The green mountains are vast and stretch as far as the eye can see.

Ancient trees can be seen everywhere, with dead old trees clinging to the tree trunks. The forest is deep and dark, and the sunlight is almost invisible. Birds and beasts walk through the treetops, looming.

Along with a faint white light, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky and fell straight down.

The figure initially had dark green stripes, but the light and shadow changed as it fell.

For a moment it turned into the translucency of the air, for a moment it turned into stripes composed of green leaves and brown dead branches, and finally it turned into the brown color of fallen leaves all over the ground. Without looking carefully, you can't find anything else hidden here.

"Warning! Impact..."

"The oxygen concentration is harmful gases...weak spiritual energy concentration..."

The moment the fall occurred, Jiang Ding hugged his knees and rolled from the treetops to the ground like a ball. The tactical helmet reported a series of data.

It was only a dozen meters high and protected by camouflage uniforms, so there was no injury.

"There are animals and plants, the air is normal, there is spiritual energy..."

Jiang Ding stood up and took a deep breath, knowing that his adventure was successful.

There can be no carelessness.

If this is the territory of outsider monks, it's over. You must be careful not to expose modern technological items easily.

"go back."

Jiang Ding said silently.

As soon as his eyes blurred, the vast mountains and forests disappeared. In front of him was the white background wall of the hotel, and beside the window was the No. 1 Hospital of Rongcheng City where people were coming and going.

Jiang Ding felt relieved and said, "Go back again."

Holding the sword tightly, he walked carefully through the dense forest, and finally found a large stone where the sunlight could be seen. He took out two cylinders the size of basketballs from his backpack and placed them on the ground, and opened the fuses one by one.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by the flames of the booster gunpowder, the four unmanned aircraft flew to an altitude of tens of meters one after another. After staggering for a moment, they spread out their rotors and stabilized themselves in the sky, forming a standard square formation.

Jiang Ding took out the control handle, and the four drones were raised and raised again, until they climbed to a place of more than two thousand meters - the limit distance of most foundation-building monks' spiritual consciousness is less than two thousand meters, and most birds are also It can't fly that high, so it's generally safe.

The drone camera was turned on, and the left and right perspectives of the panoramic tactical helmet projected scenes of rapidly shrinking mountains and forests, while small blue dots continued to appear in the screen.

"Unknown monkey-like creature, ordinary beast..."

"Hand in with the black and white striped tiger..."

"Unknown snake-like creature..."

Information such as the species, location, and strength of various large-scale creatures within the six square kilometers area was quickly refreshed.

Jiang Ding set up a red dot mark for creatures equivalent to the strength of the inner Qi realm. They have not appeared so far. This is in line with the ecological status of the Weiling environment.

"Unknown creatures! So many!" Jiang Ding shook his hands and sounded surprised.

The Immortal Sect’s thirst for knowledge is endless!

Nature is a huge treasure house, and one of its most precious treasures is the body structure and genetic code of various animals and plants in the ecosystem.

Whether it is the imitation research on dragonfly wings or the serrations of grass plants in the non-spiritual era, or the research and manufacture of modern exercises and magic weapons, the development of new elixirs, etc., all refer heavily to the structures and materials of the evolution of animals and plants in nature. Each kind of There is a possibility of new animals and plants, which is very precious to the immortal sect.

The Xianmen Library stipulates that each complete specimen of unknown animals and plants that is turned in will earn 1 point.

Xianmen Library points play a huge role, and they are mainly divided into two uses.

First, you can use library points to exchange for guidance and answers from high-level monks. This is not the kind of answer that you can just say a few words to make you realize yourself when you are in a good mood, but under the supervision of the array spirit computer, you can be careful and meticulous, and try your best to help you. The kind of answering questions that you understand.

Secondly, if you have enough likes of 10,000, you can have the Central Array Spirit Computer create a custom-made technique for a certain monk to limit the realm.

Talent, talent!

If there is an exercise that perfectly suits a person, no matter how poor his qualifications are, if he practices a completely suitable exercise and every move he makes naturally reaches the highest requirements of the exercise, how could he not be a genius?

“That’s the beauty of exploring the unknown.”

Jiang Ding reserved one drone to hover and controlled the other three drones to spread out in three directions. Each drone was about five kilometers apart.

Designate a safe zone with a radius of at least ten kilometers.

"Buildings, human traces?" Jiang Ding's heart tightened.

In the field of view of the drone, a small winding mountain road appeared. At the end of the mountain road were several mud thatched houses. Several large holes were broken in the roof. You can see weeds and weeds as tall as a person inside, and there is also a break in the roof. Clay Buddha head on the ground.

Jiang Ding has no thoughts of contacting humans for the time being.

Language barrier is a big issue.

Soon, all three drones flew to the predetermined location and found nothing more.


The long sword was unsheathed and slashed diagonally at the head of the bright red snake that suddenly appeared, splitting its long body into two even halves.

"Unknown snake species, mortal beast."

Tactical helmet alerts are long overdue.

Jiang Ding frowned: "After all, it is a civilian product, and the accuracy is not high. There are omissions in the monitoring of small creatures."

I feel a pity again,

This is an unknown creature that does not enter information in the Xianmen Library. If you capture it, you can get 1 point.

Not having a container is a problem. It is best to buy a sturdy specimen box, otherwise it will be troublesome if it hurts people.

Unfortunately, there is no money left, not even a penny.

Jiang Ding's eyes were attracted by a dark green grass with multiple forked leaves under the snake corpse, and he pulled it into the focus of the camera.

"Unknown plant, can be named."

"Fork grass."

Jiang Ding casually said that compared to animals, plants are easier to collect and safer, but it is necessary to ensure that their root systems, leaves, stems, etc. are all intact.

He drew his sword, cut off a tree as thick as a thigh, and cut it into pieces of wood to use as a specimen box.

Jiang Ding carefully dug out the roots, skimmed off the soil bit by bit, and then gathered the stems and leaves. This was a delicate job, and the whole process could not be sudden or break the roots or leaves.

After a long time, complete specimens were collected and fixed one by one on the thin wooden board with small wooden forks.

"21 minutes, 1 point."

Jiang Ding glanced at the clock on his tactical helmet and calculated silently: "Even if you don't sleep and don't need to travel everywhere to collect, it will take at least half a year to accumulate 10,000 points!"

"Not to mention that the root systems, stems and leaves of many plants are much more developed than grass. 21 minutes is simply not enough to collect them. Adding up all the time, I am afraid that even 4.5 years will not be enough."

Even so, Jiang Ding did not stop, but found another grass plant and started digging.

Compared with the previous training that was completely hopeless, this feeling of getting closer to the goal was very good, and he didn't feel bored.

After digging for more than four hours, the sun was high at noon and the weather was getting hotter and hotter.

Jiang Ding could bear it, but it was already past ten o'clock at night at home, and his mother might call the police if he didn't go home.

open one's eyes.

Night falls outside the window, neon lights flash, and the entrance to the city's No. 1 Hospital is still busy.

Jiang Ding glanced at the stack of specimen boards in his arms, looking thoughtful.

Inheriting the legacy of the last civilized era and experiencing many civil wars, today's Immortal Sect has made a lot of efforts on equality.

Even a high-level monk can burn mountains and boil seas, but he cannot take away a mortal's life.

It is either arbitrary or cannot be deprived. As long as he does not break the law or act aggressively, no matter what the reason, no matter whether it attracts public attention or not, a high-level monk cannot kill the weakest mortal.

If it is violated, the central array spirit computer created by the sages of the past generations will let the offender know what is power and what is great power!

Even the god-transforming monks cannot affect the program logic of the central array spirit computer and view anyone's privacy.

Unless it is destroyed.

Putting fourteen specimen boards on the ground, Jiang Ding took out his mobile phone, entered the Xianmen Library, clicked on the application to submit newly discovered plant specimens, hoping to remain anonymous, and then sat on the bed to rest.

He trusted the Central Array Computer, and such a high ideological and moral score was no joke.

Boom, boom!


A few minutes later, the sound of a bird's beak pecking at the window was heard outside the window.

Jiang Ding opened the window, and a palm-sized kingfisher became invisible and flew into the room.

There is a half-human-high specimen box hooked on its claws, which is very inconsistent with its small body.

Jiang Ding was relieved.

This little guy's name is Kingfisher, and he is the messenger of the Central Array Spirit Computer and the Array Spirit Computers in various places. They usually live on the central Array Spirit Computer's host computer - the Shenmu Tianrong and its branches in various places.


urged the little kingfisher.

Jiang Ding felt that it was a little unhappy, as if he had already gotten off work and was forced to work overtime. He quickly opened the specimen box and put the fourteen specimen plates one by one.

"Thank you very much for your hard work!"


The little kingfisher glanced at him, grabbed the specimen box, and its body and specimen box became transparent and disappeared from the window.

Jiang Ding took off his helmet, exhaled lightly, took off his camouflage uniform, gloves, and shoes, put on his usual school uniform, and then put the three drones back into the carton one by one.

There is also an unmanned one floating in the sky of another world.

Jiang Ding needs 24-hour intelligence on that area, so as not to risk someone ambushing him somewhere when he travels through again.

The detection accuracy of civilian drones can only be said to be usable, and it can probably be avoided by covering the body with mud.

check out.

It didn't attract much attention. People came and went in the hotel all day long, and there were all kinds of people. If everyone was curious about something special, then the front desk's brains would have been exhausted.

When I got home, my mother was back and watching TV with Jiang Yuan.

Lin Wanqiu said with a straight face: "Dingding, where have you been? Are you back so late?"

Fortunately, I took a shower in the hotel before and there was no dirt or sweat on my body.

"I went to the park to play with my classmates."

"Mom! He lied!" Jiang Yuan shouted, fearing that the world would not be in chaos: "He has never played with any classmate until after eleven o'clock at night."

Jiang Ding ignored her, hugged the cardboard box, and walked quickly to his room to put away his things. He went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of drink and sat next to Lin Wanqiu.

Lin Wanqiu is a technician at Rongcheng Steel Plant. He is in a state of perfect inner energy and his salary is relatively high, but it is very hard work and he often has to work overtime until eight or nine o'clock.

Of course, after giving birth to a handsome young man like Jiang Ding, Lin Wanqiu certainly looks gentle and beautiful.

It is said that Lin Wanqiu and Jiang Ding's father Jiang Chaoyang were jokingly called the school beauty when they were in school. They were regarded as a match made in heaven, and lovers would eventually get married.

As for what happened next, I can only sigh. The fairy tale of the princess and the prince really only exists in books.

"Ding Ding, it's too late and there may be danger outside..."

Lin Wanqiu looked at Jiang Ding worriedly, but hesitated to speak.

"Mom, don't worry, the security in Rongcheng is still very good." Jiang Ding promised: "Next time someone plays too late, I will come back early."

The family talked for a while, then got up and went back to the room.

In the past, Lin Wanqiu and Jiang Yuan were already asleep at eleven o'clock in the evening, but now they were waiting for Jiang Ding, and they were already very sleepy.

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