A Sword, Cut Over Konoha!

Chapter 123 What kind of monster is Konoha!

For a teenage girl.

Terumi Mei's development is clearly overdone.

And this kind of natural lamp is more natural than Tsunade's thick accumulation.

Of course, the shape of the lamp is no different from Tsunade

Bajian just took a few glances with appreciation and then withdrew his gaze

"Mizukage has been killed by me. Now, I will give you three choices."

After thinking about it, Bajian threw Zanpakutō on the table and chose to express his thoughts directly.

In the current situation, he didn't bother to analyze it piece by piece.

Tell the other party the pros and cons directly, and I really don't agree that he is re-selecting an obedient role.

Kirigakure has a lot of ambitions.

"First, I will kill you, or catch you to Konoha as a maid for me."

What option is this?

Terumi Mei was stunned.

If you want to talk, have a chat, isn't this option for you to die?

It's a shame to think about being a maid

What about Konoha Kenpachi?

She is a woman who aspires to be Mizukage and will never give in.

Obviously, she didn't want to agree to this article.

Mizukage has a lot of water, but it is impossible to be a maid!

"Secondly, I will make you the Fifth Mizukage, the Kirigakure hero who canceled the blood fog policy.

What the hell is this second option?

Compared with the first one, this option is also great, right?

Terumi Mei, who was still immersed in anger just now, was stunned, and when she realized something was wrong, Terumi Mei frowned.

"State your terms, little man."

"You are smart, but you are not young. You haven't seen it before, so don't talk nonsense."

Bajian smiled slightly, "The condition is that from today onwards, I will be loyal to Konoha and regularly send materials and finances to Konoha. All major decisions in Kirigakure must be implemented through Konoha, so as to be completely transparent to Konoha."

"Become Konoha's affiliation, and stand on Konoha's side when Konoha launches a war of unification in the future, with full authority to Konoha to deploy all combat power!"

"It's impossible! Don't think about it!

Terumi Mei stood up angrily and pointed at Bajian. If it hadn't been for some kind of seal by the people who dealt with her before, and Chakra could not mobilize, she would have spit out Lava Style to let this man understand what a loving kiss is.

"Listen to my third option."

There was a cruel touch on Bajian's face.


The girl stared at Ye Bajian coldly.

She swears that compared to this condition, she would rather choose the first one!

Compared with betraying Kirigakure, there is nothing wrong with being a maid!

"Third, I force you to agree to the second."

Calmly snapped his fingers at the door.

Kakashi dragged Yuanshi from the meeting room with his heart.


The sword fell with his hand, Yuan Shi’s head rose to the sky

Kill if you say it!

There is no sign!

The whole compartment was stained with blood!


Dumping the blood on Zanpakutō, Bajian looks at Kakashi

"You are a demon!"

Terumi Mei's heart-piercing voice came from the high-level elders in the cubicle, scared a lot of direct incontinence.

"Next one, didn't you hear it?

As if he didn’t hear Terumi Mei’s words, Bajian frowned and looked at Kakashi.

Master Yuan must die!

A highly respected person, he said in Kirigakure, comparable to Mizukage!

Such people are sensible, but they will only cause trouble to Konoha, and even gather their strength to resist Konoha in the future.

From the moment he spoke, he accused Konoha on the basis that Konoha was about to set off the fourth Ninja War, knowing that he would never agree to this kind of reform.

"I agree! I choose two!"

"Please, please don't..."

The moment Kakashi turned around, Terumi Mei finally made his choice.

Tears fell on her face, and could not bear to continue bleeding in this already tortured village, Terumi Mei could only choose to agree.


Nodding their heads, they took Terumi Mei's hand and walked towards the compartment door.

And when he was about to leave the compartment, Bajian's voice suddenly calmed down, "Okay, watch the changes in the Ninja World, you will only be thankful for your choice in the future."

"It's a good choice. From now on, you will be my subordinate."

Striding into the meeting room, Bajian took a deep breath.

"From today, Terumi Mei is Kirigakure's Fifth Mizukage."

"I don't want to ask you who approve or oppose such boring questions. I just want to inform you of the result."

"Besides, she was also the hero who brought Kirigakure back from the blood mist and defeated the hero of Yagura."

"With Lava Style and Boil Style, he is also strong enough to be Kirigakure's Mizukage.

After speaking in one breath, Bajian squeezed Terumi Mei’s little hand

"The team left you, don't forget your choice."

"If you betray me, the consequences will be disastrous."

Letting go of the opponent's hand, Bajian took his own person and left the conference room.

At this moment, the terrified Kirigakure executives focused their eyes on the young man's back.

Strong enough to defeat Fourth Mizukage.

The momentum is so terrifying that people dare not resist.

There is also the Master's method of human heart.

What kind of monster is Konoha!

The man who mastered Kirigakure's political situation with the momentum of thunder, what will he do in the future?

Awe, grief, and loss.

The first two emotions are easy to understand. After all, my village must be upset.

But the third loss has a deeper meaning

for example.

Some people wonder why the person being pulled into the cubicle is not themselves

If you are yourself, will you be transformed into Kirigakure's Fifth Mizukage after you come out?

Lost comes from this.

Only Terumi Mei looked at Bajian with complicated eyes.

What the man said before he left, made her wonder whether today's things were good or bad for Kirigakure?

Become a subsidiary of others.

But it solves Kirigakure’s fundamental problem, and the village will regain its vitality in the future.

Kirigakure, but one of the five ninja villages!

Is it so easy?

When the teenager left the conference room, he looked at him with a wry smile and didn't know what to say.

I thought that the merits recorded on the merit wall were already the pinnacle of this child.

I didn't know that he had just left Konoha and made such a big noise.

Turn Kirigakure, one of the five ninja villages, into Konoha's subsidiary!

This kind of thing, he didn't even dare to think about it before.

Looking at Jiraiya, Bajian sighed and turned his head to tell Kakashi, "Take our people to observe outside Kirigakure for a day."

"You come with me."

Pulling each other's hands, the two finally came to the top of the Mizukage building.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiraiya asked suspiciously

"Greeting the sunrise tomorrow, let you see the changes in Kirigakure."

Without saying anything extra, Bajian just passed the wine gourd in his hand to the other party.

Hesitate for a few seconds.

Fortunately, Jiraiya finally took it.

Waiting for the sunrise at the highest point of Kirigakure?

What is the so-called change?

Jiraiya sighed.

At this moment, there is only confusion in his heart.

Bajian or Yahiko, who is right?

He really didn't know.

Sixth more.

Uh, I'm so sorry to everyone today, because the wrong book was passed on by hand, I beg your forgiveness.

I wanted to add another one, but I have to get up early to work at home tomorrow, so I have to sleep.

Otherwise, I can't get up. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry everyone ten.

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