A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1060: Battle Mahayana!

   I am afraid that even Wu Yuzhou did not expect that they didn't die in the hands of Gu Yitian, but they died in the hands of the temple envoy!

The seven giant snakes of the temple emperor turned all of his two men during the robbery period into essence of soul power, and devoured it as much as possible. Then the whole body was lit up with white soul power, and the soul power pressed the vitality hard. Go on.

   After the essence of the soul of the two Soul Clan people during the robbery period was absorbed by the temple messenger, his domain ability suddenly became extremely powerful, and it had faintly exceeded the power of Muyu and Tianran's two Heavenly Swords. The temple messenger screamed, and the whole person had risen from the ground, and once again moved towards the border of the sky--

The power of the realm immediately covered the enchantment. With a clatter, the entire scarlet enchantment had collapsed and shattered, as if the blood-red sky had been broken, and the temple had rushed beyond the casino and got rid of the casino. The vital impact of tens of thousands of people.

   "This time, I want to level the whole city!"

   The ambassador said coldly until he retreated to a high altitude.

   Muyu and others looked at each other, and their eyes were extremely dignified. The hall made the soul people who had devoured the two robbery periods become more powerful than before. Now that the enchantment of the casino has been broken, the emissaries have left the casino, and the vitality of all the people can not be used by the formation, and they can no longer affect the emissaries. The situation is not good!

   "Soul Faro sound, seven insane madness!"

   The hallowed voice of killing intent came from a high altitude, and the seven serpents had been bombarded with violent momentum towards the entire casino. With his current soul power, a long-range blow is enough to destroy the casino!

   "Block him! Otherwise, this guy will become stronger after the people in the casino die!" Mu Yu shouted. He had rushed out and greeted the violent seven snakes.

   Once the gamblers of the casino die, it is equal to the soul power of tens of thousands of people again, but it is the source of strength of the temple ambassadors. They are even less likely to beat this powerful Mahayana master!

Tianran, Lonely Sky, Ximen Misfortune, and Wanwan followed closely, and they all understood the seriousness of the matter. Now the embassy can let go at a high altitude, and the powerful ones in the Mahayana period are quite terrible. Five of them I'm afraid it won't necessarily be able to beat it.

   But no one flinched, because all five people here hate the Soul Race, and all have reasons to kill the Soul Race!

The heavenly sword of the sky bombarded seven giant snakes in an instant. The majestic sword made the whole world seem to tremble and burst into an extremely powerful atmosphere. However, the hall made the domain ability at this time fully released, even more terrifying. Seven The serpent and the two Sky Swords fought each other, and the two Sky Swords showed signs of collapse!

Mu Yu stood calmly and calmly in the void, and the cyan gossip array under his feet instantly turned into a whirlpool. The whirlpool formed a vortex. This vortex interweaves in the entire casino, bringing all the gamblers’ illusion to life. Under his feet, he then merged into the two swords that were about to collapse.

   The original precarious Sky Sword was revived again, and the vigorous and invisible sword energy re-emerges, which actually blocked the attack of the seven sacred madness in an instant!

   However, the power of the field has enveloped all five people. In this field of power, the seven giant snakes are almost everywhere. Only one idea is needed for the temple, and the seven giant snakes will appear everywhere.

  After Muyu reacted, a white giant snake appeared behind them, biting at him and Tianran.

"Be careful!"

  Unfortunately, Simon and Wanwan joined forces, and a strange breath erupted from them, blocking the attack of the giant snake, but the other two giant snakes also bombarded towards them, and flew them out.

The simple and overbearing sword gas traverses, and the figure of Lone Sky has appeared at the neck of a white giant snake. The sword gas is cut off and the white giant snake is cut off at once. The white giant snake disappears, but soon Reunited and twisted him up.

   Muyu's shadow sword slashed down from the sky, the sword gas covered the white giant snake, smashed the white giant snake, and helped Gu Yitian get rid of the giant snake's entanglement.

   Muyu shouted: "Close to me!"

   Ximen unfortunately met with Wanwan and others immediately. Five people had quickly evaded the attack of the white giant snake, back to back surrounded Muyu, and surrounded Muyu in the middle. The wind and tsunami at the foot of Muyu enveloped Gu Yitian, Xi Men's misfortune, and Wan Wan.

   "We must join forces, otherwise we will die in this person's hand!" Mu Yu said in a deep voice.

  The ambassador is after all a Mahayana period. It is impossible to benefit from the ambassador’s realm in the field of the ambassador. He can only fight jointly.

   "You come to command." Gu Yitian said.

  Ximen unfortunately and Wanwan have no objection, only Muyu can use the array technique to guide the vitality of the gamblers in the casino, so letting Muyu command is the most correct choice.

At this time, Muyu was at the center, he used the formation method to absorb the vitality of the casino, and enveloped the entire qi of the casino on the five of them. The strong vitality ensured that they had a place in the realm of the temple. Those seven The giant snake is also condensed by the soul, and it is quite afraid of vitality.

   "How to defeat the Mahayana people?"

Mu Yu turned quickly in his mind. He has met more than one or two Mahayana masters so far. Whether they are real Lei Lei, white ape demon king or other demon kings, these people have given him an unattainable high. feel.

The biggest difference between the Mahayana period and the Mahayana period is that the Mahayana period has initially mastered the abilities of the domain. The domain is a piece of his own Dao law that the Mahayana period realized, but no one told Muyu how to deal with this law.


However, Muyu knows that there are weaknesses in any technique, such as his extremely powerful Sky Sword, which can use the power of the sky to exert its powerful power, but once trapped by the enchantment and cut off the connection with the sky, it will be restricted. The reason why the dead wood daddy's desperate lifeless domain was invalid to Muyu was because the desperate lifeless was full of powerful poison, and the poison was invalid to Muyu.

  Where are the weaknesses of the Seven Extremities?

   The geniuses of the five gangsters were surrounded by a cyan gossip array, forming a powerful barrier. Although they could not affect the temple, they could still be avoided by resisting the attacks of the seven giant white snakes.

It's just that the speed and power of the seven white snakes have become more and more powerful. Each giant snake slammed down, as if the world and earth were shaking, the clouds in the sky have been shaken, if not all of them are extremely powerful Extraordinary, I am afraid that the attack of a giant snake can not be stopped.

  But if you go on like this, it is impossible for them to consume the mahayana period with their spiritual power during the robbery period. I am afraid that they will be completely defeated by the temple messenger in a moment!

   "You can still persevere for so long, I really underestimate you, but you will definitely die today!"

   Hall was cold, the white soul in his hand was shining again, and the attack of the seven giant snakes had become more and more intense.

   "The seven musts of madness are everywhere in the field, so how to peep through this field?"

Muyu controlled the formation and led everyone to escape the attack of a white giant snake again, but another giant snake had appeared on the left. The sword gas in Gu Yitian's hand swept through and cut off the giant snake. The attack took the giant snake's blow stiffly, and the five retreated.

  The giant snake above appeared again. The evil ghost fan in the unfortunate hands of Ximen scraped out a magical blade, knocking back the giant snake, and he also controlled Ling Xian's sword to destroy the giant snake below.

Muyu recalled that when he was in the lineup, he learned the experience of the Tiangang star array. The formation of the Tiangang star array can teleport out the person who casts the array, but the transient target of this array is Randomly appear within a certain range and cannot be controlled completely, and Muyu controls this formation method, which is combined with the falling dust step method, so that he appears in a specific position.

   Tomb of Seven Sects in a certain extent is also like the Tiangang Astral Array after the improvement of Muyu. It can appear in any place in the field, but it is obviously more powerful than the Tiangang Astral Array of Muyu. In this case, as long as the rule of appearance of the seven giant snakes is counted, then it should be possible to predict the next movement of the seven giant snakes and avoid such passiveness.

   Muyu's eyes lit up with green lines. He kept avoiding the attacks of the seven giant snakes, but the attacking directions of the seven giant snakes gradually formed an extremely complicated trajectory in his mind. Because of the wind and heart, they can see the thought in Muyu's mind.

   "Do you want to deduce the field to deal with? Can you still do this?" Simon was unfortunately surprised.

   Other people were surprised when they saw Muyu's mind deducing in this field. They never thought they could use the deduction ability to cope with the Mahayana masters. But the way of deduction in Muyu's mind is really complicated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gu Yitian and others do not have the talents in this respect, and they can't keep up with Muyu's thinking.


The formation formed by the five men was repulsed by two giant snakes. The spiritual power of everyone was shaking, the blood was rolling, and the power of the Mahayana period was beyond their imagination. Everyone was injured not badly, but everyone They gritted their teeth and held back.

   And Muyu was already immersed in the complicated deduction in his mind at this time, the whole formation could not be controlled.

   "We help Muyu to delay it for a while!" She knew others well and knew Muyu.

   In the face of the Mahayana ambassador, they can only rely on Muyu. At this time, Muyu needs time to develop weaknesses in this field. Only by demonstrating weaknesses in the field can it defeat the court envoy. But the attack of the emperor's ambassador was really fierce, and the strength of the five of them was too reluctant.


Gu Yitian simply responded that his wide sword had a strong sword spirit in every crack, and it was contaminated with the vitality of Muyu's gossip array. The overbearing sword spirit even formed a huge sword. mango!

The tranquil fairy sword is like a piece of autumn water, helping him to block any violent white giant snake that swept over from Mu Yu, and his face has shown a strenuous look. Mu Yu is devoting himself attentively at this time, and their strength cannot be. Use one at the same time.

   "Wanwan, you and I don't need to hide anymore."

   Ximen unfortunately suddenly smiled at Wanwan.

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