A swarm of heavy artillery bombarded the cultivators

Chapter 431 I wish my grandson immortality

Under the night,

In the sky, the wind whistled, and thousands of lights passed by underfoot.

"An Siyan, you..."

Jiang Ding asked softly: "How are your grandparents?"

As for Jin Lingfeng, the daughter of True Monarch Yue Ling, she has no such worries.

"He passed away before I was born."

An Siyan shook his head: "My parents are both foundation-building monks. They chose to give birth to me only after confirming that their golden elixir path was hopeless, so I have no memory of my grandparents."

This is actually the norm for monks.

Only when the road encounters a bottleneck and can no longer break through will the descendants be left behind as a precaution.

"However, I think that sooner or later, I will encounter the problems you encountered."

An Siyan sighed: "My parents are both one hundred and ninety years old, so that day is not too far away. This is the fate of all immortal cultivators. We can only get used to it slowly, there is no other way."

Jin Lingfeng was stunned and fell into thinking.

Then he shook his head.

If she cannot break through to the Nascent Soul stage, her mother will only have the opportunity to see her off, and she will not have the opportunity to see her mother off.

"The fate of a cultivator..."

Jiang Ding whispered and said nothing more.

The three of them flew in the sky, and soon they arrived at the hotel where they were staying. After sending them back, Jiang Ding turned around and left.

"That, Jiang Ding."

Jin Lingfeng suddenly said: "Can I live in Rongcheng for five years? Something suddenly happened."

She looked at the person in front of her expectantly.

"Me too."

"I also have something to do. I want to stay in Rongcheng for five years!"

An Siyan raised his hand immediately, attracting a very dissatisfied look from Jin Lingfeng.

"Where do you want to go and what do you want me to do?"

Jiang Ding didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "But it's better not to do it. Studying is the most important thing. Five years is not long or short. It seems small, but the future may be short of just five years, and you may regret it for the rest of your life."

"You agreed?"

"Very good!"

Jin Lingfeng and An Siyan looked at each other, as if they hadn't heard anything, and immediately made a decision: "The two of us have decided to practice here for five years. Do you like it or not?"

"Let's just say it first. If you don't welcome it, you can't change the outcome."


Jiang Ding was speechless.


He sighed.


An Siyan and Jin Lingfeng smiled and made a success gesture.

Demon Palace.

"The art of swordsmanship is achieved through specialization and unity..."

Under the molten gold that filled the mountains and plains, Jiang Ding spoke slowly.

Around him, there were two circles of more than 140 maids, among which there were two more foundation-building monks in the inner circle of maids, who were promoted to the second maid of summer and the second maid of spring.

In the outer circle, there are gradually more monks in the later stage of Qi training.

The most eye-catching area is the area where the Maid of Spring is located, the candidate maid Spring Sword of Tianmu Spiritual Root.

Just five years have passed, and now he is a third-level qi-training monk. The aura of the lower-level skills of "Tianguang Yaoyang Sword Code" has become slim and graceful at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

In the past five years, her Taoist course has been hovering between 70 and 80, which is neither good nor bad.

Many maids listened carefully. The more they studied, the more they understood what a great opportunity this was.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the direct disciples of the Qiyu Sect may not be as good as them in terms of teaching immortality and skills. This does not require any merit, but only requires that you work hard enough and have good academic performance.

Merit only determines their respective status and the resources they receive.

In the past five years,

There are already seventeen maids practicing Dharma-level skills.

No one has been able to master this classic level technique for the time being.

Three hours later.

"That's it for today."

Jiang Ding said softly.

Divine consciousness swept over the maid again.

It is expected that in another fifty or sixty years, most maids and alternate maids will become foundation-building monks.

Of course, it is hard to say whether the people among them are still the same people as they are today. Every year in Tu country, girls from all over the country pass the assessment and enter Tushan Fairy City. The competition is extremely stressful.

Once you lose your last position, you can only transfer to another institution.

This is the alternate maid.

As for the maid, once appointed, as long as she doesn't make a big mistake, she will be qualified as a maid for the rest of her life. Even if she is not capable, she will retain her original treatment, take up other positions, and will never be eliminated.

"Sir, I'll take my leave!"

A large group of warblers and swallows stood up, bowed their knees and bowed, then retreated, only to hear chirping sounds far away.

After a while, a monk wearing cassocks walked in.

"Uncle Master."

Monk Fazheng said respectfully: "In seven years, the Lingbao Chamber of Commerce plans to hold an auction once every fifty years, inviting immortal cultivators from all over the world, as well as golden elixir monks. They revealed that there will be many magic weapons and third-level elixirs. As a finale.”

"The arrival of many Jindan monks may have an impact on the security of the fairy city."

"For this reason, in addition to sending the Shang family's golden elixir to guard it, they are also willing to share 20% of the profits as compensation for the fairy city. Should we allow it?"


Promoting the prosperity of Fairy City and increasing tax revenue are policies that have been established long ago and will not change.

five years,

Slowly flowing by.

At home, a large circle of people gathered around the bed, their eyes were red and swollen, and there were slight sobs from time to time.

A sad and heavy atmosphere filled the room.

Even the two ten-year-old little guys couldn't help but put down the football. They were at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"Dingding, I...am I going to die?"

Mr. Lin Gang tried his best to move his lips, and the words he spoke were smaller than a mosquito or fly.

Over the past year, his body has become thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye. No matter what kind of delicious meals he has, it is difficult to eat, and he can only survive by injecting nutrient solution.

Under the dark brown skin, the bones are clearly visible, and the weight is lighter than that of a child.

Beside the other bed, the grandmother was also similar. They were both similar in age, and both had reached the edge of running out of oil.

"Grandpa, you will be fine..."

Jiang Ding lowered his head and said nothing.

When he was a child, his mother was busy with work, so it was his grandparents who brought him up and taught him how to grow up, starting from babbling.

Things from childhood to adulthood appeared in front of my eyes, running through my heart over and over again, and my eyes became moist without knowing when.

"Grandson, don't be sad."

"It's just birth, old age, sickness and death."

The opening and closing of Lin Gang's lips were so subtle that it was almost difficult to detect, as if he was trying to smile: "I wish my Lord Jiang Ding to live forever in the future and become an immortal."

"Grandpa, let's go first."

"From now on, please be safe..."

His eyelids trembled, slowly closed, and never opened again.

On the other side, grandma felt relieved.

He took one last look at the children and family members around him with a nostalgic look, and slowly closed his eyes.

The last tiny ray of life dissipated.

"Dad, Mom!"

Lin Wanqiu and Lin Yong burst into tears. They could no longer hold back their tears.

Let’s talk tomorrow

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