A strange world

Chapter 680 Chapter 77 Legend Enters the City

Chapter 680 Chapter 77. The Legend Enters the City

"I can help you in other ways, but not this." Annan said euphemistically: "I hope you can understand..."

"I can understand."

Colette, who was forced into marriage twice, certainly understands this pain.

Annan's refusal made Colette look at him much closer: "I will find a way without your help."

"That's good."

Annan stepped onto the stage and put away the magic stone. The princess's matter has been resolved, Colette's matter has also been resolved, and the Scarlet Witch's matter... providing their portraits to the city lord's palace should be ignored.

Then just sit back and wait for the celebration to arrive.

"Did you invent this?"

Colette watched Annan take back the magic stone.

"How about it?"

"It's... fresh, can I have one?"

"I only brought this one. It's still useful, but the theater will start selling it in two days." Annan refused.

A biological daughter also needs money, not to mention she is Valencia's daughter.

"Two days later...I know." It seemed that Colette really wanted the Philosopher's Stone.

Add 100 Kinnar to your income.

Saying goodbye to Colette and watching the carriage disappear on the street, Annan looked away and looked at his subordinates who were whispering to the side, "The city lord has brought a new girl again", "Another good girl fell into the hands of a warlock" and the like.

"The theater will open in two days, why don't you go to work?"

"Okay sir!"

Workers ran into the theater.

The bat landed on the windowsill.

"You're exposed."

The princess gracefully came to the open window and spoke to the bat hanging on the window frame.

"Squeak..." the bat screamed.

"That knight figured out your identity."

"How can it be!"

The bat enters the room, transforming into the silhouette of a goateeted man in a black cloak.

The princess looked at him: "But that's what he told me, and he asked me not to tell the princess."

"So the princess doesn't know?"

"I think so."

The man with the goatee approached the fake princess, and the cloak that swept the floor made him seem to float to the window, and he came close to the fake princess's cheek: "I came up with an idea... give him false news and let him tell the Scarlet Princess..."

"That useless princess will definitely come here nervous."

"You want to sneak attack the princess?"

"No, we don't need to take action..." The goatee man spread his hands, "A member of the bloody parliament who ran into a human city-state... What interesting things will happen to her when she is discovered?"

The fake princess frowned: "But you are betraying the MP."

"No, I'm just cleaning out the moths for the Parliament." The goatee man pinched the cheek of the fake princess who wanted to say something else, and said softly: "Be good, I don't want to hear any more rejections..."

The fake princess is about to become Annan's money-making tool - she was taken to attend the premiere of Magic Image just after participating in the endorsement of Happy Water.

All her dissatisfaction disappeared after seeing "The Fall of the Mage Tower", and she spent 600 gold coins to buy a collector's edition, a bonus edition, and a signed edition each.

Vampires like this, at least those hundreds of years old young vampires who are deeply influenced by the former Vampire Queen and now the God of Love.

On the contrary, Annan became leisurely. Apart from accompanying the princess to attend his property, Annan did nothing these days.

There were dedicated businessmen in charge of the theater and magic images, so Annan spent the whole day accompanying the princess and Itilia to relax.

As a northerner, Itilia likes it here. After all, the north is warm only five months a year. But her favorite thing is the beach - the largest "lake" she has ever seen since she was a child was the bathroom in the castle.

It's just that the princess can stay anywhere. No matter how beautiful the flowers are, she will ignore them. At most, she will think they are food that she wants to stuff into her mouth... Her favorite thing to do is still to stick to Annan, and now she also sticks to Yi Di. Leah.

"Is it really impossible for the princess to recover?"

In front of the dressing table, Itilia sat in a wheelchair and combed the princess's long hair.

"I don't know, but Skeleton King can't help it..."

Annan stood aside. The Skeleton King is the most powerful spellcaster known to Annan besides his ancestors. If the ancestors had nothing to do...

Klein's footsteps sounded from the stairs, and she said that the royal maid was outside.

"Looks like I'm going to be busy too." Annan said helplessly, saying goodbye to Itilia, and followed the maid to see the fake princess.

Something seems to be happening in the city... Martial law is enforced in front of the city lord's palace, and the only carriage on the empty streets is Annan's carriage.

The fake princess was not in the garden, but standing in front of the terrace on the third floor.

Annan entered the room but saw no sign of the housekeeper. "What's going on outside?" Annan asked.

"Some big shots are coming to town today."

"Big shot?"

"Monarchs and legends from the southern countries came to participate in the celebration."

Not long after, a long motorcade appeared on the flower-studded street in the distance.

I wonder if the Thirteen Supreme Kings will come... Annan thought as he looked at the team.

"I think what you said is right. We need to know their purpose first..." At this time, the fake princess whispered.

"Any clues?"

"I don't know if I should tell you..."

"What's up?"

"Those vampires... are related to the queen. I think the princess should know..."

"The princess's mother?" Annan frowned, "Then I'll do as you say."

The distant team was getting closer and closer, and the fake princess introduced Annan: "That's the Lord of Storm City, that's Song of Ice and Sword, Sword Saint Gio, that's Conqueror of Abyss Dragon, Controller of Storm, Cursed Dragon Vein, Strauss..."

"So many titles?"

"Well, it's all a real honor."

"Me too." Annan said, "The King of the North, the Champion Warlock, the Queen's Knight, and the Lord of the Floating City are recognized. The ratmen killed by my men and I are worthy of being the nemesis of the ratmen, the champion of rat hunting, and the king of hide and seek." The king was granted the title by the children of Osulondland and Villain Town, and he deserves the title of Dungeon Keeper and Weird Goodwill Messenger."

Annan has many treasures in his family, and he also attracted attention during this period. Just looking at the holy princess.

The princess nodded to them with an elegant smile.

Annan did not forget the purpose of coming to the south and tried to remember them and the women around them... At a certain moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of the second-floor window on the street.

The wanted notice has been posted, but I didn't expect that she would dare to come here...

"I'll excuse you for a moment."

Annan said, running out of the city lord's palace, walking around the square to the tavern he just saw, and walked upstairs.

Knock knock knock——

Annan knocked on the door.

"Who's outside?" a rough male voice sounded.

"it's me."

The door opened quickly, and a room crowded with several strong men appeared in front of Annan, as well as a red figure in front of the window.

"What the hell! I ran all the way here, and you actually chased me all the way to the south to find me!?" The Scarlet Witch looked at Annan outside the door in shock, "Okay, I recognize your persistence!"

She grabbed Annan without any explanation and licked her lips.


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