"White cat."


"Well, on the island it was white, it used to be black."


Bai Yu was so confused that he couldn't understand the incorrect answer at all.

"Well, it's best if you don't understand, but you can wait until you get home to hear the specific prophecies, and now..."

An Luo, who had no intention of answering, looked to the side, who had not disturbed them, and seemed to be surprised again because of hearing the "prophecy"... or the consciousness of the sacred mountain.

Bai Yu subconsciously followed An Luo's gaze, and couldn't help but care about the previous statement that the previous consciousness came from ancient times. Of course...even though she had supernatural powers, she still found it difficult to believe this statement.

"Are you...the miko of this generation, the Naruse clan?" Kamiyama Shi stared at Bai Yu, with a feeling of emotion on his face.

"No, I'm not an official miko."

"Bloodline should be enough. After all, your abilities are passed down by bloodline. It is passed down from female to male, not by position." Shiki, who had calmed down, stared at the main hall of the shrine and said leisurely: "I will Appearing here has something to do with the Naruse family miko in the past."

"...Does my family still have the ability to send people to the future?"

"No, you can predict the future, but there is no way to arrive in the future in advance. My words are a bit long... Do you want to listen?" Shichi lowered her eyes and scanned the surroundings. To her, this shrine has been away for 150 years. Inside, he finally locked his sights on these two people.

Neither of them had any reason to refuse. An Luo wanted to know about supernatural phenomena, while Bai Yu wanted to know why. What did his ancestors have to do with this matter? Although she still didn't believe in traveling through time and space, she was ready to listen to what she had to say first.

The entire process of the divine mountain consciousness traveling through time and space is neither long nor short.

According to Kamiyama Shiji, about a hundred and fifty years ago, the people on the island were as gentle as they are now, but even then they had been avoiding the Naruse clan.

The reason is that they have been the miko who have brought misfortune since long ago, and their incredible power has been passed down from ancient times to this day. The miko of the Naruse clan can see the future, and what they say will definitely become reality, but it must be an unfortunate phenomenon.

The islanders who were frightened by this naturally adopted an attitude of keeping away from him in order to avoid hearing him speak as much as possible, which is almost the same even now.

However, Shiki, who was adopted by the Kamiyama family, had a very good relationship with the Naruse miko of that generation, so she often played with the three miko Naruse and the Kamiyama family miko.

Under such circumstances, the Naruse family's shrine maiden predicted a terrible disaster, that is, there would be an earthquake on the sea in the near future, and the earthquake would trigger a large tsunami that would directly wash away the entire island, but... Hide But you can escape in the mountains.

Therefore, Naruse Miko asked everyone to hide in the mountains that night when the tsunami appeared. Unfortunately... Even though everyone believed in the prophecy that never failed in the past, the scale of the prophecy has become so large that it affects When the whole island was about to survive, it felt unbelievable because the scale was so different from usual, and it was directly classified as an unscrupulous joke.

So the three shrine maidens were preparing to rely on themselves to protect the island, that is... let Chi disguise themselves as ghosts and attack the island, so that the people on the island would be frightened by Chi on the night of the tsunami. The whole family hid in the mountains to avoid the tsunami.

In order to transform into a ghost and make the people on the island fear her, she made a lot of preparations, but...

"...I couldn't make up my mind in the end, because I was really afraid, afraid of those gentle people, afraid that those people who had always been kind would look at me accusingly, and as a result, I had the idea of ​​​​escape. One day I got lost in the mountains. When I came back to my senses, I had come to a strange place. I lived there alone for a long, long, long time. But surprisingly, I didn't feel hungry and my body didn't change with time. Any change in the flow."

An Luo and Bai Yu listened quietly, while Shi recalled the past and said silently: "During that long time, no one could talk to me, so I could only sit there doing nothing, so I gradually forgot that I was Who can leave there is just a pure accident. At a fixed time in that world, a place similar to an exit appears every once in a while. I didn't pay attention to it at first, but at a certain moment I suddenly cared about it very much and got into that light. , and then came to this era, when I only remembered the name I knew and the legend that I had to find ghosts, this feeling was like a sense of mission."

"...In other words, you who have lost your memory still want to confirm whether your plan is successful and whether you have turned into a ghost and driven the people on the island into the mountains to let them escape from the tsunami, right? "

An Luo sorted out the information revealed by Shi and made a summary of Shi's behavior so far, while Shi nodded gently, showing an expression as if he was about to cry: "There is nothing that I have spread on the entire island. What’s left behind is the story of a ghost...that is to say, I didn’t become a ghost in the end, and someone must have died on the island..."

"No, no, no, you have made many mistakes. Although it cannot be said that you are completely unnecessarily compassionate, you are definitely forcing all the responsibilities that do not belong to you on yourself. You yourself cannot save everyone. Duty, although I don’t know how many people died in that disaster, but after knowing that the Naruse family had made a prophecy long ago, and the prophecy has not failed even once, even if the scale is too large to be believed, how can I face this disaster? There is a possibility that the whole family may die together, but you are not even willing to do such a simple thing as hiding in the mountains for one night, then..."

"——An Luo!!"

Since he had been with An Luo for a while, Bai Yu knew exactly what An Luo wanted to say, so he quickly grabbed him and blocked his mouth so that he could not express his thoughts.

Of course, even if Bai Yu didn't stop him, he would have finished his last words. Although he thought from the bottom of his heart that he was such an extremely stupid person, he couldn't blame anyone even if he died. This and the earthquake warning had been issued, but he didn't want to Leaving home and waiting for the whole family to die together made him completely unable to have any sympathy.

Compared to An Luo, who was a bit cold and didn't have much sympathy, Bai Yu, who was an islander and the direct contact person in the story, had an indescribable feeling.

The detailed description, especially the expression on her face when describing it, made it difficult for her to insist on not believing in the absurd statement of traveling through time and space. After all...it was also absurd to consider her ability from a common sense perspective.

The three of them stayed at the shrine for a while, thinking about different things in silence. Just when An Luo was planning to walk around the shrine, Bai Yu offered to take them to the island to get to know each other. A commemorative monument built by the victims of the said tsunami.

The monument is located on a beach on the edge of the island. It commemorates the 78 people who died in the tsunami. Of course, there are no detailed names, only the number 78.

Shi silently walked to the memorial tablet and gently touched the words on it. However, An Luo glanced at it for a few times and simply turned around and left, because he knew that Shi would be in a position where he would not be able to communicate later. status, so he planned to ask her about other things tomorrow. Anyway, with Bai Yu here, there shouldn't be any problems. He himself planned to check the history of one hundred and fifty years ago to confirm the situation of Shishuo.

Because there are actually many loopholes in the words of Shenshan Shi. It would be difficult for him to believe it without confirming it carefully. Compared with his super power, it is even more incredible that he traveled through a long time and space in violation of the order of time and space.

First of all, the most important thing is that no one except the miko believes in the 100% accurate prophecy of Naruse Miko. The reason is that the scale of the prophecy is too large... When the danger can be easily avoided, there is no need to pay anything at all. You can avoid possible life dangers, but you are not willing to avoid this, which is suspicious and excessive.

Unless everyone on the island at that time had been hit by a super powerful intelligence attack, or they were hopelessly stupid, and all the wisdom in their heads was allocated to the so-called gentleness and kindness, otherwise he really couldn't understand it.

The other three miko's final choice, Yuchi's strategy of pretending to be a ghost and scaring people, was also inferior and made his head hurt...but the other three were just three children, so there was nothing to say, but it was impossible for the elders of the Naruse family not to believe it. The prophecy of my own family should be making suggestions.

The final conclusion is still that this inferior strategy of letting a fourteen-year-old girl scare everyone on the island by herself is not impossible, but the efficiency is horribly low.

Because he can think of several strategies that are more useful than this strategy, are simple, convenient, efficient, and can be used at any time.

The simplest way is... Didn't it mean that all the people on this island used to be gentle and kind? Wouldn't it be better for the three witches to commit suicide by taking advantage of this?

The three men threatened their lives and asked the islanders to trust them and go to the mountains at night to avoid the incoming tsunami.

It doesn't cost much to get three people to give up committing suicide. There is no reason for the people on the island to refuse, right? Rather than being frightened, it gives the people on the island a chance to pack up their belongings before going to the mountains.

After leaving the two girls on the shore, An Luo went to the public office alone. He communicated with the director on the pretext of wanting to know the history of the island, and then he kindly led him to the library of the public office.

“It’s really rare for young people nowadays to care about the history of their hometown.”

The director, who had nothing to do, personally put the history of basically different categories into An Luo's hands and patted his shoulder with great relief.

"No...this is not my hometown..."

"Haha! What a shy kid. It won't take long to become one."


An Luo didn't want to say anything anymore, so he simply went through the loan procedures without saying anything, thanked him and left under the watch of the director.

Halfway through, he stopped under the shade of a tree on the roadside, sat on the grass and leaned under the tree. He quickly skipped the irrelevant parts according to the catalog and looked for the content that interested him.

It is similar to what Kamiyama Shi said. Historically, there was indeed a tsunami 150 years ago. Because the tsunami killed many people, there are detailed records. There are also records of families who were wiped out by the tsunami. Naturally, the Kamiyama family also existed among them. .

"Wait... Just now, when I was arguing with Bai Yu, I seemed to have said that she was the last member of the Shenshan family. The person who adopted her from the Shenshan family died long ago, but here... Did the last member of the Kamiyama family die in the tsunami? Who is this person?"

He continued to read as he muttered to himself, and then he discovered that there was a name written on the bottom of Shenshanji, describing how she kept trying to get the islanders to leave, but unfortunately failed in the end, and was buried in the tsunami together with the people on the coast, writing The author of this book seems to regard it as a regret, so he specifically wrote the name of Kamiyama Shi here.

If the name was not an accidental coincidence, Kamiyamaji, who came here for some unknown reason, might have traveled back in time, continued his unfinished mission, and died in the tsunami.

"...travel through time and space? How on earth is it done?"

An Luo looked at the book in his hand and stared at the name of Shenshan Shi. He was very interested in how to travel through time and space. However... he had no intention of simply letting everyone take refuge as he had thought before. The way to tell knowledge.

After all, there are great risks in changing history. If the gods really saved those people, but history itself has no correction power, then under the so-called butterfly effect, the people on this island will be completely changed.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a butterfly effect, because 78 people is definitely not a small number. It will definitely completely change the existing people on the island. People like Kobato, Bai Yu, and Ryoichi that he knows now will no longer exist. And if there is a so-called corrective power in history, it would be meaningless to save 78 people, because they would die soon anyway.

He has absolutely no reason to risk "killing" people he knows and has close friendships with for people he doesn't know. To help Kamiyama Chi is basically repaying kindness with revenge. And if the island residents help Kamiyama Chi save people in the past, It's basically like committing suicide. I don't know how stupid you have to be to do it.

As for saving 78 people, it may have changed history and allowed more people to live on the island. That has nothing to do with him. You must know that a person is only a human being with human rights the moment he is born, and no one has ever existed. Why should you care.

Chapter 9 The long-lost brother?

There are only two possibilities to change history, 1: Save the 78 people, Kobato and Bai Yu, and the existence of all the existing people on the island are erased, 2: Save the 78 people, but after a while, under the correction power, these 78 people died.

As for the 78 people living well but having no impact on the existing islanders, it is simply impossible. So when the possibilities are only 1 and 2, the best choice is to do nothing.

Just like this, he had no intention at all and told Kamiyama that he had a simple way to save them, and after clarifying the interests and risks, he let her choose. She would probably collapse after having been in contact with people of this era.


An Luo returned to Naruse's house with the book. Bai Yu saw that he was hesitant to speak and clearly wanted to talk to him about knowledge, but he didn't know how to speak. In the end, he just looked very troubled and sighed. He was speechless after taking a breath, and planned to go back to his room after eating.

But An Luo came to her door within a short time and knocked: "Can I come in?"


"Okay, I'm in."

Although Bai Yu gave a clear refusal, he still opened the door without permission.

There are not many decorations in the room, but there are quite a few comic books, even more than study materials, and there is a potted plant on the desk.

The owner of this room, a silver-haired girl in pajamas, was lying on the bed, burying her face in the pillow and making an unhappy voice: "...I told you, it's not allowed, right?"

"You don't sound like you're doing anything shady, so this response means it's okay."

"Strong words..."

"You're thinking about something, right?"

"...Don't peek into other people's thoughts."

"I don't have that kind of special power. I just made a little guess. After all, your performance is easy to understand."

Picking up the comic on the bookshelf and flipping through it twice, An Luo, under the dazzling gaze of the girl behind him, continued: "You can put aside the matter of knowledge for the time being and talk about your affairs now, right? Are you about to drown? Have you? What about the specific content of the prophecy? Can you describe it?"

"This... all I saw was a very blurry scene."

It was a matter of his own life and death. Bai Yu didn't dare to neglect him, and he didn't bother to blame him for leaving her alone to comfort Shichi and having no sympathy for the 78 victims. He straightened his posture on the bed and said: While recalling, he recounted: "...In some dark and cold place, I kept struggling but couldn't breathe or make a sound to ask for help from others. There were many red lights floating above my head, but I was constantly falling. Shen."

"Is it really drowning? But the red light above the head..." An Luo recalled for a moment, and soon thought of the festival that was highlighted on the back of the tourist map when he picked up the map. There was also a festival in it. Summer Bird Ceremony: "It should be during the Summer Bird Ceremony, when the witch sends away the lantern representing the soul, right?"

"Huh? It seems... Indeed, if you look at it from the water, it should be a lantern without any surprises."

"Can you make sure not to go to the beach at that time?"

"No...Grandpa suddenly said that my mission has been determined, and I will be the shrine maiden of the Summer Bird Ceremony."

"No wonder you want to practice swimming, but after explaining the reasons, can you cancel it?"

"...It's difficult, and grandpa...will also be angry, and..."

If you imagine, you will know that the grandfather who hates the ability to predict does not say that he does not believe it, but he will doubt whether he said this deliberately because he does not want to be a miko, so Bai Yu seems to be very embarrassed.

An Luo, who had known Xiaojiu's attitude towards supernatural powers before, quickly gave up on telling Xiaojiu to give up, because he didn't need to worry about this method at all. He thought of a better way almost as soon as he turned his head, and suggested: "Then there is a very simple way. You don't need his consent. Wait until the day of the memorial day and take a boat to the outside of the island. Play on land for a whole day and then come back the next day. Or you can find a friend's house on the island to hide for a while. ...No, I'm sorry, you have always been lonely and have no friends."

"Aloof...?" Bai Yu lowered his head as if he had been hit by an invisible arrow, and muttered in a frustrated voice: "...I was shocked..."

"It's okay, that was before. Don't we have a good relationship now? We can definitely be considered friends. If you don't have anywhere to go then you can go to my place... Of course, if you can call me in advance , it would be better for me to be prepared."

"No, I won't go."


"Because...you're bound to do strange things."

"...Then who do you think he is?"

"Of course he is a strange person."

Bai Yu, who gave the same answer as usual, now for some reason had a smile on his face that he didn't have in the past, and his brisk tone made An Luo feel that the hurt of these words seemed to be more serious than before.

The inherent impression is difficult to change, so he simply stopped worrying about this place and got back to the point: "Put this aside for now. In short, you are not going to participate in the ceremony that day, find a place to hide where others can't find, and spend the day outside the island to pay tribute. If you take the last boat back, or if you don't come back at all, I can help you arrange a hotel outside the island."

"In that case, grandpa will definitely be mad at me... But if there is no other way, this is probably the only way." Between the danger of life and grandpa's anger, Bai Yu naturally prefers his own life, but I am also a little worried about the consequences of making grandpa angry.

But if possible, she didn't want either of them to happen, so she looked at An Luo sheepishly and asked in a low voice: "Is there anything else, a better idea?"

"...It's not impossible. You can continue to be a witch to fulfill grandpa's expectations." After a moment of silence, An Luo still casually spread his hands and said: "Anyway, after confirming the time and occasion, everything else will be settled." That’s easy to say.”


"You don't have to force yourself to learn to swim. It's okay. Just leave everything to me. I will protect you when the time comes."

Without any more explanation, An Luo just patted Bai Yu on the head with a smile, but walked out of the room without any more explanation, leaving only Bai Yu who was still confused but couldn't help but look straight at him. .

I don't know why, but Bai Yu felt an unspeakable sense of security in his heart, even though it was a groundless self-talk and promise, and the uneasiness that had been hovering even dissipated.

"Strange... Do I actually believe in An Luo so much?"

Could it be that he was affected by his confidence? Bai Yu had no way to be sure, but...she also found that she seemed to believe him for no reason, and gave up his proposal to escape from the responsibility of being a miko. This could be regarded as a strategy to absolutely avoid the prophecy.

The next day, before dawn.

Xiaojiu just got up and went to the living room to prepare to go to sea, but he noticed An Luo who had been reading in the living room all night. He couldn't help but said: "It is good for young people to study hard, but it is counterproductive to work too hard and damage the body."

"It's okay. I'm used to staying up late. Compared to this... Bai Yu is going to be the shrine maiden for the Summer Bird Ceremony. How can I put it... Can you let me follow Bai Yu all the time at that time?"

"Follow me? Do you want to board the miko's ship?"

"Yes, actually I am very curious about miko, so I want to take a closer look."

"In this case... it really doesn't work." Kojiu changed the subject mid-sentence and directly denied this possibility, and explained: "You are from outside the island and may not know that the Summer Bird Ritual is important to this island. It’s very important, especially the mission of a miko. How can outsiders follow such an important mission casually?”

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