A Sword, Cut Over Konoha!

Chapter 138 walk home!


The name is not very good.

But Shikai's liberation effect made Bajian extremely satisfied.

Starting today, he will deal with enemies with space ninjutsu, and he no longer has to prepare in advance to brew the super-strength sword Cero.

This is similar to absolute control of space.

The greater the difference in strength, the stronger the scope and influence of this control.

The advanced task is finally completed.

Bajian at this moment is the real Shinigami, but it’s not just Shinigami’s power that can be used

It’s a combination of three energies. The power he uses is significantly higher than that of Chakra and Reiatsu.

And this kind of power is not limited to three kinds. In a few days, Bajian intends to try to add some fairy magic to the flat cut, which is natural energy.

After all, in the fourth Ninja World War in the later period, without the blessing of Xianshu, it was obviously not enough to kill the enemies of the Six Paths level.

Of course, Bajian’s knife can wipe out the soul, and it’s dispensable for the blessing of fairy magic.

No one thinks that they are stronger, Xianshu is still a solution that can be tried

It was Chakra that other people's knives saw, and what he chopped out was loneliness.

I don't know the power of Sage Mode's leveling for the time being, and he is not in a hurry.

Shikai is just a Master, and the feeling of three energies converging into one body has not completely adapted.

It takes time to settle.

And the best method of precipitation is to practice with a sword that never ends.

Lifting up the new Zanpakutō and looking over it, Bajian nodded with satisfaction.

The original thick and huge Zanpakutō became restrained after the change of his Reiatsu, but the lines on the black blade made people feel extraordinary.

It is still so handy, connected like one's own arms.

The size of Zanpakutō can be changed according to Reiatsu, not that the larger the Zanpakutō, the stronger the Reiatsu.

Kurosaki Ichigo in Shinigami was originally like Zanpakutō because I didn’t know how to use Reiatsu.

But it can also be seen from the side that his Reiatsu is not bad

This Zanpakutō is similar to Zangetsu, but it is more gorgeous and beautiful. In the future, Bajian will not have to wander around with that huge knife, but will be a real knife man with it at his waist.

Wine gourds and knives will always make knives fall in love with them.

This trip to the land of the land, Bajian has gained a lot.

The three energies of their own are completely integrated, Zanpakutō Shikai, and a generous flat-cut point

These things are rewards brought by advanced tasks

Shikai is still like this, Bajian is even more looking forward to the rewards of the advanced tasks solved.

"Sword Sang."

Itachi walked over with a touch of complexity on his face, but it was more about the joy that Bajian became stronger.

There is no need to talk too much between friends.

Moreover, he is here to report the situation.

"Kakashi-san has just returned, saying that Ohnoki agreed with Konoha’s previous conditions

"He has been subdued."

Itachi has a smile on his face and is softened

After entangled with more than two hundred Anbu for three months, Ohnoki finally couldn't resist the pressure and chose to pray for Konoha's forgiveness.

In the past three months, Ohnoki has not tried to talk to Bajian, and wants to solve the problem through negotiation.

He directly rejected Bajian's first request.

That is, Iwagakure bowed his head and apologized to Konoha! The kind of apology that makes an announcement to the Ninja World

This is one of the conditions, and the second is the same as Cloud Shinobi Village. War supplies are paid and tribute is paid every year.

For Onoki, who wants face, it’s never easy to be able to do this.

But he has no choice. If the night owl continues to eat the land of the earth, this country, this village of forbearance, will probably completely decline!

He can't afford it.

The country of soil can't afford it either.

Bajian did not force the other party too much, and agreed to withdraw from the border of the country of Turkey when the two conditions were met.

Different methods are needed to deal with different Ninja villages.

The existence of the land of the earth, or the disappearance of the land of earth, will bring more benefits? Bajian knows very well.

Unification cannot be anxious. Konoha, who is already digesting the resources of Kirigakure, the country of water, does not have extra hands to control Iwagakure.

So under this premise, it’s the right way to dig more benefits from Iwagakure.

When Kirigakure is assimilated, then it’s time to actually start.

Konoha needs capital now. Now that Onoki has said this, it means that the mission is over.

"I know, get ready to go to Sand Shinobi Village."

Nodding, Bajian flung Zanpakutō to look at Anbu's ninjas.

eye for eye.

The country of the earth has already paid the price, why did the country of the wind become a fish that slipped through the net?

"Uh, Bajian."

But when he gave the order, Jiraiya walked over with a contact clam on his shoulder.

This is the Summoning beast of Mount Myōboku.

Because Namikaze Minato has also signed a contract with Mount Myōboku, the contact mussel can pass messages between Minato and Jiraiya0

So Konoha actually knows what Bajian did in Tuzhikuni, and knows where they are.

However, the contact mussels are not used frequently. After all, the toads of Mount Myōboku call themselves immortals, and they will be responsible for transmitting information only in emergencies.

A scroll was spit out from the contact mussel's mouth, and then the toad glanced at Bajian and then disappeared with a bang.

For some reason, Bajian saw a shock and alert in the toad’s eyes

Shaking his head too lazy to care about the toad, Bajian picked up the scroll.

The so-called three holy places, we don’t know who dared to call it that way, some animals call themselves immortals, Bajian also thinks it’s a bit outrageous.

But he thinks he is not the son of prophecy, and he does not want to rely on Mount Myōboku to learn immortality, so if nothing else, he would not deal with the group of toads.

The real power is the knife in the hand

Opening the scroll, Bajian's face was a little different.

Shisui, who came by, glanced and was visibly taken aback.

"The envoys of the Kingdom of Wind are here? What are they going to do?"


There is only one thing on the scroll, and that is that the envoys of the Kingdom of Wind have suddenly arrived. Minato means to ask Bajian how to deal with it and seek Bajian's opinion.

"What else can be done is the same as Ohnoki's purpose."

Bajian put away the scroll, grabbed the wine gourd and took a sip.

Luo Sha is a wise man.

From the news in the soil, he seems to have foreseen the future of the kingdom of wind

If you don’t make 1.5 choices, I’m afraid the outcome of the Land of the Wind will be worse than that of the Land of the Earth.

This is not what Fengying wants to see

So before Bajian did not act, he gave in directly.

Laozi chose to surrender directly! Do you have to bear the heart?

Very smart choice.

But do they really have the determination to pay the price?

With a sneer, the wine gourd was pinned to his waist again, and Bajian looked around.

Three months.

Not only Bajian has completed the transformation.

This Anbu unit has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The three-month campaign can't be without casualties, but even the fallen ninja has shown the iron-blooded temperament that should be possessed, this is the real growth!

The assassination special forces Konoha really needs

Pointing the knife to the sky, Bajian took a deep breath and let out a roar.


"go home!"

Third more.

Code ing.

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