A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1009: Weak water

Ghost stood silently at the stern, staring at the weak water behind, but the weak water returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

"It was supposed to be the **** life-and-death gateman who just chased him, but now it's all right. He should also be aware of the power of the weak water and he won't chase it." The ghost said angrily.

Everyone was a little relieved when they heard the ghost saying nothing. Only then did the man wield a knife and slaughter the ghost cave scare these past murderous ghost gatemen, and the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

"But... will that person really be the life-and-death man? He just didn't do the same thing. The hateful thing is that our elders during the robbery are just away, otherwise he must be nice!" said a ghost door man. .

In the past, they were the only ones who killed other comprehensions. Where did they expect there was another killer who came to the door, and they happened to meet the ghost master and all the masters during the robbery period, they raided the ghost pit, almost ruining the foundation of the ghost door .

None of them knew that the elders of their ghost gates were transferred to the mountains from others.

The ghost said nothing for a moment, and said, "Whether he is a person of life or death, he must be in the same group as the life and death door just now. We must guard the gate of the ghost and protect the eighteenth level of hell."

Another ghost-door man in distraction asked: "Elder, can this weak water really block him?"

The ghost sneered with a sneer: "He is useless even when he is in the robbery period. The longer he flies above the weak water, the greater the pulling force he receives. If he is smart, he will return, otherwise it will be inevitable when the time comes. Will sink into the weak water and become the corpse of the weak water!"

"But we still have ships..."

"Don't worry, he doesn't know how to start the ship."

Gui Wuyu walked back from the stern to the bow again, looked at the misty ghost mist in the distance, and then began to say: "Everyone quickly deal with the injury, this time, in any case, we must insist on the ghost Lord returning!"


All the ghost gatemen responded with a voice, and then began to sit down, feeling a little aftermath.

"Weak water, I didn't expect there was such a thing."

Muyu stood in the corner of the ship meditating. When she was in Luochen Mountain, Master explained to them the truth of Xiuzhen every night.

Weak water is a very strange water. This kind of water is extremely cold. It is formed by soaking the body all year round, absorbing the corpse gas and the yin gas. Anything that gets weak water will be corroded and destroyed, even if it has spiritual power. Possession is useless.

Unless it is a powerful magic weapon, or some special cold means to prevent the corrosion of weak water, such as the ghost ship they built with skeletons, the bodies of dead people, resentment, and some very powerful magic weapons.

Another example is Xiaoshuai.

Xiaoshuai is a guy who has been thundered and fired thousands of times and then soaked in weak water for a hundred years without losing a single hair.

Weak water is terrible, and even Yumeng has no way to control it. In the weak water, feathers cannot float, and it is impossible for the cultivation world to fly. For example, the cultivation behavior of Muyu during the robbery period can only barely fly a distance, and people in the fit period cannot fly at all.

This is also the reason that those ghost gatemen were in a critical situation just now, but no one flew directly to the boat, but because they boarded the boat honestly.

At this time, many Guimen people began to wailing, because the twins in their bodies also began to wake up and fight with their bodies.

The twins in Guibuyu's body had not yet awakened. He looked at the wailing ghostmen and realized the seriousness of the matter. He immediately said, "How many twins haven't happened yet?"

Soon part of them started to raise their hands. The seven ships were not far away. About 180 of the 200-plus twins hadn’t happened yet. That’s why they had the energy to escape here, otherwise they would have been Become Muyu's sword under the soul.

Ghost kept silent and his face was uncertain, and then shouted, "The people who haven't had an accident with the remaining twins listen, and immediately sacrifice the twins to the weak water!"

"What? Sacrifice the twins?"

"But the twins are very important to us!"

"Yeah! Without the twins, it will be difficult for us to act in the future."

Other ghost gatemen began to eagerly say that the reason why the ghost gate people are so powerful is because they train the twins. After killing the twins, they will sacrifice their souls to their own magic weapon. Fighting the ghost gate people is equivalent to fighting with two people. . If there were no twins, their natural advantage would disappear.

Gui Bu said in a rage: "Do you want to live or wait for the twins to wake up and kill you?"

The crowd suddenly calmed down. After the twins were awakened, they needed to resolve their personal grievances with the twins. The twins were killed and enslaved for so many years. Most of them have hatred for the ghosts who have the initiative. This reason is for every ghost. It's all clear. Fighting a person with exactly the same strength as you, the probability of life and death is 50%, all by luck.

He didn't say anything about his twins. He has summoned twins in order to set an example. This is a gloomy twin, transparent all over, following him for so many years, it is of great significance, but in order to live, he can only choose to break his wrist!

The eerie ghost spirit had flowed out of the ghost's words, and wrapped up his twins. The twins were gradually filled with ghost spirits and turned into a dark color, just like a shadow, very strange.

"Go serve the great ghost ancestor!"

As soon as the ghost clenched his teeth and waved his hand, the twins immediately jumped from the boat and flew above the weak water. His twins had just flown over the weak water, and a vortex suddenly formed in the weak water. The vortex gradually changed into a strange skull shape. The skull opened his mouth wide, and a water column was shot from the mouth, which turned into a water column. With a ghost hand, he firmly grasped the twins.

The twins seemed to have regained consciousness and began to resist continuously, but in the face of the weak water's shackles, they couldn't break free. They were dragged into the skull-shaped large mouth by the ghost hand, and the skull turned into a vortex again. The vortex slowly The ground stopped spinning and turned into a dead black water.

The ghosts didn't speak, and their faces were pale. The twins were closely related to them. Once the twins had an accident, they would also be greatly traumatized, and they would sit down and start adjusting their interest rates.

The other ghost gate people saw that the highest ghost did not speak, they had sacrificed their twins to the weak water, and everyone hesitated for a long time, and their eyes showed a fierce light, and they began to sacrifice their twins to Go in weak water.

For a time, the strange calm water appeared various strange skeleton shapes, dragging the twins of the ghost door people into the weak water.

"Guizu? What's a Guzou?"

Muyu watched quietly the actions of these ghost gatemen, and was more curious about this weak water. What does it mean to sacrifice?

The speed of the ghost ship is getting faster and faster. The ghost doormen on the ship take turns to the stern of the stern to inject their own blood to provide power for the navigation of the ghost ship. The other ghost doormen then start to adjust their knees and stop talking.

Muyu has been looking around. The ghost ship is like driving into an underground karst cave. The top of the karst cave can be seen vaguely from the top of the head. The top of the karst cave is less than five meters away from the water surface, and the stone walls of the karst cave are everywhere. The green ghost fire is scattered, making the whole trip more strange.

And there is nothing in the weak water. Muyu will occasionally see some corpses floating on the surface of the weak water. These corpses look like they have died shortly. From the clothing on them, what martial arts have There are even some mortals who look like farmers, and Mu Yu even saw the costumes of a disciple of Stargate!

"These bodies are too weird."

Muyu looked at the corpses floating on the side of the ship. The powerful weak water that could corrode everything did not corrode the dead. These deceased people also maintained their appearance in the weak water. Some people's eyes were wide open, apparently not dead, some people had five finger holes in their foreheads, the blood seemed to have just solidified soon, and some people's hearts on the chest had disappeared. , The body was covered with blood stains, the weak water did not wash away these blood stains.

"This has been dead for at least a few hundred years, and it still looks like it was dead soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Muyu stared at the body of a young man passing by the side of the ship, with his vitality The cognition can clearly perceive that the young man has been dead for at least three hundred years, but from the appearance it seems as if he had just died less than an hour.

What the **** is this place?

The seven ships continued to drift down the weak water. About a quarter of an hour later, the current in front of the ship began to become turbulent. The ghost ship at this time was like flying on the water without any resistance and fast speed. To an incredible level.

Soon suddenly a bright light appeared in front, as if it were a weak water outlet. The ghost boat they were riding began to glide quickly towards the exit. The exit was very narrow and could only accommodate a ghost ship at most.

"All ghost ships listen to orders, follow me, and are not allowed to be crowded together!" Gui Buyu has stood on the bow of the ship, giving orders to the other ghost ships.

The speed of the ghost ship is controlled by the blood on the altar. The more blood is injected, the faster the ghost ship will open. The ghost ship has three **** people in this ghost ship, and it is the first to bear the brunt.

Seven ghost ships, under the control of the blood of the ghost gatemen, also have different speeds. The ghost boat where Muyu is located is injected with the most blood, driving at the forefront. At this time, the water in front starts to pour down, and the **** is getting larger and larger, as if there is a gap in the weak water. At this driving speed, Muyu I feel this ghost ship will fall out sooner or later!

Then there was a clatter!

The ghost ship was indeed thrown out of the weak water, but it did not lose control. Even the whole ghost ship was stable and stable without any bumps. Finally, it gradually floated in the air, and the eyes were suddenly bright.

Muyu looked at the scene in surprise, and suddenly felt a little strange. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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