A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1011: gate of hell

Mu Yu was still standing behind the crowd. He used array technique to hide his breath well, without showing any horse feet. He kept looking at the entire 18-story bone pagoda, looking around the cave, wondering where this so-called ghost ancestor was sacred.

Although the ghost ancestor gave him a very strong feeling, Mu Yu always felt that there was something wrong with this ghost ancestor, as if he had the strength of the Mahayana period, but he was subject to certain restrictions and could not be fully exerted.

But this ghost ancestor is so cold and ruthless, even if there are only more than 200 people left in the ghost door people, even if they are allowed to fall into the weak water and drown, is he not afraid that the ghost door is really extinct? If the devil is dead, who is the ghost ancestor going to direct?

Muyu doesn't have much sympathy for these dead ghosts. Even if they don't die, Muyu will inevitably kill these people in the end.

The most urgent thing for Muyu now is to know how to destroy this place. Flying above the weak water is an extremely unwise choice. He must also first determine how the ghost ancestor should be killed.

All the ghost gate people kneeled down on the ground, the atmosphere did not dare to gasp, and at the command of the ghost ancestor, the ghost ancestor snorted heavily, and then said: "I have no energy to take care of some of your waste, but if what you say is true , I still need you to do something for me and get me in."


The sound of breaking water came from the weak water below, and four giant hands transformed from black weak water came out of the water, each holding a black iron chain in their hands. The iron chain probably had thick adult arms. Glittering with black gloss, I don't know what it was made of, and it rattled in the air, making a dull gold-iron impact.

Four giant hands transformed from weak water began to grab the four huge black iron chains and began to pull upwards. There was a tumbling sound from the weak water underground, as if something was coming out of the water.

Then the water splash was raised again, and a round white stone platform was suddenly pulled out of the water and gradually pulled into the air. The stone platform is about a hundred meters wide, square, and exudes strange and soft white light. It looks very sacred, and it is out of tune with this place full of ghosts and ghosts.

The center of the stone platform is inscribed with some weird textures. The textures look difficult and incomprehensible. They are not like regular textures. They are well-organized and intertwined with each other. The textures radiate from time to time.

"This is the texture of the Moon Temple, how could it appear in this place?" Mu Yu surprised.

When he was in the town demon tower, he once entered the sacred palace with the dragon and vine handsome, and inside there was the moon temple. At that time, dragon vine almost sang out to activate a certain ritual ceremony, which led to the entire moon temple. A strange change.

The texture of the stone platform is exactly the same as the texture seen in the Zhenyao Tower, and according to Longteng, those regular textures are a kind of sacrifice. When Longteng translated, Muyu came to the conclusion that the so-called Moon God Clan is a The conclusion of the brainwashing cult.

Muyu looked at the meat-winged horn monsters responsible for watering the broken soul with weak water in the 18-story bone tower, and vaguely understood some things.

Guimen people have been looking for the whereabouts of the moon clan, and they even know that the meat-winged horned monsters more than five thousand years ago were locked in the mysterious town demon tower of Xuanjizi. The dirty meat-winged horned monster was released from the town demon tower.

If Muyu was right, it was estimated that those ghost gatemen went to the town demon tower to receive orders from the ghost ancestor who didn't know where to hide. So what is the relationship between the ghost ancestor and the Yue clan?

The huge stone platform was gradually lifted into the air by the weak water giant, and finally stopped when they reached the height of the bone bridge where they were. Then the weak water giant hand holding the black iron chain loosened the iron chain, but those iron chains did not fall directly, and the stone platform did not fall. Instead, the iron chain began to hover around the stone platform, forming a black iron Arches surrounded by chains.

The weak water underneath splashed a thick water column again. The water column spread along the black iron chain, as if pouring the black iron chain, as if a skilled craftsman could paste the reconciled black mud on the iron chain.

"Get in here and stay on the altar!" The voice of the ghost ancestor echoed in the air again.

"Thank you Guizu!"

The ghosts were overjoyed. Although the ghost ancestors regarded their lives like grass and mustards, they were able to obtain the protection of the ghost ancestors and hurriedly shouted to the surviving ghost doormen: "Come on, enter the ghost gate!"

Guibuyu stood up first, and walked towards the black arch, and other ghostmen followed quickly.

"It turns out that this is what the ghost gate people call the ghost gate."

Mu Yu thoughtfully looked at the arch composed of weak water. The arch formed by the weak water pouring into the iron chain had a strong yin, which made people palpitate.

Ghost did not speak to the edge of the arch, and carefully extended his right hand. At this time, Mu Yu realized that there was a fierce face on the edge of the arch. It looks like it grows on the arch, it still moves, and it shows sharp and fierce teeth.

The mouth of this meat-winged horned monster is more like a deliberately stretched out mouth, and its wide mouth bites into a ghost's hand.

The ghost said nothing, and his face became a little distorted, and he shivered involuntarily, as if he had been tortured by terror. But the meat-winged horned monster didn't bite for long, as if it had sucked a bit of blood.

Ghost didn't speak as the winged horned monster released its mouth, and then his face was relieved. From the bite of the meat-winged horn monster to the release of the mouth, it is just a blink of an eye, but it seems to have been tortured for at least many years.

After Guibu didn't speak across the gate, standing on the altar, he turned to the gatemen and said, "According to what I just said, stretch out your arms to sacrifice blood, hurry!"

The remaining ghost gatemen followed suit, and since they came to the forbidden ground of the ghost gate, they were actually terrified.

Every ghost door person usually does more things like killing souls and refining souls, which originally belonged to the kind of cruel people, but after coming here, their expressions became very nervous, and there was no day to ignore the life and kill the human race. Instead, the anger is like turning into a lamb.

Every ghost doorman just pulled out his arm to let the arch's meat-winged horn horn bite. The process was very short, and the blink of an eye was passed, but the bitten ghost door people seemed to wrestle with some people, some people Even his lips became bloodless, and after entering the gate of the ghost, he became a little depressed.

"It's a disgusting way of sacrifice."

Muyu naturally has to enter the Ghost Gate, he is not afraid of what will happen, but wants to investigate what is strange in the gate of the ghost, and where is this ghost ancestor?

The ghost gate was almost wiped out by him, but the ghost ancestor didn't shoot here, and even didn't even know it, there must be some scruples. When it comes to meat-winged horned monsters, Muyu always sees them as unsightly, thinking about the need to destroy this creepy place.

But Mu Yu will not waste his precious blood in this disgusting place. He walked at the end, quietly approaching the last ghost-men of the meta-infant period, Shenshen array shot, controlled the other side, and then turned into a piece The trees were hidden in the body of the ghost door people.

About a quarter of an hour has passed, and more and more ghost gatemen have stepped into the ghost gate after being bitten by a meat-winged horn monster, and soon the only one who is controlled by Muyu is left. The ghost doorman of the Yuan infant period, like everyone else, extended his right hand to make the meat-winged horn monster bite, and then entered the ghost door.

Muyu relieved himself secretly, it seems that he should have successfully fooled.

"Everyone cheered me up, even if it is safe here, no matter how the person outside can't get in, we have to wait until the doorkeeper comes back to make a decision." Ghost said without a word.

"Yes! Elder." Over two hundred survivors of the ghost door responded with respect.

Guibuyu and others have already sat on the altar and started to practice pranayama after they entered the gate of the ghost gate. They don’t seem to intend to go to the eighteen-story bone tower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at the other end of the altar There is also an arch, where a bone bridge leads to the eighteen-story bone tower.

"You didn't plan to go forward?"

Mu Yu felt a little tricky, but this was not his original intention. He originally expected the ghosts to take these ghost gatemen to the eighteen-story bone tower to find out. The ghost gateman he controlled walked to the arch leading to the eighteen-story bone tower, and then found that there was also a winged horned skull on the arch. It was obvious that he wanted to be bitten again in the past.

"It's troublesome now!"

Of course, Muyu couldn't control the ghost door man to reach out and bite the meat-winged horned monster, and then stepped on the bone bridge alone, it was too difficult to be undetected under the eyes of everyone.

Mu Yu was planning to see if he wanted to control Guibuyu, and when Guibuyu took him to continue, Guizu's voice rang again.

"Don't talk, you just said that all the twins have been lost?"

Gui Buyu quickly stood up and responded with congratulations: "Back to Guizu, yes, we have sacrificed all the twins to you on our way to save our lives."

All the ghost gate people sink their twins into the weak water on the ghost ship that came here, and were dragged into the water by the weak water. Even the awakened twins were solved by other ghost gate people.

"That's interesting. There are two hundred and twenty-three people here, but in my perception, there are two hundred and twenty-four souls. Where did the extra soul come from?"

Guizu's voice seemed to make a smirk, and the sound of the crying wolf howling made everyone tremble deep in the soul.

A powerful gas machine locked the body of the ghost door controlled by Muyu. Muyu was shocked. He thought that he had been fooled, and he was still found! (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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