Mo Yanchen remained silent, raised his foot and walked toward the corridor, turned a courtyard into the backyard, although the light was dim, it could brighten the entire backyard.

   With the military's keenness and intuition, he scanned the scene and looked at the bunch of flowers that fell. He only saw the footprints of men and women on the ground, and his heart sighed.

   "Not good, Qiming." He blurted out, especially the epaulettes, I'm afraid they were forcibly torn off.

  Mo Wen once said that Qiming fled and came towards the Mo House. Could it be that...

  He walked along the footprints, and saw that it was heading towards the wall, and the wall was very difficult for ordinary people, but for this kind of trained special forces, it was trivial.

   "Aze." Mo Yanchen whispered.

  Unfortunately, Azze did not show up. He took the cell phone and made a call, and found that Azze did not answer.

  Aze never fails to answer the phone, let alone not show up in the dark. There are two possibilities, one is that he has an accident, and the other is that he is led away.

  Damn, he is too careless, so perverted like Qiming! just in case…….

   "Don't ask, follow Qiming." He contacted Mo Wen and said coldly.

   "Chief, I'm about to tell you that Qiming's system has been cracked. We want to detonate. It is impossible. He has escaped from our palm." Mo Wen said a terrible thing in a deep voice.

Qiming is a genius and a terrible opponent.

   "Orange is missing, immediately send troops to search the whole city to prevent him from escaping from City A." Mo Yanchen's low voice trembled a little.

  Chen Cheng quietly fell into Qiming's hands, it was too dangerous.

  Once someone fell into Qiming's hands and was torn alive by him, now...

   "Yes." Mo Wen heard that, shocked.

  At this time, the people in the house didn't know what was going on. Watching Mo Yanchen walk back and leave in big strides.

   "San'er, where are you going?"

   "Bang." Mo Yanchen lifted his foot, kicked the door of the monitoring room open, and walked in in stride, with amazing force.

  Mo Yan from upstairs, a figure with strong bones like a green pine, also appeared on the first floor.

  "What happened?" He said sharply, Mozhai's family rules are strict, and all children and grandchildren must be brisk and silent when doing things. This kind of thing has never happened before.

"Are the secret guards outside eat plain rice?" Mo Yanchen yelled. He called up the monitor and saw the screen. It was indeed Qiming. Moreover, he showed his face on purpose to let them know that he did it. of.

  Speaking of the kidnapper, he really doesn't look like it, it's like a prank.

  At this time, other people also rushed in. Watching this scene, they also looked at each other, daring to catch people in the ink house, knowing that their lives have fallen into the control of others.

   "What's going on? The guards." Mo Yan looked at him, his blood attacked his heart, and said sharply, walking out quickly like a wind.

  Mo House, which has always been heavily guarded, even flies can't fly in, how could such a low-level mistake happen.

   "Brother Chen, something has happened." At this moment, Aze rushed in from outside.

  He was led away, only to find out later that he was moving the tiger away from the mountain. Just now he saw the missed call and rushed back.

   "Go." Mo Yanchen stepped forward and walked outside.

  Mo Chenghuan stood there, staring at the screen, clenching his fists! There was a cold light in his eyes, and he was shaking all over, as if the past had happened again.

   "Husband." Lin Qinghui stepped forward, reached out and held his hand, gently holding it.

  This scene also happened in the Mozhai. And Mo Yanchen's mother lost her life because of this. At that time, it was because he hesitated and lost her in order to save Mo Yanchen.

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