The girl seemed to be venting and seemed to have collapsed. She turned the unknown thoughts that had been buried in her heart into words and cried:

"——You people obviously don't know how hard I work! But you only look at the results and look down on me! I used small tricks during the exam, but that is also a kind of strength! Why is no one willing to take a good look at me! Why even mom...I just...just want to be recognized! In the end, everyone...whether it's Teacher Fran or my parents! No one has any intention of letting me become a witch!"

"No, no, no, didn't I say it? I'm on your side, not one of everyone's?" An Luo, who knew very well that angry children can't help but get into trouble, decided to find a way to calm himself down first. Irena's position in her heart changed.

"the same!"

"It's different."

"It's the same! You always scare me with ghost stories! You trick me into eating mushrooms! You feel happy to bully me on purpose!"


"It's fun to bully me!"

"'s hard to deny, a little bit."


"Ah, but that's a different kind of bullying."

"What's different! It turns out you're not bullying me! You're just like everyone else!" An Luo first admitted and then denied, which made Irena unable to hold back. She freed up a hand to push him hard: "Go away! I'll do it again I don’t want to see you either!”

"Irena, do you know?"

"--Do not want to know!"

"Ah, okay, then you can just think of me talking to myself." The girl's decisive denial made An Luo couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Bullying can also be of many kinds, such as pure disgust and fun teasing. , the last one is because I want to be noticed, so I can’t help but bully the people I like... Others don’t know this situation, but I am the last one, so I can’t let people see me anymore. It’s bothering me, because I actually like Irena very much.”



"Since he is the one he likes, how can he bully him?"

"Although this is a childish mentality, it is not surprising. As mentioned before, bullying the people you like just wants to get attention. Although this method sometimes backfires, if you are thin-skinned and not good at expressing, you can only attract people like this. You’re paying attention, aren’t you?”

"You have the thickest skin of anyone I have ever seen! You are not a thin-skinned person!"

"That's just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, I'm very shy now."

"Completely! I can't see it!"

"What an exaggerated statement. Ah, does it mean that Irena also likes me, so she is bullying me with this statement now? Well, this is considered a mutual love, right? I will propose marriage later." An Luo The self-talk deliberately confused the concept, and Irena couldn't help but raise her head and stare at him with tearful eyes, "——How is that possible! I hate you! What I hate most is a frivolous guy like you!"

"It's really an exaggeration, but what I said just now was just to tease you. The liking I mentioned is not love, but just a liking as a friend. I think you can see this."

"This must be a lie too!"

"No, this is true."

"It's a lie! It's definitely a lie! Do you want to lie to me like this again? Deceive me with nice words like this! Make me think that I have a friend I can trust, and give me hope to betray me and laugh at me again! I won't I will believe you! After all, we have only known each other for five days! How could you like me!"

"I think it's completely possible. You said no one saw you working hard, but even if it's just five days, haven't I been watching you from the side? Who doesn't like a child who is both cute and hard-working?"

Facing the child who was acting awkward and resigned to death, An Luo just smiled gently and when the girl moved aside, he moved over and touched her hair gently: "If you say no one agrees, then... If you don’t dislike it, let me recognize you and acknowledge your efforts and strength.”


The girl was recognized for the first time. The inexplicable throbbing in her chest made her like a child who was afraid of life. Although she didn't know why, the indescribable feelings kept rising, making her forget to deny it and raised her head slightly to steal. Look at the man next to you.

"Of course. After all, you are a very good person. It would be strange not to be recognized, right?"

".....Is it really true?"

"It's really true."


The girl who was still hugging her knees faced An Luo's frank and natural gaze, but she looked away a little embarrassedly. After a long while, she nodded with an imperceptible lightness that moved her chin slightly, as if talking to herself. Whispering: ".....For the time being, I believe you for once.

Chapter 3 The moment of departure·Return

Regarding the two things of comforting girls and building relationships with people, I don't know whether I should say that practice makes perfect or that it is a matter of natural talent. An Luo is very skillful in doing these things, and it can even be said that they are easy to do.

Although he actually told a little lie just now, bullying Irena was not because he liked it, so he bullied his childish heart. It was just the second of the three possibilities mentioned earlier. He simply thought it was interesting, so he bullied her a little bit. After all, I can’t say that I’m just teasing you because I think it’s interesting in this situation, right?

Of course, the first possibility does not exist because he hates bullying. After all, it is just as childish as the third possibility. He has no interest in dealing with the object of his disgust.

In the mood of accompanying a girl who had run away from home, An Luo and Irena chatted on the hillside for quite some time.

Irena's mood just came out of the previous sadness of thinking she had been betrayed, and the thought of giving up on herself and trying to get into trouble. An Luo also timely said to Victorique in a remedial manner:

"Although I really want to take you to study magic abroad right now, unfortunately I don't have much savings right now. So, Irena, give Miss Victoria and your teacher Fran another chance."

"But they all..."

"Stay with me for another half month. If she still doesn't teach you magic in another half month, I will go to the store to settle your salary, secretly take you abroad, and follow you to a foreign country to become a teacher."

I learned about Fran's speculation from Victorique. The time would be almost mature in about a month. Fran will teach Irena magic by then. Twenty days have passed now, so An Luo gave another suggestion. Agreement half a month later.

"This..." Irena hesitated and felt that she didn't know what to do, so An Luo made a promise similar to that of thundering if you lie: "If I lie to you, I will stab you. , so you should believe me, right?"

"...Okay! Let's just say this, if you lie to me, I will stab you."

Irena nodded vigorously, feeling like she was sharpening a knife.

This made An Luo, who originally thought that normal girls should deny this, at least judging from the atmosphere just now, was a little dumbfounded by this unexpected situation: "...Huh? Seriously?"

"Of course you are serious. What's wrong? Was it a joke just now?"

"Ah, no, um...that's it."

"Why do you seem reluctant?" Irena looked at him suspiciously: "Are you lying to me?"

"How could it be! I'd love to! I just feel... you're a little unconventional."

He had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruits he had sown. Even though he had an inexplicable promise to be stabbed, and he always had the ominous premonition that Alice would stab him with the holy sword, it was somewhat difficult for him to let go.

Alas, obviously... I am rarely doing good things.

Glancing at the girl next to him who regained her energy, An Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Victoria, who was not worried about her daughter in the distance, but didn't want her to interfere too much and affect her growth, saw that the situation here had stabilized, so she stopped using magic for long-distance observation, similar to a telescope, and brought With a smile on his face, he went home first and prepared a luxurious dinner to reconcile with his daughter.



As the sun set in the west, the two people with nothing to do sat on the grass and chatted about insignificant things.

Her soft silver hair was swaying in the oncoming wind. Perhaps because she felt the wind was very comfortable, a smile appeared on the girl's lips, and her dull mood was finally relieved.

An Luo casually rubbed the girl's head and stood up, reaching out to the girl who was still sitting on the ground: "It's almost getting dark, let's go home quickly."

"Okay... no, wait!" She subconsciously grabbed An Luo's hand, but when she stood up, Irena discovered something that she couldn't ignore: "That's my home, right? It will become yours when it comes. Already??”

"What's the difference? Aren't we best friends? Your home is my home."

"Why is it the best all at once? Speaking of whose home it belongs to, that is a very important thing, right?"

"Because you only have one friend, what's not the best thing?"

"And the worst."

Irena, who was not willing to let her home be occupied, and felt that the situation of the children in the family would change if things continued like this, couldn't help but give an extremely opposite answer.

"You're hurting my feelings if you say that. In the future, I want you to become a witch, Irena, and protect me."

".....Are you a man? What are you talking about openly?"

"But women are much stronger than men in this world, aren't they?"

"There's nothing wrong with that." Irena then thought about it and showed a sly smile: "First of all, please call me Irena-sama? I'll protect you when I'm in a good mood."

"Okay, that's not a problem, but there are certain requirements for me to call others adults."

"any request?"

"I will naturally consider calling you "Sir" after the conditions are met, but what you say now..." An Luo glanced at Irena's barren chest and sneered as if the old time when we first met was reappearing: "The best you can do now is He’s just a villain.”

"...This is the second time. It was like this when we first met. This is definitely sexual harassment, right? In this case, I can definitely beat you half to death!" "After lowering her head and being silent for a long time, Irena took out the wand with a sullen face: "Anyway, you said that bullying is also a sign of liking, so just let me like you properly, carefully, and completely!"

"Sorry, I already have someone I like. Please forgive me for solemnly rejecting your intention."

"Don't take advantage of me by saying something so weird! And - refusal is invalid!" Irena, who had learned the lesson, pulled away and wanted to use magic to defend her dignity, but...

"No, rejection is valid!"

An Luo, whose movements were inhumanly quick, didn't wait for her to get back two meters away before he stepped forward and grabbed her at a speed that the young girl couldn't react to, as if an adult was bullying a child. With a strong tug of his arm, he pulled her over and skillfully grabbed the wand with his backhand. Then he took the lead and threw the wand to each other with both hands, causing the girl behind him to jump left and right, shouting. Cheating and shamelessly trying to get her wand back from him.


Just like what An Luo said before, in this world's power system, women absolutely occupy the top, but men are completely absent.

Apprentice witches are at the top of the mage ranks, but are one level lower than the highest witches. On the other hand, these two ranks are higher than the magicians. As their names suggest, they are titles only given to women. This is also because of this The magical talents of women in the world have an overwhelming advantage over men.

It is precisely because of this that except for the lowest level magician, men in the remaining two levels are unable to be promoted. On the other hand, because the strongest male can be a magician.

By the way...Irena's honest father is a magician, and he can also use some simple magic.

But An Luo said that he was ordinary, and he was really ordinary. Although there were qualification requirements for using magic, there was no way for men to learn magic compared to women in this world.

In the past, An Luo also wondered whether women who were called witches and men who were called witches would be called witches, or simply devils. Unfortunately, it was very regrettable... In the reality of this world, men can only learn magic as magicians.

However, women have an absolute advantage in the power system, but men have an advantage in the political system. The reason is very simple.

Although the witches in this world are relatively powerful, they are not extraordinary nobles. Although they are respected, they have to go to jail if they commit crimes. If they don't work, no one will give them money, so they naturally need to work by themselves.

In some countries, witches enjoy privileges, but in most countries, witches are only respected, and this level of respect is quite limited.

It must be compared that many people want to blackmail and don't care whether they are witches or not. Of course, it may be different if they are familiar and powerful witches. After all, even if they are both witches, the difference in combat power between witches is comparable to that of wizards. The gap between a warrior and a witch is still huge.

And the reason why there is no way to enjoy privileges, and the level of respect is mostly just in words, and there is no way for women to truly dominate the world, is also because the magicians in this world have huge flaws. There are magicians' own physical abilities and ordinary people. Nothing different, as well as the inability to use magic without a wand, and therefore vulnerability to the lethality of surprise attacks.

The fragile body also means that the limit of reaction ability is at the level of normal people, so even ordinary people can easily defeat the witch just by being unexpected. Of course... the premise is that the witch's hand-to-hand combat skills are not as good as yours.



After returning home, An Luo casually returned the wand to Irena. Irena, who had calmed down before Victorique could speak, apologized to her and said she would wait another half month.

The following time, although occasionally noisy, was overall uneventful.

When An Luo had nothing to do, he went to town for a walk in the name of working. After understanding the market conditions of various things, although he wanted to make some quick money from other people's wallets, he still gave up and chose to wander around. I went to the forest to find some valuable things.

Occasionally, I went to visit Irena, and said hello to her teacher Stardust Witch Fran. In Irena's almost dumbfounded eyes, I got the message that I couldn't teach her because of the agreement, but because my job was The teacher therefore had nothing to do, so he chose to teach him Fran's teachings.

It was this kind of differential treatment that made An Luo directly regarded as a traitor by Irena. Even when they went back together late at night...

"——Traitor! Don't come with me!"

Irena, who had just massaged the teacher's shoulders after taking a shower, but still had not been taught, glared at him fiercely and refused to let him follow her.

"That's an exaggeration. I'm obviously just more popular. Isn't it my fault?"

"You mean I'm annoying!"

"...I didn't say that for this reason, did I? You are being persecuted and delusional..."

"Anyway, you are always popular. Both parents and teachers like you! When we quarrel, we always stand by your side! The teacher only teaches you magic! I must have picked it up! You just teamed up with them to bully me !”

"Ah...are you here again?"

The rebellious girl who is under tremendous psychological pressure is always in a mood of ups and downs. Yesterday, the two of them could happily talk about stories and future travel goals, but today, they suddenly regarded him as a loser and a traitor.

But to the girl, the wind is like rain, and the weather in June can change at any time. Because there are many children in the family, An Luo has long been used to it and doesn't care. He just flips through the books casually and ignores the girl's words. Childish reproach.

This too obvious attitude of being ignored also made Irena angry.

"——What do you mean, here again! Do you want to say that I am jealous of you!"

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself."

"Admit it!"

"There's no need to deny it."


Regarding An Luo's skillful coping skills and excessive ease of words and deeds, Irena could only grin at the side, but there was nothing she could do against him.

But such days did not last long. On the 10th day, Irina finally lost the battle against the teacher and broke down crying again. She finally learned the whole situation from Fran.

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