A Sword Through the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1074: Execution

The gate of the city was already crowded with people.

It is crowded here at noon every day. Since the five martial arts united, almost every big person who was famous was slain here, deterring many innocent people who wanted to resist the Sannomiya.

Yang Lin was divided into Liao Jianshu, the cultivator of the spiritual period, the head of the Guanxin School's fitness period, the Taoist of the Xinhe River, and the Tianhe Valley's cultivator of the Tianhe Valley, the fitness period...

Most of these beheaded people are prominent figures in the realm of comprehension. When they were young, they became famous throughout the realm. Although they cannot be compared with the younger generation today, their reputation is still there.

The heads or elders of these martial arts are upright. After understanding the conspiracy of the Saneung Palace and the Wuyue League, they chose to call on the instructors to resist the rule of the Saneung Palace. However, their strength is too weak to withstand the Wuyue League. Was captured by the Wolf Slayer, and was killed in front of everyone in the city!

Today, it is the two innate array masters of the Sect, Lu Deyi and Situ Yangtian!

Under the guidance of Mu Yu, Lu Deyi and Situ Yangtian have already entered the realm of the fit phase. The innate array masters of the fit phase are extremely deterrent in the entire cultivation world. The strength of the innate array division is originally stronger than other integrators. The innate array division in the fit phase can be said to be in a top presence in the realm of the fit phase!

Some time ago, because of the invasion of the Yumon Demon Clan, the position of the array division was enough to compare with the alchemist division of the Danding School. The reputation of the nineteen innate array divisions of the array ancestors is also a big name in the realm of truth, Lu Deyi and Situ Yangtian is known by many people.

But it was these two big men who were captured by the Wuyue League and were to be executed in public!

This incident shocked the entire city. The two innate formations dared to kill. Who dare to challenge the majesty of the Wuyue League?

There is a transparent soul bubble above the gate of the city. These bubbles float in the void. Each bubble is an incomplete corpse, or the body is separated, or cut in half by the waist. Miserable and impactful.

The Wuyue League killed these innocents who did not want to be enslaved, and used special means to hang their bodies here to show the public, warning those who were unwilling to succumb. Their corpses are protected from decay, but they will be eaten by flying birds. Every person killed will be sorted into what they were before life, so that everyone can see the identity of the executed.

Many people under the gate were terrified, and now few people dare to stand up and say "no" to the "Five Yue League", fearing that they will become the next person to be executed if they are not careful.

Both Lu Xianshi and Situ Xianshi were covered in blood, bound in midair, haggard and weak in breath.

There is an executioner on the upper gate of the city gate, this is the elder of the life and death gate, named iron killing life, a heavy day of cultivation, natural brutality, like to abuse the instructor in various ways, and then the corpse of the instructor is tempered Become your own magic weapon. The self-cultivators who were executed at the gate of the city were all beheaded by him, and he had a morbid pleasure for killing.

At this time, a fit middle-aged man was on the execution frame, and a soul nail was nailed in the middle of his forehead, making him unable to move.

"The Southern Wei Daoist, the leader of the Southern Wei School, publicly slanderd the Triple Palace on the occasion of the announcement, questioned our Wuyue League's decision, and committed the crime of death. How should I behead you?" Tie Shasheng stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked After a moment of dry lips, his eyes were very excited.

The Daoist of the Southern Wei Dynasty had a solemn face, with short beards, and sneered coldly: "You Wuyue League and Sanchong Palace bully those who are cultivating the truth, killing the world, and sin is unforgivable. Those who are malicious and intentional will be condemned!"

"Drug intentions? You said we were poisoned, then I want to see what your heart tastes like." Tie Shengsheng slowly stretched out his fingers, his fingers were waxy, as if soaked in corpse water for a hundred years, his fingertips creaked Creaking began to grow two inches long yellow nails.

The Nanwei Daoist stared at Tie Shengsheng's yellow nails, also disgusted.

However, Tie Shasheng's fingers had reached the chest of the Nanwei Daoist, and his nails penetrated slowly into the chest of the Nanwei Daoist, as if the Nanwei Daoist's body was paper-shattered and could not withstand a blow.

"You..." The Taoist of Nanwei violently straightened his body, with a painful expression on his face.


The heart of the Nanwei Taoist has been pulled out, and the heart is still beating in the hands of the iron killer. The Nanwei Taoist has widened his eyes and a hole appeared in his chest, but he did not die immediately, and there was a body in the hole Anger, even kept the Taoist people of Nan Wei alive!

"Without my heart, my corpse can make you live for another half a quarter of an hour. Rest assured, you will see how you were killed by me. You know, those who opposed our Wuyue League did not end well. "

Tie Shasheng raised the heart of the Nanwei Daoist to his mouth, and then just under the eyes of everyone, he swallowed the heart of the Nanwei Daoist directly!

All the onlookers couldn't help feeling a chill, and there was a tumbling in the stomach. The iron killing method of life and death was really cruel, and it swallowed the heart of others!

The Taoist people in the Nan Wei watched his heart swallowed by Tie Shengsheng with his own eyes, and it was also terrifying. Who could have thought that Tie Shengsheng would be like a wild beast and looked at people's hearts in front of so many innocents!

"You are ruthless!" Nan Wei Taoist said tremblingly.

"This is just an appetizer."

Tie Shasheng glanced coldly at the crowd of people watching him. He did this to make all comprehensions understand that the people who do not obey the Wuyue League and the Sanchong Palace are going to end!


The two arms of the Nanwei Taoist had been killed by iron and severely torn off, followed by his left leg and right leg... The Nanwei Taoist clenched his teeth and mumbled, still not yielding. He knew his end from the beginning, but some people are proud and unwilling to live under the shadowy rule.

"Relax, I only peel the skin of your body, and I won't damage your face. If your face is scratched, who can recognize you? Your face is for exhibition, let everyone know and we Who are the right people and what is the end now."

Tie Shengsheng's nails began to scratch the skin of the Nanwei Taoist people. The Nanwei Taoist people had no more guts and finally screamed out. The heartbreaking roar echoed over the city, making the onlookers feel dry. Dry tongue.

Blood spilled from the air, spilled on the ground, and also on the crowd of onlookers. Everyone will be shocked when they see the execution. It means that every comprehension person is as cruel as him.

The whole process lasted for half a quarter of an hour. This half-central clock killed the Taoist people in the Southern Wei Dynasty to ensure that they were still awake, experienced all the pain, and finally couldn't even call out their voices.

"Remember not to fight against us for the rest of your life. Be on the road!"

With a wave of his hand and a nail like a knife, Tie Xiansheng cut off the head of the Nanwei Taoist! The soul stone in his hand also radiated a light, and collected the souls of the Taoists in Nan Wei.

The eyes of the Daoist of Nan Wei almost glared out, and after being tortured for so long, death was a relief for him.

Soon two innocents rushed over and began to tidy the messy hair of the head of the Nanwei Taoist and clean the blood stains on his face.

In order to serve as a warning, Wuyuemeng tells other cultivators the identity of the executed, they will all clean up the face of the executed, even if the wound will be repaired, and the messy hair should be combed to keep it alive. With his appearance, he warned other instructors who were against the Wuyue League and what was the end, which was extremely deterrent.

The onlookers have been frightened by Tie Shengsheng. This kind of scene has to be staged every few days every day. Every day, people are killed by Tie Shengsheng by cruel means. There were still some people who didn’t want to obey the rules set by the Wuyue League, but Now that everyone understands what is the end of striking the stone with an egg, he knows the dirty conspiracy of the Mie Palace and dare not say it.

"Unfortunately, I still did not save the head of the Nan Wei School." Lu Xianshi sighed slightly, looking at the Nan Wei Taoist who had been cut off his head and looked distorted because of pain. His eyes were bleak for a while.

Situ Yangtian smiled bitterly: "You can also pity others, we will soon become the next Nanwei Taoist ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Become one of these corpses."

Master Lu Xian seemed to be afraid of death at all, and said with a smile: "Huge husband is standing upright, why not die for the sake of righteousness? I just wish I could watch the day when the Sanchong Palace was destroyed by our master! These people who were beheaded are all They are conscientious and savvy innocents. They are unwilling to succumb to the Sanchong Palace and the Wuyue League, and we have nothing to fear."

Situ Yangtian also laughed: "Fight with you for a lifetime, but I don't know if you can say such awe-inspiring words!"

Master Lu Xian glanced at Situ Yangtian, and then at the others who were beheaded, and said with a smirk: "The hair of these justices was combed meticulously, and his face was also washed cleanly, although the whole body was pecked by flying birds, But only the head is intact and can be distinguished. After we die, I think that the patriarch and the gate master can recognize us through our heads and collect the corpse for us. This is already a lucky luck."

Situ Yangtian also laughed as if he were dead: "It seems that the Wuyue League did an unintended good thing by accident. I really hope to see the destruction of the Wuyue League and Sanchong Palace alive."

Master Lu Xian glanced at the pale and suspicious comprehension underneath. He looked at the sky again and sighed: "Unfortunately, we did not send the information back to the suzerain. This information is very important for Muyu. If you take a step late, it is very likely...ah! We are useless."

Speaking of intelligence, Situ Yangtian was also somewhat reluctant: "I hope Muyu can find out about this! We really did not do our due diligence. The tasks we had to complete were not completed, and we lost our lives."

Both Lu Xianshi and Situ Yangtian were loyal to Zong. When they were dying, they were not thinking about how to escape, but they blamed themselves for not sending back the inquired information.

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