erasing.

On the drawing board, a figure rushed towards the gate of Yiwen City, and then, a loud noise erupted in the direction of the city gate. The figure on the drawing board flew back with a large amount of blood.

I don’t know if it’s an epic warrior or a legendary warrior…

"Are they here to save us?" Someone asked strangely.

"Perhaps they are here to kill us... They are with the warden!" Someone replied strangely.

Then, a giant goblin golem as tall as a city wall appeared on the drawing board.

The goblins in the south are really powerful...

Annan instantly felt excited and thought about going to find the gnomes after going out.

The giant goblin golem came to the city wall seemingly slowly but actually quickly. Then a twisted outline appeared on the drawing board. Compared to the giant goblin golem, it was really small, but wherever it passed, the giant goblin golem seemed to be erased. Pieces disappeared.

In the distance outside the city, tranquility returned as the southern countries retreated.

Magic, power, and machinery won't work... They can't affect Lost City at all.

The weirdos were talking a lot, and the southern countries never expected that there would be a group of weirdos pointing fingers at them in Yiwen City. As they talked, the topic of the weirdos changed from the humans outside to plotting to escape from prison.

The Hairless Werewolf and Slug approached Annan and asked him to join them.

"I refuse." Annan didn't even think about it.

He can leave during the day, so why should he be stupid enough to escape from prison... And he is not weird. If he escapes, he has to face the weirdness outside.

At least it's safe here.

"You will regret this……"

The slug sitting on its feet showed regret, it quite liked Annan...

The weirdos all gave up after discussing it for a while. They were not confident enough to beat the warden, so they became relaxed and lay crookedly in the place where the flower bed was.

The moonlight shines on them as if they are free.

Several hours passed like this, and it was almost dawn. The monsters who had finished their "release" returned to the dungeon and went back to their respective cells.

Annan and the Burnt Maid are no exception. They stayed in the cell, quietly waiting for dawn to break.

The first glimmer of light shone into the dungeon, and the dungeon that had been bustling all night became quiet.

All the strange movements at night disappeared, as if it were just a strange dream.

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