A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1048: Shadowless person

"Yes, the owner of Qishui City is the predecessor of the Mahayana period. The patriarch told me that the protection of the entire Qishui City is no less than that of our Patriarch." Zhuge Xiaosheng said.

"It is as good as the array palace? Doesn't that Qishuicheng is also a Taoist weapon?" Mu Yu surprised.

"Dao Qi? What is Dao Qi?" Zhuge Xiaosheng asked puzzled.

"Sect Master, don't you know the Taoism? Our array of patriarchs and the Kaiding Ding of the Danding School is a Taoism! Xiaoshuai, do you remember the inscriptions we interpreted in the Kaixing Ding? It speaks out to the patriarch." Mu Yu said to Xiaoshuai.

The last time they entered the Kaixu Tripod to save the Danding School, in order to start the Kaixu Tripod, they interpreted 81 inscriptions at the beginning and formed some similar interpretations.

Xiaoshuai shook his head and said, "Are you talking about those weird inscriptions? I think, the beginning of chaos, the destiny of all kinds of fate, the birth of the Dao, the birth of the two, the two poles of the four images, the four images of the gossip, the gossip All things. Yin and Yang Qi, starting from chaos, stored in Dao, endowed with people's hearts, only get the meaning. Another sentence is... Dao is natural, Jiu Tian Daozhen Xingyu, Wuxing Lingqi produces all things. Nameless heaven and earth At the beginning, a famous mother of all things."

After talking, Xiaoshuai whispered, "I still don't understand these words. I only remember that Tianheng long lives in the closure of chaos, and the shadow **** bound spirit is not within the five elements. The handsome bound spirit should refer to me. "

Mu Yu suddenly remembered something. He slapped his head, and immediately understood a lot: "Yin and Yang Qi start from chaos and are stored in Taoism to give people hearts. Yin and Yang Qi refer to chaotic Yin and Yang!"

Xiaohe and Xiaobai jumped out of Muyu's body, playing happily in the air.

Mu Yu explained again: "At that time, we didn't see the **** and white of Kaixu Ding, so we don't know the meaning of this sentence very well. But now recall that Jiutian Daoqi Town Xingyu, Wuxing Lingqi produces everything, That is to say, there are at least nine Taoisms, and there should be chaotic yin and yang in each Taoism. For example, the owner of Kaixu Ding is the father of dead wood, the owner of the array is now me, and the five elements of the spirit produce everything and the five elements of spirit. The device must refer to this!"

Mu Ling sword appeared in Muyu's hands. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, because Mu Ling Jian was a very powerful thing, and even Jumang didn't know its origin very well. From this point of view, the water spirit in Qiao Xue's hands is also a five-element spirit weapon. As to whether Yan, Luo Di, and Xiangnan had obtained the five-element spirit weapon, Mu Yu didn't know.

Mu Yu went on to say, "Xiaoshuai, the "Tianheng Everlasting is closed in chaos, the shadow **** bound spirit is not within the five elements" you mentioned just now. The shadow **** refers to my master, the spirit bound not within the five elements. Refers to you, then the meaning of heaven and earth necessarily refers to the power of heaven and earth that exists in the body of the nine immortals! When the nine immortals are inadequate, the heaven and earth will be destroyed, meaning chaos is closed."

Zhuge Xiaosheng didn't quite understand Muyu's words and asked, "What do we know about these things?"

"Nine Daoqi, Kaixu Ding and Zhendian are able to resist the invasion of the Sanchong people. If the place of Qishuicheng will not be hungry by the people of the Sanchong Palace, it also means that Qishuicheng will do too! And we still have Did not find another person who lives forever.

Muyu thought of a possibility, could it be that the owner of Qishui City was just scratching?

Xiaoshuai slapped his head, and suddenly realized: "The domain ability that can suppress cultivation practice, if the owner of Qishuicheng is scratching, it is that the scratching is the domain ability is not--"

"Peerless and immortal!"

Mu Yu and Xiao Shuai said in unison.

"Peerless and immortal?" Both Zhuge Xiaosheng and Tianran didn't understand. They didn't know much about Mahayana's domain abilities.

Mu Yu explained: "After leaving Qingshui City, we went to the sea and went to the Dynasty of the Siren King. Xuan Jizi lively sealed the Siren King, and he left a town demon tower with many powerful Array technique. Xuanjizi real person, Sect Master, you should know?"

Zhuge Xiaosheng nodded: "Xuanjizi real person was a very powerful formation master of our formation, and there are records in our formation's classics. Talent groups have created many powerful formations, but he seems unwilling to act as formation. The patriarch's patriarch, instead of devoting himself to the study of array art, later disappeared mysteriously.

The mysterious disappearance is to go to the demon island to suppress the sea monster king.

"He was the real master of the triple palace more than five thousand years ago!" Mu Yu said.

Although the people of the Mie Palace want to keep it secret, the Mie Palace is now different from the past, controlled by aliens, and Zhuge Xiaosheng can be trusted, so Mu Yu did not hide anything.

"What? Master of the Mie Palace?" Zhuge Xiaosheng was taken aback.

Mu Yu told He Liankong in detail. After listening to Mu Yu's words, Zhuge Xiaosheng was already shocked. He hadn't come back for a long time.

"There is a master of the triple palace hidden in our ancestors? Oh my! I don't know at all." Zhuge Xiaosheng murmured.

This news was really shocking to Zhuge Xiaosheng. He used to think that the real man of Xuan Jizi was just an elder who didn't ask the world from his ancestral books, but he didn't expect the identity of Xuan Jizi to be so terrible!

However, as the master of the Mie Palace, the real person of the Xuanjizi follows the principle of secrecy. He will stand up only when there is danger in the realm of cultivation, and his identity will not be exposed at other times, so everyone in the lineage does not know this. Thing.

Mu Yu continued: "In the beginning, we entered the mysterious town demon tower of Xuanjizi, where one layer of the town demon tower was restricted by a domain ability. That domain ability was called Peerless Wuxian. We were there to deal with ghosts. The ghost of the door is sad."

"Yes, unload him for eight." Xiaoshuai added proudly.

Mu Yu has always felt that the realm of "no spirits and no immortals" is very unnatural, because no one can use spells in this realm, and the spiritual power of his body is completely crushed to death, which is a real mortal.

In this field, if you want to defeat your opponent, you rely on the flexibility and strength of your own body. Ghosts have their own strange tricks at the time. The body is almost the same as Meng Gong’s old river tour trapped in the sea of ​​twins. . Muyu has a shadow sword. Even if he can't use spiritual power, the sword moves are still strong.

If Qishui City itself is a Taoist, or if there is a Taoist guard in Qishui City, then there must be someone in Qishui City who controls the chaotic Yin and Yang, and Muyu needs to see this person.

Zhuge Xiaosheng strongly suppressed the shock of his heart, he thought for a moment, and continued: "Yes, there is another thing that makes me feel very strange is that there are some people in Qishui City, they have no shadow."

"No shadow? There are people without shadow in this world?" Mu Yu frowned.

Xiaoshuai said: "Mu Yu, have you forgotten? The two people we met in Qingshui City, what's their name? Oh, yes, Bai Yetian and Bai Yechan, they are people without shadows. !"

"Huh? They have no shadow? Are you sure?"

Muyu didn't notice this at the beginning, because when he first saw Bai Yetian, it was in the evening, when he was thinking of saving Muxin, he didn't care about this. The second time was after meeting my fellow brethren, the mood was a bit low, and he was unwilling to talk more with the shadowless people.

"Yes, Bai Yetian came to see us twice. When he appeared twice, his standing position was very tricky. It happened to be in the shadow of a rock in the desert. I couldn't see whether he had a shadow. But their point How could the tricks keep me handsome?" Xiaoshuai groaned.

"Why didn't you say that early!" Mu Yu knocked Xiaoshuai's head.

"Isn't he talking about being from the Shadowless Clan at that time!'Shadowless Clan', a race without a shadow, isn't it without a shadow! The obvious thing, I thought you knew it already, so I didn't mention it." Xiaoshuai Blinked.

Mu Yu couldn't help crying. He carefully recalled the scene of seeing the Wuying tribe twice. He did not pay attention to it. He said slowly: "At that time, Bai Yetian said that the existence of Wuying tribe was to eliminate the shadow people. I always thought "Wu Yingzu" literally understands that it should mean "let the realm world have no shadowman organization", which is strange--"

"What's wrong?" Xiaoshuai asked.

"Have you ever thought about one thing, we always thought that the Shadowman organization is the minion of the Mie Palace, but Huang Quan, the elder of the ghost door lurking in the Guimen for so long, would be a shadow killer of the Shadowman organization! If the shadowman organization is the minion of the triple palace, then the shadow killing Huang Quan should help the ghost door talent, but at the time, the shadow killing Huang Quan chose to stand by and watch us kill the ghost cold, which is obviously not right."

At the time, Shadow Killing Huang Quan was looking for Mu Yu for admonishment. There is some connection between the threat and the Winter Solstice. Mu Yu guessed that the admonition knew some important secrets of the filmmakers' organization. Shadow Killing Huang Quan must find the admonishment.

Mu Yu then analyzed: "The shadow killing organized by the shadow man is killing people by shadow, and if you say that Bai Yetian has no shadow, this is very abnormal. All of us in Triple Sky have shadow, from I haven’t heard of anyone who has no shadow. If I guess right, maybe the shadowless people are also aliens outside the triple sky! Just like the soul race, ghost race, and moon race. The shadowless race is also one of them. ."

The more Muyu thought about it, the more likely it was that the possibility of Qishuicheng was more than just a city with no comprehension, it was most likely to be a place where the shadowless people lived.

"Just what does this shadowless tribe really come from?" he said quietly.

None of them knew the origin of the Wuying tribe, only when Master Lu Xian once helped the Yingren organization to do array business, he heard about the origin of the Wuying tribe from the Yingren organization.

"When Heliankong was in Yaodao, didn't he say that the origin of the Wuying tribe was to avenge the old man with a white beard? That young man named Bai Liangsheng got the advice of the old man with a white beard~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then it flew into the sky, right? Muyu." Xiaoshuai said.

Muyu shook his head and said: "Some words that Senior Heliankong said on Yaodao cannot be taken seriously, because at that time, Senior Heliankong was a member of the Mie Palace, and he guarded the secrets of the Mie Palace. It is confidential, so what he said about the origin of the Wuying tribe may only be compiled casually. Sect Master, do you know how to go to Qishui City?"

Zhuge Xiaosheng said: "I don't know. At that time, the ancestor took me to go. At that time, my cultivation performance was still very low. The ancestor used the magical power to take me to a very ordinary small river, surrounded by fog. We Just walked along the river. Later, the patriarch took out a token and threw it into the river. Then we saw the city."


A light flashed in Muyu's mind, and he seemed to have a token too!


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