Mo Yanchen drove the Land Rover towards the location designated by Mo Wen. The entire city A was covered with a net of heaven and earth. In addition to Mo Yanchen's forces, Mo Yan also activated his old ministry.

   "Chief." At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz stopped by the side of the road, saw Mo Yanchen's car, opened the co-pilot position and climbed up.

   "Have you found the location?" Mo Yanchen asked in a low voice.

  He held the direction with his hands tightly, tapping the disk lightly with his fingertips, as if he was tolerating something, and a bloodthirsty light burst out of his silent black eyes.

"The location has been locked. Mo Wen has taken someone over. At this location, the terrain is complicated. Our personnel have quickly reached in, hoping to find his specific location quickly." Mo Qiu whispered, as a troop. The genius doctor, what he fears, is not only the simple medical skills.

  To follow these iron men from birth to death, both medical skills and wisdom must be concentrated, otherwise, they may lose their lives at any time.

   "Okay." Mo Yanchen answered, stepping on the accelerator, the speed of the car has soared to more than two hundred, as an arrow swiftly towards the locked place.

  There is a car heading towards that destination faster than him.

When the camera returns to the Mozhai house, Qiming carries Shen Chengjing over the wall and finds that she suddenly passed out. He is inexplicable, but he feels that God has helped me. After finding the car, he threw her into the car and fastened her seat belt. Later, the drag racing headed north.

The northern part is a virgin forest. In Qiming’s memory, what he is best at is traveling through this kind of forest. He has good skill and high IQ. Since he can solve the systematic timing explosives they injected into the body, then You can go the other way.

"Looking so ugly, Mo Yanchen really has a strong taste." He drove the car lightly, and suddenly turned his head to take a look, only to see Chen Chengjing's long hair draped in front of him, looking at the delicate face, he couldn't help but comment. One sentence.

   Shen Chengjing, Liu eyebrows lightly raised, listening to the voice! The magnetism is a bit hoarse, and it feels familiar no matter how you hear it, as if you have heard it somewhere.

  She gently opened Xing’s eyes and stared at him through her messy hair. She saw that the man’s skin was very dark, especially the long scar on her left face, which was very scary.

  She should have resisted and would not let herself be taken away! What Aze taught was not in vain. It was just that she was curious and was able to break into the Mo House with such a good skill. After getting close to her, she could discover what kind of person he was and what was his purpose?

  If it was to threaten Mo Yanchen, then she had to find a way to get rid of him, especially what happened in Moyuan that night, she didn't say anything, but it didn't mean she had forgotten.

   "Damn." He cursed in a low voice. After parking, he got out of the car and threw Shen Chengjing on his shoulders, and then carried away.

  Chen Chengjing opened her eyes and looked at the dark road. She couldn't see her fingers. She was a little scared! Especially in the dark night, there is only the sound of his heavy walking footsteps.

  About ten minutes later, after turning a corner, he reached out and pushed aside the wooden house, and threw her on the broken bed without mercy.

   "Swipe." He reached out and picked up the saber on one side, sprinkled some water, and began to sharpen it.

  In the dark night, this sound was so loud and creepy, especially the scar on his face! She reached out and touched one side, squinting at him.

   "Huh." She whispered in surprise, and reached out to touch it, as if there was something.

   "Bang." Qiming suddenly raised his foot, kicked towards the chair, and hit the bamboo table with a punch, only to see things scattered to the ground.

  He suddenly turned around, staring at Shen Orange with a sullen face, and rushed over after raising his foot.

  PS: Why do I like this **** so much?

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