After knowing each other for so long, he thought he still knew very well that this girl named Chika Fujiwara was very interested in the topic of love and was also afraid of being alienated by her friends.

In this case, if you admit that it was a date just now, and now you regret it, the other party will not believe it. She will only think that she is a tough talker, and there is really no way to explain the misunderstanding. Now, if you don't give her any tasks or let her make suggestions for you, It might really hurt her.

..... An Luo, who accidentally thought too much, couldn't help but sigh hard, and then gave up on simply and rudely expelling him, and compromised:

"Okay, okay, don't act like I'm bullying you... I really don't know how to build a relationship between the two parties after making a date. Do you have any good ideas?"

"——Hehe~! You still have to rely on me after all!" The girl, who was instantly resurrected with full blood, raised her head and put her hand on her chest, saying with an excited smile: "Leave the date process to me! Step on it! I can basically avoid everything about Lei!"

"Uh...that is to say, did you step on all the traps when you were helping people make suggestions??"

"Anyway, let's practice how to confess first!" Qianhua, whose face was filled with excitement, simply ignored An Luo's question and came up with a plan.

"Ha, ha? Jumping directly to the confession so quickly?"

"Now that you're ready to date, you should confess! If you don't confess, things won't make any progress! Waiting will only miss the opportunity, even if you use strange strategies and methods, it's just crooked! The royal way should be to confess directly! This way you won’t step into a trap!”

Is this the conclusion that he gave up treatment because he stepped on too many minefields and simply took a plane to fly over the minefield to avoid lightning? An Luo wanted to complain about the theory put forward by this loud-mouthed girl, but he felt that even if he asked, he would be ignored, so he simply didn't speak from the beginning and just listened quietly from the side.

And Qianhua soon finished her summary and looked at An Luo with her hands on her hips while she was talking loudly alone: ​​"Start now! Confess to me!"

" you??"

"I will simulate Hayasaka-san, thank me!" Qianhua patted the proud chest and said with a smile: "You know, most people use the mannequins in the biology classroom to confess, but if they use real people, the success rate is It can increase by 78.6%!”

"Mannequin? Who would use that weird thing to practice confession? And where did your weirdly accurate number of 78.6% come from??"

"Hey~!" Qianhua took out the paper stick she made yesterday and slapped An Luo on the head with a "pop!" She pointed at him and taught him a lesson without giving him a chance to get angry: "How can a man care about these little things! How could you succeed in such a thing! Hurry up and let the practice begin!"

"...You actually just want to avenge yourself, right?"

"How is that possible! I'm doing this for your own good! Stop being so nagging and hurry up!"

"Yes Yes......"

An Luo touched his beaten head. Since he chose to accept his fate, An Luo had no intention of running away. He said "yes" twice without any enthusiasm.

He understood that if he did not satisfy the other party, he might be entangled for a long time, so in order to solve the problem quickly, he quickly adjusted his mood, combined with his control of normal psychology and his past experience, decided to come up with a killer move to solve the problem. .

He stood up from the table and walked towards the girl on the podium, moving forward steadily step by step without any intention of stopping.

This made the girl subconsciously step back in order to avoid being hit, and in a short while she retreated to the other end of the classroom. Her back touched the wall and she could no longer move back. Then she suddenly stretched out her right hand and slapped it. to her ears.

--Snapped! !

The loud sound made the prepared girl shrink back in fear, but she quickly looked up at the man in front of her with a panicked smile: "Ah, ah, this, this is Bidong? Okay, it seems to be a pretty good strategy, but from a creative perspective..."



"I said, be quiet." After saying that, An Luo took another step forward. The inexplicable sense of oppression brought by the close distance made the girl tense up, and her eyes wandered hurriedly: "——Yes, yes!"

"Why look elsewhere? Qianhua."

An Luo's voice was so serious that the girl forgot that she was practicing. His faces were so close that they almost touched each other's bangs, which made her hold her breath. She was so nervous that she unconsciously grabbed the hem of her skirt: "This, this... ..."

"Don't run away, raise your head and look into my eyes."

"Eye, eye?"

"I have always thought, Qianhua, your eyes are very beautiful." An Luo stretched out his left hand, pressed the girl's chin and gently lifted her, forcing her to raise her head and stare into his eyes: "So... ..I want you to look at me with it.”


The girl, who was squirming uneasily, subconsciously obeyed his words and looked over timidly.

An Luo stared down at every move of the cute girl in front of him. When the girl raised her little head and looked back, her face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her eyes became very shaken.

The two stared into each other's eyes, speechless for a long time.

The passage of time seemed to have slowed down a lot at this moment. When An Luo felt that he was almost ready to confess, the girl, who was so red that she was surprised that she did not bleed, suddenly reached out and pushed him away. At the same time, the chemistry office also At this moment it was opened from the outside.

Chapter 17 Wrong way to confess? (10K)

"-No, no way~! Xiao Yako! Help!!" Qianhua shouted for help, and threw herself at Iino Yako who opened the door and rushed in. She buried her head directly in Yako's arms and cried: "Okay. ....It's so scary! An's so scary to learn from! Thank you, thank you...thank you, Xiao Mizi!"


Yako, who normally patrols after school, saw An Luo seeming to force Qianhua to do something from the window, and immediately came over to take a look.

Although she felt that something must have happened, this situation was still far beyond her imagination. She just subconsciously hugged Qianhua who threw herself into her arms, and slowly raised her head to look at An Luo.

"——Beast, beast! What do you want to do to Fujiwara-senpai in a place like this! Fujiwara-senpai is not your friend!"

"...Although I know that no matter what I say now, you may not believe it, but I still want to say that I really won't do anything. It's just that you showed up at the wrong time."

The combination of yesterday's blow and today's blow made An Luo almost autistic. He squatted on the ground with his face covered in his hands to escape reality.

Yako, whose face was so gloomy to the point of horror, turned slightly to protect Qianhua, then asked in an extremely disappointed and angry voice: "Then why did you push Fujiwara-senpai into the corner! Why did Fujiwara-senpai cry and ask me for help!!"

"...That's a good question."

"What's the meaning?!"

"I don't know either! Why is it like this? Shouldn't it be normal to be successful?! This guy is acting out of common sense again!"

An Luo squatted on the floor and scratched his head in annoyance. He couldn't understand why the most efficient confession, which should have no flaws, was the simplest, most direct, and quite effective, and had the basis of psychological theory and experiments, became like this.

In the past, he knew that if a man and a woman look at each other for 8 seconds, the chance of falling in love will double. This is an experiment with scientific research basis.

A long period of mutual gaze is the best way to make Cupid's arrow hit the target. Eye-to-eye communication can effectively deepen the attraction, interest, and emotion between each other.

If you want the opposite sex to like you, just look at her for a few seconds... Of course, if the other person hates you and rejects you, there is nothing you can do. Generally, you are not interested in the other person and will not look at her.

.....But why? Chika Fujiwara would cry and run away after receiving the stare, and look very scared? Is Chika Fujiwara really an abnormal creature? Or is it that my eyes are too scary? It shouldn’t be!

"What on earth are you talking about? I didn't understand a word of it!" Yazi frowned slightly, unable to understand what he was talking about, and simply said: "But... you should tell the teacher."

"I think calling the police is also an option."

The Big Buddha Xiaobo, who had been standing silently next to Mizi, took out his mobile phone from his pocket without saying a word. This made An Luo immediately stand up from the floor, rush forward and grab the mobile phone: "Wait a minute. Wait! At least listen to my explanation first! No matter what I say, it won’t go to the level of calling the police!"

"Didn't you explain just now?"

"This time I tried to speak in an easy-to-understand way!"


A strange accident occurred during the reluctant confession practice. The girl from the disciplinary committee also opened the door at an extremely inappropriate time, causing An Luo's head to hurt terribly.

But in order to clear up the misunderstanding and avoid strange rumors, after the two disciplinary committee members calmed down and he himself calmed down, he slightly modified the facts and said that Chika Fujiwara was worried that she would not have a partner in the future, so in Do love exercises for his possible future crushes, the first part of which is confession exercises.

It's just halfway through, and I don't know why it happened like this. During this process, they didn't imagine that they were forcing Chika Fujiwara to do anything, or that they wanted to force Chika Fujiwara to do something.

This answer made Yako visibly relieved, and she looked at Fujiwara Chika, who was still wary of An Luo. While gently patting her back, she asked in a low voice: "Is this really true? Fujiwara-senpai?"


Fujiwara Chika, who seemed to be frightened, did not speak, but still choked and nodded slightly.

"That's right, you have wronged me! Apologize to me quickly."

"...Didn't you expect that this time you were really unjust?" Mizi muttered to herself in disbelief, but at the same time, she simply lowered her head and apologized: "Senior, I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"That's wrong, Yako. No matter what the reason is, this guy made Fujiwara-senpai cry, so he is the one who should apologize, right?"

"Ah, that's right! Why are you making Fujiwara-senpai cry!"

After being reminded by the Buddha, Mizi immediately woke up and stared at An Luo who made her idol cry, but An Luo just spread his hands innocently: "As I said just now, I want the answer to this question more than you do. Know."

"What have you done?"

"Nothing, just looking at each other with Qianhua-san."

"Your eyes are too fierce?"

"...I don't think it should should be fine?"



"You can't see your own eyes, how can you be sure?"

"...Maybe this is really the case?"

An Luo, who himself was wondering what was going on, was reminded by Mizi and thought about it. He couldn't tell whether there was something wrong with his eyes, so even though he thought it was unlikely, he still had some doubts about whether it was really him. Problems caused by looking too fiercely.

The giant Buddha who had received the thousand flowers at the side suddenly thought of something. He pushed up his glasses with one hand and calmly suggested: "Since there is no way to be certain about the situation, let's replay what happened just now. In this way, we can Only then can we determine what exactly is going on.”

"Huh? Are you still here? But I made an appointment to meet someone later. It's almost time to leave now..."

"Have a date? Who? Where are you going? What are you doing??"


"Call and change the time. This matter is not a trivial matter now. Please don't try to escape just by looking for any excuse."

Before An Luo could answer, the Buddha had already blocked his escape route, and Mi Zi also blocked the door, not allowing him to escape, and keeping an eye on him as a felon.


I feel that if I call Hayasaka Ai now, these two disciplinary committee members who regard themselves as highly threatening criminals may come to listen, and they will also check the recipients when sending emails. Therefore, in order to avoid more trouble, An Luo only I gave up changing the appointment and planned to end the problem here as soon as possible. Then I would just apologize to Hayasaka Ai.


At the suggestion of the Buddha, Anluo followed Mizi as an example and repeated his previous behavior.

At sunset, the slanting light red sun poured its light through the window onto Iino Yako's body.

"I-I'm ready."

The girl swallowed uneasily. Perhaps it was the light of the setting sun, but before An Luo did anything, her childish and delicate face was already covered with a seductive blush.

An Luo sighed slightly, adjusted his mood and walked over without saying a word. This made the girl who was inexplicably nervous even though it was just a repeat of the case, subconsciously stepped back like Fujiwara Chika before, because the direction was different from the previous one. The girl was different. Soon her waist hit the blackboard, and she waved in panic at An Luo, who was still walking towards him: "Wha, what? What, what are you going to do?"

An Luo didn't speak, but wordlessly slapped the blackboard with his right hand. The sound of "Pah!" rang in her ears. The girl was so frightened that she trembled all over and closed her eyes reflexively: "——Er!" !”

"Mizi, open your eyes and look at me."

An Luo didn't understand why he was so nervous just acting. Although he wanted to sigh, he still dutifully used his free left hand to gently lift the girl's chin, causing her to raise her head uncontrollably and carefully opened her eyes.

The petite girl with a pretty and cute face looked up at him with a flushed face, and the way she twisted her body uneasily was really endearing.

The girl couldn't suppress the violent beating of her heart. An Luo also unexpectedly discovered from the exchange of glances that this girl who always caused trouble for him turned out to be a lot cuter than he thought. He couldn't help but admired:

"As expected, Yako is very cute."

"...Wu, wu~~!"

The girl's eyes gradually became moist, her pink lips leaked out a mournful cry, her vision was erratic, and she seemed to have a tendency to run away.

In order to prevent her from escaping, An Luo first put his hand on her face, gently caressed her face as tender as a baby with his fingertips, and said with a smile: "Mizi, running away is not possible, right? Look at me carefully, and don't be nervous and relax."


The girl didn't speak, she just pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

After that, time seemed to slow down again.

Just looking at each other like this, An Luo realized that the ridiculously cute guy in front of him seemed to be two different people from the girl he knew in the past.

But... it didn't take long, and he accidentally got too involved in the drama. He suddenly noticed something and suddenly turned his head and looked at the girl with glasses on the side: "-Hey! Big Buddha! What are you doing over there? Are you taking pictures?"

"No, I'm videotaping it to confirm if there's really something wrong with your eyes."

"Don't you know that you need to obtain the consent of the person involved before taking photos?"

"It's okay, Mizi will agree."

"what about me?!"

"This is a law enforcement video." Dafo pulled the armband on his arm to emphasize his identity, which made An Luo speechless: "Do you think you are a police officer?"

"This is school."

"The Disciplinary Committee has no enforcement power! School rules are not as big as laws and regulations!"

"I really like men who care about everything, but I won't post it to you online. What are you afraid of?"

"...I'm really tired talking to you. Forget it, I still have things I don't want to argue with you about. I've cooperated until now, okay?"

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. Now I can prove that your eyes are just scary and scare people. It's more like blackmail than confession."

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