A luxurious and low-key Land Rover traveled slowly on Huaxin Road and headed out of the city. Mo Yanchen was leaning on the back seat, raising his wrist to watch the time, his sword eyebrows frowned.

  "Go to Donghua Road." He said in a deep voice.

   "Yes." Mo Wen answered, turning his head and heading for another intersection.

  Shen Chengjing rarely feels good. After returning from the residential area, she ran to Donghua Road for shopping and bought two sets of clothes for New Year's Day! On a whim, I also sent a circle of friends.

   "It's rare to be in a good mood, buy, buy, buy." She posted a street scene, accompanied by text, and sent it at will.

  The roadside stall was very delicious. I bought a pound of millet and peeled it off, while sending a message to Liu Sijie: "You have a bad heart! When you go abroad, when will you come back to go shopping with me?"

The mobile phone was having fun, a luxury car squeaked and stopped beside her. She looked vigilantly and saw that the car door was opened and a powerful arm stretched out to embrace her. At the same time, he dragged him into the car.

   "Ah!" She didn't see clearly, was dragged into the car, and the car door was thrown away.

   "Kidnapped? Quickly, call the police."

   "Oh my God, in broad daylight, she is going to suffer again."

  Passers-by looked at this scene, scared!

   "Ah! Let go of me, help me." Shen Chengjing waved her uppercut forward, and her heart jumped out of fright!

  The small slender hand was grasped by the big, and then fell into the tender embrace! Sniffing the familiar taste, she secretly raised her head and saw the perfect silhouette, the evening sun sprinkled on him, his expression was unpredictable...

   "Young Master Mo? Why are you?" She looked at him contemptuously, and then changed her posture without intending to struggle.

Ok! This man's arms are really not so comfortable.

  "Miss Shen, I enjoyed being kidnapped, huh?" Someone stretched out his hand, slender fingertips lightly hooked her chin, and fell on her hair.

  "It’s a rare honor to be kidnapped, of course! Humph." She leaned forward holding his arm and leaned closer to him: "How do you know I am here?"

  She was curious, because she was angry in the morning and didn't contact him today.

   "I will post less of these in the future, I don't know how many wolves are staring." He grabbed her mobile phone and swiped her circle of friends at will! The deep black eyes gave her a faint glance.

   "So Shao Mo, do you count?" She was curious, and she stood up on his lap, resting her chin in her small hand, and looking at him with a novel expression on her face.

   "Making a fool! It's your man for your husband, of course not."

   "I think you are more wolfish than others."

"what did you say?"

   "Haha, guess." She smiled pretendingly and quickly escaped from his arms.

  The car went all the way to the west, towards the apartment. The iron gate of the fence outside slowly rose. After getting off the car, I saw an exquisite combat helicopter in front of it, scorning everyone like a wild eagle.

   "Go, take you to a place." He calmly stepped forward and stretched out his hand in front of her.

  Shen Chengjing looked at him in surprise, stretched out his hand and was led by him, and walked towards the helicopter, don’t ask him to open the cabin door!

  "This is too luxurious! Uncle, where does the money come from?" She called out, seeing a helicopter for the first time in her life!

  The point is that this helicopter is a miniature exquisite product in battle! Bulletproof, fireproof and waterproof!

   "Uncle has money." Someone pursed his thin lips and said arrogantly.

   Watching her reach out and touch the body lightly, he decisively picked her up and walked inside.

  Shen Chengjing said that she had seen the world, but after entering the cabin, she almost fainted. Is this an airplane? She squeezed herself hard...

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