A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1014: Bone Tower

"Are you actually alive?"

The ghost didn't speak, and was shocked. After being devoured by the skeleton made of weak water, he was still alive. He obviously didn't think about it. Not only him, but I am afraid that other ghost gatemen did not expect this to happen.

"You haven't completely rooted out your ghost door. How could I die so easily?"

Mu Yu said lightly.

Mu Lingnai is a very hard magic weapon between heaven and earth. At first, even the cracks in space failed to crush it, let alone absorb the anger and death, it has already become quite weird, and it is very erosive. The powerful weak water, the plants transformed by the wood spirit have not been melted.

"Guizu..." Guibu hurriedly hurriedly shouted, if this person can not kill, then the ghost gate today will really happen.

"To shut up!"

The ghost ancestor who had not spoken for a long time suddenly scolded, and all these ghost doormen were startled. Hearing from the voice of Guizu, it is obvious that the momentum of Guizu seems to be much worse than before, as if it took a huge amount of energy because of the battle.

But how is this possible? In their eyes, the ghost ancestor is comparable to the existence of the Mahayana period. How could it not be possible to fight Muyu during the robbery period for a moment, and then have no strength to fight anymore?

"Your ghost ancestors will be so powerful. If this old devil can exert his full strength, he will have already appeared and performed the technique himself. It doesn't need to hide for so long." Mu Yu said indifferently.

The ancestor of the ghost ancestor is very strong, which is also mixed with the breath of the field, but he did not exert his full strength, but only after controlling the weak water and bones here, he appeared exhausted. Obviously he must have suffered a certain Some serious restrictions.

"I want to see if you have any worries that you can't shoot!"

Mu Yu became more and more curious about all this. There was such a powerful character lurking deep in the ground of Ghost Gate, but it seemed that he could not exert his full strength. What happened to this ghost ancestor?

"Boy, you wait for me! When I get out of trouble in the future, I will inevitably break you up!" Guizu said angrily.

"Get out of trouble?"

Mu Yu was amazed in his heart. Was the ghost owner trapped here? So who is trapping him?

"No matter what, since you can't help me, then I will break your hope of getting out of trouble!"

Mu Yu does not expect to be able to kill the ghost ancestor. Since this guy is trapped, he must have strong strength, which means that the people trapped in him can't kill him. The ghost gate people in this place must be trying to save such a powerful old devil.

In this case, Muyu needs to find a way to destroy the plan of the ghost gate people. You must know that this old devil can cause such great trouble to Muyu before she gets out of trouble. Once you get out of trouble, I am afraid that it will be a tough opponent in the future. But it will not leave any trouble for yourself.

He set his sights on the 18-story bone tower in the distance. If Muyu was right, the 18-story bone tower must have been the hiding place of the old devil, so he had to go to the 18-story bone tower. , Find a way to destroy this bone tower!

The branches made of wood spirits at the foot had already slid out with wooden feathers on the weak water, and quickly moved towards the bone tower. But at this moment, the sound of gurgling bubbling came under the weak water, and then countless corpses floated from the weak water to the surface.

These corpses looked as if they had just died. Each corpse started to move, as if it had climbed up from the water, his eyes were dull, but they all jumped up and flew towards Muyu, thinking To prevent Muyu from going to the 18-story bone tower.

Mu Yu stared at these corpses with cold eyes, he was already familiar with them, and there was no fear at all.


"How could it be so hard?"

Mu Yu was taken aback for a while, and found that he was still too small to look at these corpses that had been soaked in weak water for hundreds of years, as if the weak water had transformed the corpse, and the corpse was as hard as a rock. There was a muffled noise that flew them out, but could not hurt a piece of hair from the body.

"Stop me!"

Guizu's voice was very sad, his voice just fell, more and more corpses emerged from the weak water, densely packed, I don't know there are tens of thousands.

In the weak water, there are not only corpses, but also some grievances wrapped in the weak water. These grievances seem to be trapped in the weak water all the year round and become a water ghost. They are very unwilling, so they came out, All of a sudden, he wanted to vent all his resentment to the living people in front of him.

The endless sword qi in Muyu's hands flowed out again, and the sword rushed up into the sky, swinging violently. All the corpses contaminated by his sword gas seemed to be forcibly injected with a strong vitality. This vitality penetrated into the corpse, so that each corpse seemed to regain its vitality, and the original solidified and immobile blood began to start in the body. Pentium rose, pale skin became extremely rosy.

But only for a moment, the corpse reached the maximum extent and began to age. The skin shed and turned into powder. The corpse, which was still intact, turned into a skeleton, and the skeleton was dry again. This time it was directly given by Muyu's sword gas Mince.

However, there are too many corpses, and Mu Yu’s sword spirit can’t eliminate all of these hard one by one. Those grievances also go back and forth between the corpses and surround Mu Yu, so Mu Yu will let them down sooner or later. Self exhausted.

The eighteen-story bone tower is not very far away from him, but Muyu's progress is blocked by countless corpses. He wants to destroy them one by one. I am afraid that they will not be reached for several hours. The most important thing is Ghost Youhan, the owner of the ghost gate, may have been rushing back quickly. If he is blocked here, he will be very troublesome when facing three people in the robbery period.

The blue thunderbolt pattern wrapped his figure, pushing all the resentful souls that swept over him. He stepped on the Tiangang star array under his feet, and appeared and disappeared in countless corpses. Weak water has a strong tearing force and wants to pull him down, but Muyu just appeared on the bone bridge in a blink of an eye, and stepped on the bone bridge quickly to go forward.

Various corpses were continually repelled along the way. Although these corpses were hard, they could not stop him, and soon he fell on a ladder in front of the bone tower.

The corpses behind him saw Mu Yu had landed on the bone tower, but did not dare to take a step forward. It seemed that this was also a forbidden place for those corpses. All corpses unwillingly stepped on the weak water and surrounded the bone tower.

Muyu just got close to the bone tower, and soon discovered that a strong field breath blocked the bone tower. This field breath made him feel a little uneasy in his heart, but he settled down, did not flinch, and continued toward the bone tower. Walk to the bottom.

The closer to the bone tower, the more miserable sounds of ghosts crying wolf came from ears. Those souls seemed to be innocent in front of them. They were imprisoned in the bone tower after suffering death. dead.

"Damn it, you are dead!"

The ghost ancestor saw that Mu Yu had broken through the layers of obstacles and came to the bone tower. His voice was frightened, and there was even some confusion, but Mu Yu still didn't see him, and didn't know where the old ghost was hiding.


Mu Yu ignored the bone tower. He walked slowly around the bone tower. Although the ghost ancestor did not show up, he couldn't take it lightly. It is hard to say what demon and ghosts still exist in this place.

He slowly approached a huge crack in the bottom of the bone tower. The crack was like a window, and the movement inside could be clearly seen. From the rift, countless souls were tortured, and each soul was called very miserable.

What makes Muyu strange is that these souls emit a strange rhythm in their mouths when they scream, just like sound waves. This sound wave will be absorbed by the ghost fire floating in the air, and the ghost fire has been shaking. And each time the sound waves are absorbed, the ghost fire will become a solid point, and then the color of these ghost fires will gradually become darker~www.wuxiaspot.com~ begins to solidify, and finally a blood-red liquid slowly forms, spinning in the air drippingly .

The worse the soul screams, the faster the ghost fires in the air turn into liquid. After these ghost fires turn into blood red liquid, they look very low and heavy, and they start to drip down to the ground. After the blood red liquid falls on the ground, Start flowing along the bone crack on the ground and converge into a large mouth in the center of the bone tower.

It looks like a big **** mouth of some kind of greasy monster, and various sharp blood red fangs are erected around the mouth, swallowing the liquid formed by the ghost fire, and then the big mouth of the blood basin will float a little thin. Ghost fire, back in the air, began to collect the screams of the soul.

"What the **** is this?"

Mu Yu looked at the screams made by the souls after being tortured indefinitely. The heartbreaking screams made him feel a little unbearable. What the **** is this place doing? Is it to torture the soul to collect power?

This method is too cruel!

After these souls are torn and torn, the soul of the horned monster with winged wings will take out a scoop of weak water to restore the soul to its original state, and then torture it from beginning to end. The screaming made Mu Yu feel a shudder in his heart.

At this moment, a soul saw Muyu, desperately broke free of the chain, and threw himself in front of the crack of the bone tower, shouting sternly: "Let us die, let us be free, please..."

This is the soul of a middle-aged man. His face is full of endless pain, and there is still consciousness. He desperately wants to squeeze out of the crack, but the bone tower has a force to block him, and then an iron chain sweeps Here he pulled him back, and the iron chain tore him, tore his soul in half, and he cried miserably again.

Mu Yu frowned. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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