A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1023: Deal with life and death 2 qi

"What idea?" Mu Yu immediately asked. &1t;/

It's the biggest headache now that you can't deal with anger and lifelessness, as long as you can quickly deal with these things that can destroy the world, and then leave here quickly, you have to try any ideas. &1t;/

"The soul of eighteen layers of hell!" Ju Mang said. &1t;/

"Soul? What do you want to do?" &1t;/

Muyu naturally does not think that Jumang wants the soul to fight against anger and death. Such things as soul can't stop anger and death. &1t;/

"After you accept the wood spirit, the wood spirit becomes very simple. The plants it transforms have the strength of the body, so you only need to wrap the leaves and leaves with anger and death, and then let these leaves Carried by the soul into the reincarnation channel..."&1t;/

Ju Mang said lightly, his tone was calm, but there was a murderous chance. &1t;/

Mu Yu was surprised: "Is this idea feasible?" &1t;/

"According to my opinion, it is possible. Souls will often wander in the world if they have resentment after death, and wait for a while to enter reincarnation. However, most souls will choose to enter reincarnation directly. The so-called place of reincarnation can only be reached by souls. That is because after becoming a soul, there will be a force in the world to guide them forward."&1t;/

Ju Mang has a thorough understanding of all this, he continued: "The souls in the eighteenth layer of **** are all forcibly captured here by brutality, and they can’t wait to enter into the reincarnation and get rid of all the pain, as long as you put Let them carry them into the reincarnation, and tell them to throw away this leaf after entering the reincarnation. It will not matter to us how to deal with the leaves."&1t;/

Jumang intends to send his anger and lifelessness to the reincarnation! &1t;/

Muyu pondered for a moment: "I don't know if the sky-keepers are still offering sacrifices to the soul? If there are, then these souls will become sacrifices to the sky-keepers." &1t;/

Most of the souls of the eighteenth layer of **** belong to abnormal death. The souls of abnormal death are to be sacrificed, and they basically cannot live. &1t;/

"Whether it is or not, after you rescue these souls, they will still be dead. After returning to the cultivation world, they will only wander around. You cannot save them. They are not like Heliankong. They were born after being sacrificed by the soul people. Mutation. Their final destination is still reincarnation. If the sky-keeper has broken through the restrictions of the sword shadow dust wind and continues to offer sacrifices to the soul of Mie Tian, ​​then just let him taste the taste of anger and death! "&1t;/

Ju Mang did not lose heart at all when he started this matter. &1t;/

After thinking for a long time, Mu Yu realized that he could not save so many souls. There are thousands of souls here. Every day he was tortured into a painful force to repair the ghost. Now he can leave the eighteenth layer of **** and enter the reincarnation. They were still eager to do so. &1t;/

Since they are going to enter the reincarnation, it is also incidental to bring anger and lifelessness into the reincarnation. If possible, I hope anger and lifelessness can bring some trouble to the heaven-bearers. &1t;/

Mu Yu doesn't expect anger and death to kill those who hold the sky. This is actually something that cannot exist. Those who hold the sky penetrate through so many worlds, and through the means of the sky, they can't be wiped out by life and death. &1t;/

"Okay, let's try it like that." &1t;/

Mu Yu thinks this is a very good attention. As for whether anger and death will swallow the reincarnation passage, he can't control it. &1t;/

At this time, there was still the old devil who could not speak. The master Mu Yu's array of art was really powerful. Without the soul, the old devil could not escape. &1t;/

Thinking of this, Mu Yu took away the soul of the soul with Mu Ling, reintegrated into the trees, and returned to the ground along the original path. &1t;/

At this time, he came back with a series of huge wooden spirit branches, and soon filled the entire karst cave, and these branches were wrapped in anger and death, so sloppy. &1t;/

As for the remaining little devil who are still alive, they are basically solved together. &1t;/

Muyu reentered the eighteenth layer of **** with the soul of crossing the soul. As soon as all the souls saw Muyu, they were terrified, and they bowed down directly to Muyu. &1t;/

"Huh? What's the matter? What did they do to me so respectfully?" Mu Yu looked at those trembling souls in a puzzled manner, and said quickly, "Don't be more polite, get up!" &1t;/

"Yes, master!" &1t;/

All souls said in unison. &1t;/

"Master?" &1t;/

Mu Yu was puzzled. When did he become the master of the eighteenth hell? &1t;/

Muyu didn't think much, but these souls thanked him and continued: "You don't have to be too restrained. I just saved you. Now you can leave this ghost place safely and enter into reincarnation. But you are leaving reincarnation. Before, I hope you can help carry something."&1t;/

"But at the master's command." &1t;/

All souls behaved respectfully, making Mu Yu very uncomfortable. &1t;/

What does this group of souls call his master? &1t;/

With a wave of his hand, Mu Yu carefully allowed Mu Ling to grow countless leaves, each of which was either wrapped with anger or dead air, and ran rampage, trying to devour Mu Ling and break through the limitations of Mu Ling. &1t;/

However, the leaves of Mu Ling have been made indestructible by Mu Yu. It is still very difficult to get rid of this angry and dead energy. &1t;/

"Every one of you carries this leaf into the cycle of reincarnation. The cycle of reincarnation is a white area, there will be a force to guide you forward, I think you should have this feeling?" Mu Yu just now? I got a description of the land of reincarnation from Jumang. After all, Jumang was attached to Muyu through the land of reincarnation. &1t;/

"Yes." All souls responded. &1t;/

They had long accepted the guidance of that force, but they were trapped in this place and couldn't help themselves. &1t;/

"Very good, so that as soon as you arrive at the place of reincarnation, throw away this leaf, and then you can reborn into life."&1t;/

Muyu has divided countless leaves into the hands of each soul. Although the anger and death energy generated just now are huge, Muyu still has some souls that have not been divided into leaves. The number of souls trapped in this place adds up to anger There is more lifelessness. &1t;/

"So good luck to you!" &1t;/

Mu Yu has cut a hole from the top to the bottom of the eighteenth layer of hell, and all the souls suddenly came out, and the leaves of the carrier rushed towards the top of the cave. &1t;/

Uh! Uh! Uh! &1t;/

All souls disappeared into the top of the cave and disappeared. &1t;/

"The soul still has the advantage of the soul, at least there is no need to worry about obstacles."&1t;/

Muyu couldn't help sighing. &1t;/

He had to return according to the original route, but this time he leaned against the wooden spirit to cross the weak water very lightly, then rushed out of the ghost pit from the original direction, and finally returned to the ground. &1t;/

At this time, most of the ghost gates have been exterminated! &1t;/

However, at this moment, there was a sudden roar of anger in front of him, and there was a trembling fight in the distance, and the waves of terror fluctuated continuously. &1t;/

boom! &1t;/

A figure smashed heavily towards this side, smashing the ground out of a big pit! &1t;/

"Meng Gong, are you okay!" &1t;/

Mu Yu rushed over quickly, and the figure he smashed was Meng Gong who had been destroying the twin seas. &1t;/

Meng Gong frowned, struggling to get up from the ground, and said, "The ghost Yuhan is back. They have four masters during the robbery period. I was almost killed by them." &1t;/

Between the speeches, there was an angry voice rolling in the air: "Mu Yu, you dare to frame me, I will break your corpses for ten thousand!"&1t;/

Uh! &1t;/

The spiritual force in the air burst into ripples, and the ghost spirit came, and already surrounded Mu Yu and Meng Gong! &1t;/

The four ghost gatemen during the robbery period showed a tendency of struggling, watching Muyu and Meng Gong angrily in the air. These four ghost gatemen, in addition to the ghost cold that was half-stepped into the Mahayana period, the ghost sounds of the four days of the robbery, the ghost selection of the five days of the robbery, and the black clothes of the three days of the robbery. People, Mu Yu did not know. &1t;/

Among the four people during the robbery period, Mu Yu is only assisted by Meng Gong. I am afraid that if they want to force the match, they will be very troublesome. &1t;/

"What should we do now? We can't beat these four people." Meng Gong said in a deep voice. &1t;/

Mu Yu took it out and devoured the twins’ sealed spiritual power, handed it to Meng Gong, and then said, "You first recover." &1t;/

Meng Gong took over the sealed spiritual power, said nothing, and began to refine this group of spiritual power. Just before these four ghost gatemen who were rushed back to be besieged, he almost disappeared. &1t;/

"You wiped out the twins?" Mu Yu asked. &1t;/

"Yes, the ghost gate people are completely planted this time, and I will die even if I die."&1t;/

Meng Gong had a deep grudge against the ghost gate. He sneered with relief. After being trapped in the ghost gate for decades, he had been deeply disgusted with this place, and the best person who could destroy the ghost gate was the best. &1t;/

Ghost Youhan and others stared at Muyu deadly, and were very angry that Muyu also used a hundred-faced illusion array to turn into the ancestor of the Star Gate. &1t;/

The design of Muyu made Tianxingmen mistakenly believe that the ghost cold killed Tianxingzhou, and aroused the anger of Tianyuemen, the main star of Tianxingmen. At this time, Tianyuemen was carrying a large number of people on the way to Guimen. &1t;/

"Mu Yu, you **** it!" &1t;/

Gui Youhan can't wait to give Muyu ten thousand pieces. &1t;/

"There are too many people wanting me to die, you have to line up." &1t;/

Mu Yu responded indifferently. At this time, he still had some fears in his heart. He wondered why Tian Ran hadn't rushed over yet. It stands to reason that Tian Ran was near the ghost gate. &1t;/

"All the ghost gatemen obey the orders! The ghosts will be sent down to kill the invaders!"&1t;/

Ghost Youhan's angry voice has spread all over the ghost gate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He knows Muyu's ability, worrying that the four of them will still let Muyu escape, so he wants to use the most powerful ghost gate Kill formation. &1t;/

This is the formation technique, which was devised by the ghost and the cold in these years. The dead wood and the green rushed into the ghost door a few decades ago and stole the other half of the soul. In order to avoid a similar situation, he deliberately created This formation. &1t;/

Let all the ghost gate people gather their ghost spirit to the formations portrayed on the ground, completely block this area, so that Mu Yu no longer has any possibility of escape. &1t;/

However, the whole ghost door was dead, and no one responded to him. &1t;/

Mu Yu looked strangely at the ghost cold: "Are you calling the ghost door people in the ghost pit? You can call it again, maybe the sound is not loud enough, those ghost door people can't hear it!" &1t;/


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