A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

: The fairy master kneels down the old village chief

"It's too late, it's fast! Our Muyu rushed in time and fought with the fairy master for 300 rounds. That was a dim sky, and the sun and the moon were dark! Muyu's two flying swords were astonishing. Lei, who specializes in judging the good and evil in the world, once the sky sword came out, flying sand and rocks, thunder and lightning, people almost couldn't open their eyes! The sword stabbed, and the wind suddenly went up and down, and the sky collapsed. The fairy master in Dadian Village was struck by Muyu. Unbearable, vomiting blood and flying, blood stained the dust, and even stained the sky red..."

In the quiet flowing water village, the head of the old cloth village with white hair but still spirited is talking to a group of children who have wiped their noses. He looks proudly at the little guys who are frightened by his story. At that moment, I was still very proud.


Xiaowazi's eyes widened, and his mouth kept exclaiming. The fairy master has always been an unattainable existence in their eyes, but Mu Yu in the mouth of the village chief has such a prestige, which makes them in awe.

"Grandpa, the village head, why is the fairy master kneeling for you?" a child asked.

The village chief swiped his chest-mounted white beard, cleared his throat, and continued: "The next is the most critical second volume! The fairy master kneels down to the old village chief! As mentioned earlier, Muyu rushed to the crown, Tianjian punished evil, Fighting the fairy master in Dadian Village without force to fight back. That fairy master knew that he could not defeat the wooden feathers like the gods, and he was not willing to admit defeat. He went straight to the village chief and wanted to threaten me with the old man. Mu Yu. But am I the kind of person who fears death, village head? Look, this scar was left at that time..."

The head of the village pointed to the scar on his face and proudly said: "The fairy master of Dadian Village is fast, like a lightning bolt, but Muyu's two heavenly swords, Changhong, penetrate the sun of Dadian Village On the shoulder, Dadian Village Immortal Master has already been hit hard, knowing that he is not Muyu's opponent, he can only throw his device to admit defeat.

"Grandpa's grandfather, Muyu's brother is so great!" A little girl looked at the old village chief with admiration.

"I haven't finished it yet! Where will our Muyu be willing to let him go? But the village chief is magnificent, as the so-called general can run horses, the prime minister can support the boat, although the other party did something wrong, but the village chief I Is that the kind of person who cares about me? I let Muyu let him go, and gave him a chance to be a new person. He said that at the beginning of the person, nature is good, as long as you know the wrong, you can change it. Muyu promised, Only the premise is that the fairy master in Dadian Village must kneel down to the village chief to admit his mistake!"

"Is the fairy master kneeling?" many children could not wait to ask. The fairy fairy kneeled to a mortal, which was incredible.

"A fairy master kneels down to a mortal to admit his mistake. This is a matter of the fairy's face. How can the other party agree? However, the village chief, my integrity, moved him eventually. He understands that although the village chief is only a commoner, but He has the heart of a wise man. He walked willingly to the head of the village, bent his legs, and knelt down."

"That kneeling is unique and unprecedented. Like a stone falling into the water, it stirs up layers of waves, foreshadowing the end of the evil forces of the upper layers. That kneeling allows us in the mortal class to raise our heads and have fairness in the world. There is always a good and evil end. As a member of the mortal, the village chief let the fairy master kneel and apologize for the first time, which will surely be recorded in the annals of history and open a new era of human civilization..."

The village chief shook Pu Fan, and looked like an old god. He didn't know much about what was happening. Anyway, how to blow it was his thing. He had made several versions of bragging drafts without spending money.

"The grandfather of the village chief lied to you. You always said that the fairy master could fly away and wave his sleeves. The grandfather of the village master is just a mortal. Where will the fairy master kneel for you?" a little boy questioned.

"Yeah, didn't you say that the status of the fairy master is great? Last time a fairy master came to you so respectful to others." Another little girl raised her hand.

The chief of the old cloth village was anxious, pulling his beard and saying: "This is true, the fairy master really kneels for me. Our Muyu is not an ordinary fairy master, he is a very powerful fairy master, it is him Let that fairy master kneel for me."

"Grandpa Grandpa is bragging again."

"Unless you prove it to us again!"

The head of the village was so angry that the white beard was pulled away. Why is it so difficult for the current children? Although the story was fueled by him, it is true that the fairy master kneeled him! Now let him prove that he has to find Muyu! Thinking of Muyu, he thought about it for a while. The boy hadn't come back for a long time. I don't know what happened now.

But at this moment, the mysterious ripples suddenly appeared in the sky above the flowing water village, as if the ripples were still in the still water, and then a magnificent breath swept in. All the villagers in Liushui Village raised their heads and looked at the scene in horror, not understanding what happened.

"Uh, uh, uh"

Many figures appeared in the air, flashing out of the ripples, standing densely in the air, sweeping the whole flowing water village with imposing momentum. The village chief of Laobu looked at hundreds of shadows in the air in amazement. That is the legendary fairy master who has the ability to move mountains and fill the sea. He didn't know what so many fairy masters came to this village to do, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

The children were all frightened, and the village chief had just told them the story of the fairy master, so there were so many fairy masters, it was too coincidental.

"Which village chief is Laobu?"

A middle-aged fairy master dressed in luxurious white robe and imposing grandeur fell from the sky and stood on the open space in the middle of the village. He asked questions aloud, and everyone else fell behind the middle-aged fairy master. Each fairy master is a magnificent, majestic, and his face is very grim, and he can't stop gazing, as if he's on alert.

"I, I, I am. Masters, Master, you, you looking for me?" The village chief of Laobu walked out tremblingly. So many fairy masters came here to find him, which scared him a lot.

"Are you the village chief of Laobu? Who are you Mu Mu?" The middle-aged fairy master frowned.

"Mu, Muyu?" The village chief of Laobu was stunned. Did so many people come to Muyu? Isn't this kid causing trouble outside? So many fairy masters gathered here to find him to do? The majesty of the fairy master terrified the head of the village of Laobu. His legs trembled and said, "Muyu is an orphan I raised. He is not here. Is he and he all right?"

"Please elders help us!"

What made all the villagers in Liushui Village unexpected was that the middle-aged fairy master suddenly knelt down to the head of the village of Laobu and gave him a deep head. The hundreds of fairy masters behind him also knelt down together and said in unison: "Please ask the elder to help us!"

"Xian, Xian Shi, really kneeled to the village head grandpa?" The little boy who just questioned the village head was stunned and watched a group of tall Xian Shi suddenly kneel in front of the old village chief, and his little heart was extremely shocked. Big shock!

"The grandfather of the village chief didn't lie to us! The fairy master really kneeled him!"

The head of the old cloth village opened his mouth, and the fan in his hand fell to the ground. For a time, his mind was blank. The thing that the fairy master knelt for him was that Mu Yu asked him to do justice for him more than ten years ago. This kind of thing happened only once, but today there are hundreds of fairy masters kneeling in front of him, which is usually even It's a dream, he didn't dare to do it!

"You, you, what are you doing?" The village head of Laobu usually brags to the children in the village that the fairy fairy gave him a kneeling, which is mixed with a lot of water, but when the thing really happens, he can be scared.

"Senior, Muyu's affairs must be resolved by you. Please promise to come with us." The middle-aged fairy master looked at the old village chief earnestly.

The old village chief shivered, and he settled down. Although he didn't know why, he seemed to get Muyu's light again. He stooped to pick up the fan that fell to the ground, and said carefully: "Okay, okay. You, you, you get up!"

The village head of Laobu felt like an emperor, and let his own people stay flat. But he didn't do anything at all, but he knew that he would have to finish playing no matter which of the hundreds of celestial masters snapped fingers.

"The time is too late, the elder has offended." The middle-aged fairy master has stood in front of the old village chief in a blink of an eye, and disappeared with the old village chief. At the same time, the hundreds of people who were kneeling down also disappeared. Only a group of children who haven’t recovered yet marveled at the mighty grandfather of the village head...

The village chief of Laobu only felt that his eyes were completely dark. He was afraid of anxiety and did not know where he was taken. Suddenly, there was a tremor around him, and then his eyes could see the light again. He found himself on a plain and thought he had reached his destination, but there was a restlessness around him. The middle-aged man anxiously guarded him behind his back.

"Hey! This old man must die!"

Several strange sounds came in front of it, and it seemed that someone had blocked the path of these hundreds of fairy masters. The head of the old cloth village protruded from the shoulder of the middle-aged fairy master. He wanted to know who was so bold and dared to fight against these hundreds of fairy masters. It doesn't matter how he looks, he almost scared him!

It is the Yumon demons!

The Yumon demons are an evil race, they have a human form, but they are different from people. They are cruel in nature, fierce and combative, and slaughter human beings with no mercy. There are five types of Yumon demons, with different shapes and five-element attributes. They can control the five elements of golden wood, water, fire and earth. The mortal has only one dead path in front of the Yumon Demon Clan, and only the great fairy master can fight the Yumon Demon Clan!

Youmen Demon Clan has been competing with mankind for territory. For thousands of years, Yumen Demon Clan has become synonymous with evil, but I don’t know why today I would be interested in Laobu, a mortal who has no cultivation practices.

"Give me! Be sure to protect the elders." The middle-aged man waved his hand, and hundreds of fairy masters behind him were angrily heading towards the Yumon demon clan.

The village chief of Laobu stared at all this staringly. He had been kept behind by a middle-aged fairy master, but the middle-aged fairy master couldn’t seem to take him away from the Yumon demon clan. He could only watch the sky throwing his hands to destroy the sky. The celestial master of the land battles with the five attributes of the Yumon demons. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At dusk, the setting sun stained half of the sky, and the **** light poured onto the ground, illuminating the mess.

The ground is no longer so flat, sharp soil punctures all over the ground, pierces a corpse, the blood has not dried up, the sword is still in hand, but life has passed.

The trees lay in a row, and the hard branches hung with the figures of fairy masters. The leaves were blood-red and strange.

The river has been frozen, and ice edges rise from the surface of the water. Through countless fairy masters, warm blood flows down the ice edge, failing to melt the bitter cold.

The flame is burning on the earth, so vigorous, using the body of the fairy master as a source of fire, burning, burning, and reflecting the sunset.

The cruel flying sword betrayed his master. The tip of the sword crossed the heart, flashing cold light, and came out through the body. The person holding the sword was still frightened, and did not understand why the sword in his hand turned to himself.

The middle-aged fairy master was also scarred, and he had been protecting the head of the village. The village chief of Laobu was so frightened that the fairy master was killed and injured in the hands of the Yumon demons!

"Is this all related to Muyu?" The village chief of Laobu swallowed and asked.

The middle-aged fairy master nodded: "Only you can solve Muyu's affairs, elder, you must live."

The spiritual power of the middle-aged fairy master suddenly soared, he spit out a blood, and then rushed to the sky with the old village chief.

"Mu Yu..."

The old village chief murmured, what happened to that kind child? His thoughts slowly drifted back to many years ago, and he could not remember exactly how many years have passed. But he knew that Muyu was 12 years old that year, and the old village chief remembered it very well.

This is a very long story. At that time, Mu Yu was just an orphan in Liushui Village, who was raised by the old village chief.

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