Chapter 17 The Girl Afraid of Forgetting·The Frozen Country

The girl who could still communicate well in the morning, and even felt lonely and uneasy because she had to forget, woke up and really forgot everything. Not only could she not remember his name, but she even had no connection with her own existence. There was no image of any of them, and An Luo couldn't help but feel a little sad for his situation.

But he quickly smiled and said jokingly: "Who am I? Even my master will forget. She is such an unqualified maid. She must be punished. Anyway, the tentative punishment is to feed me."

"...Feeding? No, this, huh?...You are my master? It always feels wrong...But, it's my fault that I forgot you, that... sorry?"

The girl who had just woken up with a blank mind was now even more confused by the sudden information, but she still apologized to him honestly.

"This is a joke."


"I'm An Luo. I'll remember this name well."

"Yes... I'm sorry, An Luo." The girl lowered her head and smiled sheepishly: "Then my..."

"Your name is Amnesia."

"Emnesia, Emnesia..." the girl whispered her name repeatedly, but soon showed an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything."

"I guess so."

"Why is this happening? I am..." Before Amnesia could ask more questions, An Luo sat on the bedside and said, "You are suffering from a strange disease. Every day when I fall asleep, I forget what happened yesterday. This state started about half a year ago. It’s troublesome to explain it in detail. Just take a look at your diary... What happened yesterday is also recorded in it. "

Amnesia still seemed unable to understand the current situation, but her body's instinct remembered this action. She subconsciously looked at the book she was holding in her arms and worried about losing. After quickly reading the entire book, she looked at him with a very frustrated expression. He lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry... I seemed to want to remember you yesterday, but as expected I couldn't remember anything."

"You were really apologizing when you woke up." An Luo shook his head and then patted her head: "It's okay, I don't care. Anyway, you'd better get up quickly. We almost have to leave here. .”

"Now?... But it's night now, right?"

Amnesia glanced out the window and couldn't help showing confusion.


"Leaving at this time?"

"Any questions?"

"I don't know..."

"In that case, just listen to me."



The girl who woke up with an inexplicable feeling of sadness regained her energy after eating, put on her equipment, and whispered in a low voice to cheer herself up again: "Okay~! "

"Then let's go."

An Luo didn't waste any time and simply took her with him to climb over the wall and leave the mansion under the cover of night.

The reason why they had to climb over the wall and leave overnight was entirely because the king wanted him to stay. There were two guards guarding the main entrance, so he conveniently left behind the method of making penicillin that could be produced in this era, as well as the use of The methods and precautions are also left.

When he was writing this, Emnesia next to him tapped her palm for some unknown reason and nodded repeatedly as if confirming something.

When the two of them bypassed the patrolling soldiers and came to the city wall, considering that magicians in this world were normally unable to climb over the city wall, they threw out a rope and let the telekinesis disguise themselves as magic. Live on the protrusions on the city wall.

"Come up, I'll carry you up."


Emnesia, who had been just watching from the side, nodded vigorously and lay down behind An Luo, letting An Luo, who looked very hard, pull the rope on her back to climb the city wall.

"Um, are you tired?"

Feeling that An Luo was struggling, Amnesia couldn't help but whisper a question in his ear.

"Because you are heavy."

"Ugh~~Don't say I'm heavy! I'm not heavy, it's the knife that's heavy!"

Amnesia puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction and hugged his neck a little harder.

"Knife? Ah, speaking of which, you are a knight! I should have let you crawl and carry me. Why should I carry a knight up there all the time?"

When he wanted to say Dao Anluo, he finally remembered that the girl behind him was not a magician but a knight. Such a knight did not need to carry himself to death and could experience the feeling of being carried by a girl. .

But Emnesia muttered unhappily: "...I am a girl? Are you embarrassed to let me carry it?"

"I'm a feminist."

"Wow~ No girl will like you like this."

From the diary, the previous notes left by An Luo, and now Emnesia knows that this guy must be a vicious but kind-hearted person. It is precisely because of this that he did not take his words to heart, and endured He couldn't help but laugh and tease him.

"How could it be? My biggest worry now is being liked by too many girls."

"Haha, you surprisingly have a sense of humor~"

"...Obviously this is the truth..."

"So what you said about feminism just now was a lie?"

"No, it's true too."

"That's right~"

"...You don't believe it at all."

"Well, I don't believe it."


Emnesia, who was on An Luo's back, chatted with him with a carefree feeling. After a while, the two of them climbed onto the city wall, successfully left the country, and started heading towards the capital of faith. The direction continues.

The journey was relatively long, so Anluo and Emnesia also adjusted their sleep time little by little, and nearly ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

But even though they were together and teased by An Luo every day, the next day, Emnesia asked his name as if it was formatted, and the relationship didn't seem to have grown at all.

The mood of depression, sadness, and dissatisfaction unknowingly increased with the increase of the number of questions. It was just the first time they met from scratch every day. However, she was still as cheerful as a fool when she was new to the world. She asked him all kinds of questions with a sweet smile that was both beautiful and cute, full of innocence and a little childish.

Even though many of these questions were repeated countless times, they still made him unable to really feel impatient and angry. Every time he could only smile bitterly with some helplessness and doting on children, feeling depressed that he had been deceived in advance. Dad stroked the girl's soft silver hair and answered the questions of the girl who, even though she lost her memory, was still carefree and cheerful every day. Not only was she happy, but she also seemed a little dazed.

And even if we only spend one day together at a time, it's like a brand new person every day, but one thing about Emnesia has not changed... Even if she doesn't know who she is, she still knows how to... Put the people she thinks are important in front of her. After getting along for a long time, she may have subconsciously cultivated a trusting relationship. Sometimes she will become very coquettish when the relationship is good.

He seems cheerful but cowardly, but he is also worried that others will know his weakness, so he tries his best to appear cheerful... An Luo sees this very clearly.

It was her character that made An Luo feel dissatisfied with her every time she forgot him, but he still couldn't get angry or even take the trouble to tell her who she was and who he was.

And today...night has fallen.

Since the two of them failed to reach the new country before dark, they could only choose to camp on the grasslands everywhere in this world.

There was a wilderness in front of him, and the surrounding scenery could only be regarded as ordinary. All that could be seen was endless grassland, and there was a small forest next to it, but for some reason, almost all the grass and trees that came into view had withered.

"What's going on here? An Luo."

In the desolate scenery where the warmth of the day had faded and the cold wind was blowing, the silver-haired girl looked around curiously while taking the water bottle handed over by An Luo and moistening her lips with a sip of water.

"Who knows."

Not only was the low temperature strange, but the surroundings were too quiet even if he listened carefully to find out something. Only the sounds of him and the girl beside him were left, not even the chirping of insects.

But now it is summer, which is the time when insects are noisiest and vegetation is very dense. However, when you look at it, it is almost a withered scenery without any life. No matter how you look at it, it cannot be normal.

He couldn't figure out what was going on, so he had no choice but not to waste this energy. While using magic to set up a tent and light a fire, he took out simple ingredients and asked Amnesia, who strangely remembered how to cook, to cook.

After a while, the two of them were gathered around the fire, listening to the crackling of the dry branches, and sat down in front of the swaying firelight.

"It's so cold, so cold~" The girl who shouted coldly, "Hey~!" sat on the dry and fallen tree trunk next to An Luo, and soon smiled again: "An Luo's It’s very hot.”

"Well, it's normal, right?" An Luo calmly moved a little to the side, but the girl also moved over and said teasingly: "Hey~ are you shy? We are obviously just sitting together."

"No, I just find it inconvenient to eat next to each other."

"What does it matter? We are friends!"

".....Yes Yes."

Faced with a girl who didn't know whether it was her original cheerful personality or the memory of her body that made her gradually lose guard against him, and gradually liked to act coquettishly towards him and even teased him, An Luo sometimes wondered whether he should be there when she first woke up. It would be better to tease her first when you come and make her wary of him.

But Amnesia was completely unaware of An Luo's troubles. She did not immediately pick up the tableware and hold the box to eat like An Luo. Instead, she stretched her tired body and asked: "An Luo, what do you mean? How much longer do I have to walk to reach my hometown?"

"Judging from the map, it should be soon. What's wrong? Are you homesick?"

"No~ there is no special feeling." Amnesia smiled and looked up at the sky: "I was just thinking that the journey is over when I get home, and maybe my disease can be cured, but are you Can you leave?"


"——Ah, shooting star! Look! It's a shooting star~!"

Just as An Luo spoke, Emnesia suddenly interrupted him and raised her finger to point to the sky, causing him to subconsciously follow her fingertips and look up at the vast night sky above the plain.

Tonight, the cloudless moon was just a small crescent, but the stars were very bright. It was obviously a night that did not need to worry about the interference of moonlight and was very suitable for celestial observation. Not long after An Luo raised his head, there were even two rays of light streaking across the night sky.

.....Is there a meteor shower tonight?

"It's amazing~!" The girl exclaimed innocently like a child, and said as if to show off: "An Luo, do you know? The shooting star looks like a wishing star. Make a wish on the shooting star when it falls. , the wish will come true!”


An Luo pretended to be surprised and cooperated with the girl, but she was not very surprised in her heart. She had obviously lost her memory and would know such a thing... because the memory she lost was only the memory of people and what she had done, and It’s not about losing the memory of knowledge. Human beings have compartmentalized memories. If they have complete amnesia, they won’t even remember how to speak.

"Before the meteor disappears, recite your wish three times in your heart, and it will come true~! Let's prepare together quickly!" She said proudly with a high-pitched voice, and the girl immediately looked up at the sky nervously to look for the next meteor.

Although An Luo wanted to tell her that under normal circumstances, the shooting star shines for about one second. It is basically impossible to recite three wishes in such a short period of time, because reciting it in the mind is actually quite time-consuming, unless it is relatively rare. A shooting star that shines for a few seconds.

But he didn't say such a disgraceful thing, he just observed her looking up to the sky nervously, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Do you have any wishes?"

"A lot~!"

"a lot of?"

"What are you doing! Can't people have many wishes if they have little memory?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little strange. After all, you seem to be happy every day, but you also have a lot of troubles~" Although many of them are just forced on him... With this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but ask : "What wish do you want to make?"


The girl looked up at the night sky and pondered for a long time, then slowly, with the uneasiness deep in her heart, she murmured in a low voice: "The illness will be better soon, and even if we are separated in our hometown, An Luo can't forget it." Me and so on... After all, it is really sad to be forgotten, even though I have been doing such excessive things..."

The uneasy little murmur almost disappeared in the wind the moment he blurted it out, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness in his eyes full of uneasiness. But when the girl faced him again, she used one hand to push up the short hair that covered her beautiful side face, and said with a smile: "I hope to come to my hometown soon~!"

"Really? It will definitely be quick with my help, right?"

An Luo pretended not to hear her murmur and responded jokingly.

"An Luo is really not humble at all~"

The girl shook her body and bumped into him gently, smiling "hehe~" she finally picked up the food placed in front of her and started eating in small bites.

Afterwards, as usual, as if nothing had happened, the girl chatted with him about trivial matters, while diligently making wishes on the fleeting meteors, and repeatedly asked him about the time when the meteors disappeared. .



The next day, dawn.

An Luo repeated his daily routine, telling Emnesia her and his names, and after the amnesiac girl apologized to him and quickly read the diary, he set off on the journey again as usual. .

Of course, the relationship between the two returned to zero again. Like in the past, Emnesia looked a little sad at first, but soon smiled again.

"He's as cheerful as a fool...even though it's just on the surface." An Luo shrugged, but soon felt relieved.

This was originally an ordinary and comfortable journey, but not long after they continued, they encountered unexpected weather problems around noon.

Because... As we continue to move forward, the temperature continues to decrease, and gradually white snow begins to fall in the sky this summer.

"Wow~ It's snowing! So beautiful~!"

Amnesia looked at the snow-covered woods in front of her, and when she urged An Luo to hurry in, she quickly landed on the ground and jumped ahead, looking very excited... It was obvious that she only had one day's memory. She didn't quite know that it was actually summer now.

However, she was cheering like a child, but her joy at the snow scene she saw for the first time did not last long, and she suddenly froze.

An Luo subconsciously followed her line of sight and couldn't help showing a surprised expression... In the opening behind the forest was a small country without walls, and this country seemed to be frozen in ice.

Regardless of whether they are people, buildings, animals, or even the roads, they are all frozen, as if they were an ice and snow kingdom in a fairy tale, filled with pure excessive ice and snow.

Although his hunch when he saw this warned him that it might be troublesome to go inside, but if the route was changed, he didn't know how to go, so he could only endure the trouble and walk into it with the girl next to him.

"Is this... still alive?"

Amnesia carefully stepped on the ice, squatted down and put her hand on a frozen little girl. In addition to being cheated on the first day she saw him, Ben's face, which was basically smiling, was stained. There was a layer of haze.

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