"No, it's just not very delicious."

"...a person who wants to save face?"

"How is that possible! I'm not that kind of immature kid! I'm just...a picky gourmet! Yes, a picky gourmet!"

"Haha, I know, it's not very delicious...right?"

Seeing An Luo trying his best to deny it and even starting to make unreliable excuses, Bai Yu, who only found it very interesting, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

But the tone of voice that seemed to be talking to a child made An Luo very depressed, but now that he was asking for help, he could only endure it unhappily.



When An Luo borrowed the bathroom, washed his hands and face and returned to the kitchen, Bai Yu had already prepared fried rice with carrots, peas and eggs, and placed it in front of An Luo with thoughtful service: "Here, please use."

"Thank you~"

When he was hungry, there was food in front of him, and An Luo felt instantly cheerful. He immediately forgot about his previous unhappiness, took the chopsticks and started to wolf down the food.

However, Bai Yu, who was sitting next to him and looking at him, after a long-lost smile, said with a worried look on his face: "You should leave quickly after you finish eating. It will be terrible if grandpa sees it."


"Grandpa will definitely be angry."

"Um...Bai Yu, the grandfather you are talking about, could it be...the one behind you?"

An Luo raised his head from the fried rice and looked behind Bai Yu. Although his hair and beard were white, he was a tall and strong man...or an old man.

Although the old man looks old, he has muscles that are as strong as a bodybuilder.

Moreover, this old man wearing a sleeveless vest and shorts has a large number of scars etched on his exposed muscles. The sight of this old man makes An Luo, a Hunji Dao, feel a natural sense of intimacy... Although for ordinary people It should be a heavy sense of oppression, and even getting close will make you tremble.

But unfortunately, this already scary old man had a lot of veins on his thick arms that had been bronzed by the sun, and he seemed to be in a state of rage.

"...Huh? - Grandpa?!" Bai Yu was stunned for a moment and turned around. The moment he saw the person behind him, he stood up in shock and hurriedly explained: "This, this person is. ....."

"--Who are you?"

The old man ignored Bai Yu and just stared at An Luo. His rough and thick voice, coupled with his sharp and ferocious eyes, invisibly put pressure on people.

"Hello, I'm Bai Yu's friend An Luo. Please forgive me for visiting late at night." An Luo slowly swallowed the fried rice that he just put in his mouth. It was surprisingly delicious, and then wiped it with a paper towel on the table. After wiping his mouth, he stood up and smiled and extended his hand to the old man.

This scene not only shocked Bai Yu, forgetting to object to his arbitrarily classifying himself as a friend, but also the old man who didn't seem to be a good-natured person was also surprised.

"...What a surprise. You are the first child who can speak normally in front of an old man." After the old man looked him up and down, as if he recognized his courage, he stretched out his hand to hold him. Hand: "The old man's name is... Naruse Kobato."

"...Xiaojiu? It always feels a little inappropriate."

"——Is there any problem?" Perhaps he was also very concerned about his name, Naruse Kobato glared at him fiercely.

"No, no, no, don't be angry. After all, it was my parents who chose the name. There will always be times like this."

"... Put this topic aside for now. You said you are Bai Yu's friend? Why did you show up at my house covered in blood? Could it be that... you killed someone and escaped here?" The old man narrowed his eyes. Her eyes looked him up and down like a scrutinizer.

"Grandpa, you really know how to joke. If you really get blood all over your body when you kill someone, wouldn't you be a simple fool? So this is the blood left behind when you kill a pig."


Like an angry bear, the old man suddenly took a step forward and stared at him. Bai Yu subconsciously stood up to stop his grandfather from committing violence.

But in the gang, we are used to it. During negotiations, other forces will have people like this. An Luo, but he smiled and waved his hands as if the mountain was collapsing, and said: "Don't be so excited, there is nothing special about this."

"...Really? Then..." Because An Luo was too calm, Xiaojiu, who was even more surprised, calmed down and pushed his granddaughter away: "What is your relationship with Bai Yu? "

"No, you just told me, right? Friend?"

"Is it really just like this?" Xiaojiu stared at An Luo for a while, then looked at his granddaughter who couldn't get a word in at first: "Bai Yu."


I really wanted to say that I just met today, but I was worried that An Luo would be beaten up by his grandfather on the spot, so Bai Yu's eyes were erratic and he couldn't tell the reason.

But this attitude made Xiaojiu misunderstand something. He sighed inexplicably and shook his head. He walked out of the restaurant without saying anything, leaving An Luo and Bai Yu looking at each other wordlessly... Then, before Bai Yu could figure out what happened to his grandfather, An Luo lowered his head again and ate the fried rice like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

"It's delicious! Have another bowl!"

"...Huh? What?"

"one more bowl!"

"...Are you really in someone else's home?"

The expression on Bai Yu's face was full of astonishment as he didn't know what to say.

"Of course it's your home, don't worry, I will pay."

"...No, I'm not doing this to make money, I just feel...you're overly mature."

Bai Yu, who was least good at dealing with such people, sighed like his grandfather, and walked to the kitchen again to help An Luo add food.

In fact, the existence of introversion in interpersonal communication is mostly due to various fears or low self-esteem in the heart. However, An Luo has no reason to be afraid of interpersonal communication. He has nearly invincible and powerful abilities, and he is already in a different situation. In a state of defeat, there is no need for him to be afraid of anything. If he has low self-esteem...then how fragile must his heart be to be introverted with such strength?

But in fact, even in his previous life without powers, he was still a person who could easily deal with people and was proficient in various social methods. He was not introverted.

Of course...that was the change he forced himself to make after joining the work.



When Bai Yu went to fry the second portion of rice and An Luo sat cross-legged on the dining table, looking around for interesting things, Kojiu unexpectedly came back with a bottle of sake in his hand and took it out from the refrigerator. Some various seafood sashimi, which were originally planned to be eaten for breakfast before going to sea before dawn tomorrow, sat cross-legged opposite An Luo.

"Have a drink with me."

With that said, Xiaojiu filled the wine glass placed in front of An Luo.

Although he understood that the current condition of his stomach was not suitable for drinking, An Luo could not refuse the rare wine in front of him, so he directly picked up the wine glass with a smile: "Master, do you also like drinking?"

"...Also?" Xiaojiu's eyes suddenly looked wrong; this made An Luo immediately think that he was still a teenager who likes to drink, and would be regarded as a delinquent in Japan, so he immediately changed his words: "...actually it's my uncle. My brother and I also like to drink, so they always force me to drink with them... Well, it’s really hard not to drink, so I’ve become accustomed to being forced to drink.”

"Do you have a brother?"

"Cousin, I'm a sophomore in high school now."

"...The child actually drank. If the old man sees it, he will definitely teach him how to be a student." Xiaojiu's eyes exuded a fierce light. It seemed that if Baiyin Yuxing appeared in front of him, It looks like he will definitely be taught a lesson... Although in fact, Baiyin Yuxing adheres to the principle of being a student and can be said to be a teetotaler.

"Yes, but unfortunately my uncle also likes to drink, and as a junior, I can only persuade them to drink less."

"Well...that's fine."

Seeing that An Luo was worried about his family, he could be said to be a loyal and kind-hearted young man even though he had emerged from the mud, Xiaojiu couldn't help but nodded appreciatively, and said slowly: "I don't actually drink much."

"Really? Then why now..."

"Because... there is no one to drink with me."

"Ah, if that's the case, if you don't mind, although I'm a heavy drinker, I can still keep you company. Anyway, I'm used to drinking with my brother and uncle."


Nodding, Xiaojiu silently drank a glass with An Luo, drank all the wine in one gulp, and then suddenly said: "Are you...serious?"


".....Just for fun, but seriously."

"Ah, of course I'm serious."


"I'm serious at all times."

Although it is not clear what the old man is talking about, judging from the situation at the scene, An Luo naturally assumes that he came to the island just to have fun or to do something serious... Although it doesn't seem very reasonable, but in Among the countless unreasonable things, this was the most reasonable, so he naturally said he was serious.

In fact, he was really serious about finding the glowing butterfly, and he was also really interested in Bai Yu's prophecy.

"Really? I agree with your courage." Xiaojiu admired the indifference when facing him before, but after drinking another glass of wine, he asked again: "How tall are you now? Yes. What are your plans for the future?”

"Third year of high school, tentatively... it's planned to go to higher school, right?"

"Are you older than Bai Yu?"

"No, no, I'm the same age, but I skipped a level."

"I remember...you can't skip a level if you are ordinary, right?"

"Because I have been studying very rigorously, I have been given the opportunity to go to higher education. In the future, I plan to go to Cambridge or Oxford."

...Although it is actually not certain, no matter which country the parents are, they will have a good impression of good students, so An Luo naturally has to speak more highly if possible and try to leave a good impression on the other party. .

Although the current conversation made An Luo quickly realize that this old man seemed to have misunderstood his relationship with Bai Yu, and he probably thought they were dating.

However, when Kojiu heard his answer, he frowned and looked very puzzled: "Cambridge? Oxford? A name I have never heard of..."

Bai Yu, who came over with another bowl of fried rice, heard his words and couldn't help but was speechless and exposed: "An Luo... you are bragging too much."

The granddaughter's words made Xiaojiu realize something. He squeezed the wine glass tightly and lowered his voice: "Boy, are you lying to me?"

"No, no, what I said is true, wait...here, you see."

In order to prove himself, An Luo took out his cell phone and showed them the photos of the performance list published by his school every time... If you want to ask why he would keep such photos, the reason is very simple and helpless.

Because when he was in Tokyo, he generally gave people the impression that he was a delinquent with poor grades, so in order to prove himself, every time he passed by the bulletin board, he would take a photo as a souvenir when the list was posted.

However, the name of An Luo, who ranked first in all the photos, and the subsequent grades made Ben still somewhat skeptical about the fact that he once boasted that his grades were very good, and that the principal valued him very much and even gave him a letter of recommendation. Bai Yu was also shocked.

"Liar... is it really so good? Except for a slight deduction for Mandarin, all other scores are perfect? ​​How did you do it?"

"It depends on hard study. After all...my parents are not here, and the economy is not very good. Now I live outside with my sister. Otherwise, I would not have a scholarship."

"...very poor? Don't you have two million?"

Bai Yu's face was almost full of disbelief. After all, the person who had just spent 2 million to hire her in the morning was now saying that she was poor? Isn't this obviously a lie?

An Luo also understood her thoughts and immediately explained: "That is the savings I have earned from working part-time. It was originally intended to be used for studying abroad, but...compared to studying abroad, my sister is more important."

"Why is my sister appearing here?"

"...If there is no way to find that thing, my sister will have a lifetime of regrets."

An Luo lowered his head and spoke in a heavy and sad tone. His behavior naturally made Bai Yu think that his sister had some terminal illness and wanted to see the glowing butterfly before she died.

.....Of course, this is not a lie. After all, if there is no way to return to his hometown, it will indeed be a lifelong regret for Huihui, and the two million can indeed be used when studying abroad, but he still has more money. .

Of course, he selectively concealed part of the facts and did not correct them. Although it can be regarded as a lie, it does not count as a lie, because it is not that he did not tell it, but they did not ask, so they did not tell it. And no one in the world has the obligation to tell the truth. Tell everything about yourself, right?

At the same time, An Luo also knows that such incomplete information can cause some misunderstandings among Naruse and his grandson, and such misunderstandings will also allow him to easily obtain Bai Yu as a helper.



After An Luo deliberately spoke a very heavy topic in a heavy tone, the restaurant became depressing and silent for a moment.

But after a while, as he expected, Bai Yu, who thought he had stepped on a minefield, lowered his head apologetically: "Well... I'm really sorry..."

Although Bai Yu didn't know exactly what it was, Xiaojiu, who had learned a lot from their conversations, reached across the dining table and patted An Luo on the shoulder, seeming to comfort him in this manly way.

At the same time, Xiaojiu also has a quite three-dimensional understanding of An Luo in his heart. Even though his parents are not around, he is the same as Bai Yu. He has excellent academic performance, cares about his family, and loves his sister very much. He is even willing to give up the money and study abroad for his sister. The opportunity to further his studies is tantamount to giving up his dreams for the sake of his family... In short, he is a very good and gentle person, but his background is as bad as Bai Yu's.

Facing such a person, he couldn't help but ponder for a while, and then asked: "You are not from the island, why are you still living on the island so late? A relative's house?"

"No, I'm staying in a hotel."

"There is no need to waste that money, and even eating in that hotel is troublesome. If nothing else, there are plenty of empty rooms, so please bring your luggage here."


Xiaojiu's shocking words made Bai Yu open his eyes in shock. An Luo, who also did not expect this development, was also surprised and subconsciously declined: "No... Isn't this bad?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. You are Bai Yu's friend anyway, right? It's time for my granddaughter's friend to come to the house to play, and then stay there."

"But I might stay on the island longer..."

"It's okay. Even if I live here for a year, it won't be a big deal. Anyway, I'm not short of food."

"No, at least let me pay for the food, otherwise I really can't accept such kindness. Although you are an elder, I can't give in on this point no matter what."

"What a stubborn kid, but...I don't hate your character."


The shocking unfolding made Bai Yu dumbfounded. While they were dumbfounded, An Luo and Xiaojiu had a good chat, and reached a consensus without even asking her for her opinion. When she came to her senses, she subconsciously wanted to interrupt: "Grandpa! Wait, this..."

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