But the cry for help was getting weaker and weaker, because her voice made the young man who was trying to commit violence get angry because he was worried that others would hear him, so he beat her hard for asking for help.

Blood dripped from the corner of the girl's mouth and fell to the ground. The girl's struggle became very weak. At this time, the boy who attacked the girl had an obscene and cruel smile on his face. He grabbed her hair and dragged her to the toilet. , and cursed: "You damn bitch! It's your honor for me to like you! How dare you scratch me with a knife? I'll make you happy later! Then I'll chop you up! Let's see who can I found out it was me who did it!”

"...Who...save...save me..."

"No one will come! Just wait to die!"

The boy dropped the girl's hair and kicked her on the head again, causing her to let out a weak scream again. Although she was desperate, she still instinctively let out a choked scream and cry for help: "Woo...! Save...who will come..."

"I said no one would...!"

"——Let me help you."

Before the boy could finish speaking, An Luo had already appeared from the aisle below, looking at the extremely embarrassed girl on the ground with a calm and steady smile. Then he looked up and looked to the side. His arm was cut with a knife. The young man with the wound couldn't help but frown: "You are such a bad person. A grown man can use violence against girls casually."

"who are you!?"

"Don't ask such boring questions. Anyway, I'm not from this school. I'm just looking for someone to see the situation here. Tsk...it's really harsh. You're fine...it doesn't matter how you look at it. It doesn’t look like it’s okay.”

An Luo ignored the young man's vigilance and walked over. When the young man subconsciously backed away, he squatted down and looked at the girl who was speechless looking at him, but tears kept pouring from her eyes. He took out a handkerchief and wiped it on her blood-covered face. Wiped on his mouth.

"Hey! Boy, are you ignoring me?!" The boy quietly reached back, grabbed the utility knife that the girl had used to attack him in self-defense, and said angrily with a sullen face: "....You really saw something that you shouldn't have seen. It’s something!”

"Huh? So?"

An Luo stood up slowly and looked at the boy in front of him. Before he could stand completely, the boy suddenly pulled out a utility knife from behind and slashed his neck.

"——Go to hell!!"

"Oh, oh~ You really took out something quite dangerous."

An Luo, who clearly captured the attack route of the utility knife, was a little surprised that the boy would choose to kill him, but he also understood that people of this age group would always be passionate and attack without seriousness, and judging from his words, he seemed to have planned it before. Kill this girl.

Therefore, when he immediately stepped back to avoid the blade, he quickly stepped forward, twisted his waist and waved his arms before he could swing the next one.

Without using a fist, the elbow directly hit him on the nose with the rotation of the body.


In the crisp sound of bone cracking, the young man's ferocious expression was instantly distorted, his head violently tilted back, and his whole body followed, falling heavily to the ground.

The boy lost his grip on the utility knife and dropped it to the ground. The bridge of his nose was broken. His nose was bleeding and he couldn't get up for a while. He just covered his nose and kept whining.

"How dare you come out and imitate rape and murder? Have you watched too many pornographic movies?"

An Luo glanced at the vulnerable but extremely embarrassed young man on the ground. He did not stop because the opponent lost resistance, but rushed forward with a lunge, raised his leg and kicked him in the stomach.



Amidst the muffled sound that echoed through his body, the boy curled up like a cooked shrimp and groaned in pain.




(PS: Many of you don’t know that in AngelBeats, Yusa, who elusively acts as a communicator on the battle line, is the worst offender.

The original text was written before his death: On the way to the sun corridor under the sun, Toru was born as a male student, and he was killed by Toru. In the afterlife, the male NPC in the afterlife world is tortured and killed by Toro when he appears.

To put it simply, while walking in the corridor one day, he was dragged to the toilet by a male student, raped and then killed. After arriving in the afterlife, he initially took revenge on men and became a murderer, but only later began to change.

By the way, the prequel manga still has the cover of Yusa the Killer.


Chapter 21 Explosion Magic on the Seabed (10K)

There is no doubt that the young man who attempted rape has no power to fight back, but An Luo has always shown no mercy to scum.

Even if the other party obviously had no way to fight back, he would not let him go so easily. Instead, he took off his coat and top and threw them far away on the ground. He imitated the other party's actions and grabbed his hair, and forcibly helped him stand up.

"Hey, hey, get up quickly. Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. Weren't you really good at beating me just now?"

"...Stop, stop! Oh...I, I was wrong!" The young man, whose face was covered with blood and could not stand still, freed up a hand, stretched out his hand to An Luo and begged for mercy: "Forgive me, please forgive me." Me, I...just for a moment..."

"Come on, stand still, try to stand up straight, and listen to me carefully. Then I might be able to let you go if I feel better."


"——Of course it's a lie!"

Almost without thinking, An Luo, who betrayed the young man's expectations, kicked the ground with his right foot, twisted his body sharply to the left, and shot forward with his right fist, hitting the young man's left face.

Due to the twisting of the body, the speed and force of the forward kick of the foot were much greater than those of ordinary tortoise punches. Amidst the dull sound of the boxing, the boy tilted his body back and hit the wall with his head, and he was about to fall over. ....

Before the opponent fell to the ground, An Luo took action again, swung his left fist very quickly and hit the boy on the mouth.

And he repeatedly punched, or applied elbows and knees, just like hitting sandbags, so that the walkway was covered with blood in a short time, and even An Luo himself was spattered with a lot of blood.

In the end, the boy fell to the ground like mud, bleeding from his mouth and broken teeth falling out.

"This is the first time I've hit a human with a sandbag like this. Even though I accidentally beat him to death, it doesn't matter who he is... but isn't this a little too violent?"

An Luo looked at the young man who collapsed on the ground like mud and had been beaten until he fainted. The severity of his injuries was far more serious than that of a young girl. He reflected on his behavior and muttered to himself, then simply clapped his hands and walked to where the young man wanted to go. In the toilet, I washed my blood-stained hands and face, as well as my upper body which was stained with a lot of blood.

Although he used the opponent as a punching bag to test the martial arts skills he had learned over the past six months, he still avoided the vital points and did not directly kill the opponent.

Although the opponent's face looked basically the same as if it had been beaten to pieces, Keren's skull protection ability was very strong. Although... a concussion was definitely inevitable, and he had broken several ribs. The genitals are guaranteed to lose the ability to use under the knee blow, because the balls have already exploded.

After the simple preparations were completed, he picked up the clothes on the floor and put them on again, and came to the side of the girl with bruises on her face.

"Okay, let me take you to the hospital now."

"...Thank you, thank you..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Who could have happened to me? But before I go to the hospital, I'll make a call and have this guy dragged away."

In the middle of his words, An Luo suddenly remembered something, and temporarily left the girl who looked very embarrassed, but not likely to die. He walked to the corner of the stairs, took out his mobile phone, and called the person who specialized in dirty work in the Extreme North Society. Make a phone call and ask him to come to this school and take away the boy who was beaten half to death by him.

After all, even if he is sent to the police now, he can only be sentenced according to minor injuries and attempted rape. He cannot be given the punishment that his behavior deserves at all... At least An Luo cannot meet that level of punishment, because this young man His age requires a lenient treatment, and the attempt itself is very likely to be suspended. If you are sentenced to probation, you can avoid jail. In this case, it is better to leave it to your own people.

Although he understands that lynching is not allowed in modern society, he often just can't control himself. Even if he doesn't want to be careless about human life, he doesn't want to be overly restrained by the law.

He did not plan to sink the boy into Tokyo Bay. Instead, he planned to have someone treat him and let him help the Far North Society create certain benefits. Of course, there was no need to waste money on sponsoring his sex change, because the perversion of the world is real now. Although teenagers are no longer fertile, some people are interested in this kind of thing, which means that teenagers' butts are still worth some money. If it doesn't work, it is always interesting to reduce the price.



"Here, I'll give you some clothes. Can you stand up?"

After arranging everything, An Luo came back wearing only a white shirt and put the black stand-up collar uniform jacket on the disheveled girl.

"Probably...it hurts...!"

The girl tried to put her hands on the ground, hoping to get up, but she frowned in pain and subconsciously covered her abdomen with her hands, unable to stand up. An Luo also saw clear shoe prints on the back of her swollen hands.

"Ah~ Did your hand get stepped on? Your stomach must have been hit hard... Forget it, let me help you."

An Luo was slightly troubled, then put his left hand under the girl's shoulder blade, his right hand on the crook of the leg, and directly lifted the girl on the ground.

After taking the scarred girl and washing her in the sink before going to the toilet, he took a taxi to the hospital, paid for her and had an examination, and waited for her parents to come over. Just go home by yourself but...

Her parents happened to be on a business trip recently and were temporarily living alone. She didn't want her friends to know about her current experience, so An Luo could only stay with her temporarily and go through various procedures.

After the final examination, he judged that there was nothing serious, just multiple soft tissue contusions all over the body. The doctor treated the wounds and Anluo took various external and internal medicines. After a lot of congestion, Anluo recovered, but it was still inconvenient to move. girl, took a taxi to take her back to the private house where she lived.

"Nakano District...? It feels so far away from Minato District...Do I have to go back to pick up the car later before I can go home?"

An Luo, who was providing psychological counseling to the girl in the hospital, sighed while sitting in the back seat of the taxi and looking out the window.

It was a rare opportunity for him to do something good, but he didn't expect that it would be such a troublesome thing, and he spent the whole night doing it.

The girl who had calmed down from her panic lowered her head guiltily: "I'm sorry...but, actually, I can do it alone now."

"Don't say stupid things. It's too late now. If something happens to you again and you meet an idiot or something, wouldn't all my previous hard work be in vain?"

"I feel that I won't be attacked by a crazy man now..." The girl touched her swollen and deformed cheek and smiled with a complicated expression.

In fact, it was true. An Luo didn't know what the girl looked like before, but now he just felt that she was very ugly after being beaten. After the swelling and bruises were gone, he probably wouldn't even recognize her.

When An Luo thought that he should not mention the injuries on her face, the girl fidgeted again and whispered: "I'm really embarrassed this time... I will wait for my mother to come back. I will definitely..."

"It's okay, money is just a small thing, and instead of apologizing, you should thank me, right?" An Luo, who was not actually short of money, didn't care about money, and it was too much to argue with girls about money. Picked.

"Of course! I'm very grateful to you! But I've caused you so much trouble...so I'm very sorry..."

"Yes, then you can repay me when you have the chance, like becoming my younger brother or something." An Luo, who usually said that he would give his life to me, changed his words because the other party had just suffered atrocities. A joke.

But the girl tried her best to tighten her face and said seriously: "Yes! From now on, I am your little brother!"

"It's a joke, it's a joke, don't be so serious, just relax, don't be so tense."

An Luo smiled and patted the girl's head gently, then turned his head again and continued to observe the scene outside the car window. Because it was a place he had never been before, he planned to memorize the road, maybe he could use it in the future.

Of course, he was actually thinking that maybe this girl could really be his little brother, because the girl's attitude towards him now surprised him.

You have to know that if ordinary women saw him beating the boy to the point where he was dying, if the Virgin could take action, they would probably persuade him to stop, otherwise they would be worried that he would beat him to death, or maybe It's him who is afraid of being so cruel to others.

But not only was this girl not afraid of him, her cold eyes even made him not doubt that if she had the power to act at that time, she might have picked up the utility knife on the floor and cut the boy a few times, completely. If you don't see that the other person is already miserable, you will choose to be magnanimous.

Maybe... this girl has a certain value, although whether to use it or not makes him a little confused.

While thinking about the girl next to him, An Luo kept looking outside the car. Compared to the Minato District and Nakano District where he lived, the height of the houses was much lower. Most of them were low-rise residences. Here, Although it was not very late at about eight o'clock, most of the shops on the roadside were closed except for convenience stores and restaurants.

Because Japanese stores normally close very early except in bustling areas. In non-busy streets and commercial areas, half of the shops will be closed at 4 p.m., and at 6 p.m., except for convenience stores and restaurants, almost all shops will be closed. .

Nakano Ward happens to be a residential area, and the closing hours of stores other than commercial streets are among the earliest in Tokyo.

It didn't take long for the taxi to take them to their destination. An Luo wanted to go back just like this, but considering that there was no one at home, so out of the idea of ​​sending Buddha to the west, he supported this person who was not very walking. For the convenience of the girl, she entered the alley beside the road and came to a three-story independent small bungalow. She opened the door with the key given by the girl.

The interior decoration style is probably simple and European. Although it is not as good as the second-generation rich people in the school, it seems that the family background is pretty good. However, An Luo only looked at it twice and looked away, with no intention of going in and preparing again. gone back.

"You should have a good rest today. Get some sleep and forget about the unhappy things. You don't need to worry about that pervert. I have already taken care of it. Also, remember not to tell anyone what happened today. You don't know why that person disappeared. I don’t know, I will take care of the rest, do you understand?”

"Understood, I will never say anything."

Knowing that that person was likely to disappear from the world, the girl, who was only happy about this, nodded vigorously without even thinking about it, and then she hesitated and said: "Well... why don't you come in and sit for a while? You haven't eaten dinner yet. Right? If you don’t mind it, can I do it?”

"No, no, it's better for you to take a rest, and then you can order takeout or something."

"But...what if the delivery guy is a man...I'm still a little scared..."

The girl grabbed An Luo's clothes and looked at him pitifully. Although she really didn't want to trouble him before, when she was really left alone, she still felt scared and didn't want An Luo to leave just like that. .... Because the only one who can give her a sense of security now is An Luo, who pulled her out of the gate of hell at the critical moment.

This also made An Luo a little worried, but he also knew that he had nothing important to deal with, so after thinking about it for a while, there was no way to just leave him behind when the other party was so scared, so He just scratched his head in distress and chose to go in.

"Obviously I am also a stranger and a man. How about you worry a little bit?"

"Can you tell me the name?"

"Just call me An Luo, but knowing the name doesn't count as an acquaintance."

"...Classmate An Luo? What's your last name?" The girl ignored An Luo's words and asked in a low voice.

"Just An Luo, I don't like adding suffixes, so don't use honorifics."

"Then...you can just call me Yuzuo."

"Okay, Yuzuo." An Luo turned on the indoor light, and after looking around the room for a week, he asked without being polite to her: "First of all, what do you have to eat? Fast food."

"Can I just have cup noodles...?"

"It's okay, I like Cup Noodles very much."

Knowing that Yuzuo was not in good health, An Luo took the initiative to go to the kitchen to boil water, while Yuzuo took out a pile of cup noodles from the locker under the kitchen.

The two people, who were strangers to each other, were together in the living room that night, chatting about some insignificant topics and eating cup noodles that smelled good and tasted good.

After that, An Luo waited until Yu Zuo fell asleep before he was able to leave here.

However, he temporarily borrowed the key to this house and went to a nearby convenience store to buy some bread and lunch boxes that only needed to be heated in a microwave oven as the girl with limited mobility for tomorrow's meal.

After doing this and putting the keys back, he really left here, took the subway to go back to pick up the car, and drove his motorcycle to Jibei Society's office. Although it was already late, he was still positive After dealing with official duties, I chose to give up tonight's telekinesis practice and returned to the apartment at around ten o'clock.



Normally, An Luo would go home at 2:30 a.m. one morning, and then go home at 9:30 a.m. the next day. This way, he would go home later than usual. Because he went back later than usual, he was thinking about whether the two girls at home had already fallen asleep. At the same time, he was also thinking. While thinking about Yuzuo's affairs, he said to himself: "Although I didn't seem to have done anything today, and I was unexpectedly unlucky, it feels good to do a good deed after a long time."

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