
If you were Sage Gou, what would you do when you were resurrected?"

"If I were Sage Gou, after I was resurrected, I would go directly to attack the island owner's lair.

The island owner is very powerful, and it is not a wise choice to fight against him.

However, if you can kill his companions first.

You can get more bounty.

After all, I think Gou Sheng's strength is not as good as the island owner.

But against other people, it's no big problem."

"It makes sense.

It seems to be so.

The only pity was that Gou Sheng didn't even know where the island owner's companion was.

Even after she is resurrected, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find."

"I think this position is still relatively easy to find!

The current map is just that big.

Didn't she explore the current map a lot before?

Just a few left unexplored.

So, as long as you explore the remaining places, you can find the island owner's lair in the northeast corner."


"Northeast corner!?"

Sun Lingyue was overjoyed when she heard the words.

She felt that what these people were saying was right.

Before the fight against Liu Kun, she didn't feel anything.

However, after fighting against Liu Kun, she clearly felt Liu Kun's strength.

The strength of Liu Kun.

To sum it up in one word, God.

It was simply too strong to raise any desire to fight.

Therefore, after hearing the words of these people at this moment, she feels that it seems to be okay.

You can do a wave.

So she listened more intently.

Want to get more useful news from these people.



How do you know the island owner's lair doesn't have any defenses?

That's the owner of the island!

How could the island owner just leave without doing anything?

So, there must be some kind of defense facility in there.

If Gou Sheng goes directly, maybe it will be finished directly."

"That's true."

"What is a defense facility?

Don't forget, those defenses are just defenses.

is dead.

And people are alive.

Although Gou Sheng is not as powerful as the island owner, there is still no problem in dealing with some defensive facilities, right?"

"It seems so."

"What are you guys doing?"

While several nurses were chatting, suddenly a doctor came in.

He frowned and interrupted the conversation of several people.

"Okay, stop talking and work hard!"

"Yes, Director!"

Several people heard the words and responded quickly, and then they didn't say anything more.



Sun Lingyue snorted coldly in her heart.

She was a little dissatisfied.

"I finally heard some news, but I couldn't hear anything else!

This director is really annoying."

After ranting silently for a while.

Sun Lingyue began to conceive this action in her mind.


Just when the sisters Sun Lingyue and Sun Lingxing were doing their own thing.

Liu Kun is tracking Sun Lingxing.

"I didn't expect that this girl could run like this."

Liu Kun's tracking progress is very slow.

Because Sun Lingxing is very good at hiding himself.

Along the way, there are no traces left at all.

So, if you want to track it, it's a little bit laborious.

This is not a big problem for Liu Kun, though.

However, some time consuming is real.

"Did you go in that direction?"

Liu Kun frowned and looked into the distance.

There, there is a problem.

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